DCCA is here to keep you supported, informed, and busy!
Are you noticing a lot of common threads to our conversations these days? Sharing our news and concerns and anxieties about the COVID spread, exchanging tips on best times and locations for food markets, asking the unanswerable 'when will it be over'?
But listen closely and in these conversations you are also bound to hear about small pleasures -- spending time to video-chat with family rather than reducing interactions to simple texts, pride in creating a loaf of bread from scratch, the deep relief that comes from a nice walk in the fresh air, and the many other quiet ways we find peace when we remember to take a break from the news.
It's a hard time but together (while apart) we are sharing these moments of pleasure and awe. Even with the personal struggles it's important to allow yourself balance and hold those moments and offer yourself a moment to smile. After all they say smiles are contagious...(but in a good way).
Take care everyone -- we are always happy to hear your feedback and will continue to share information each week.
DCCA Takes Action in Support of Residential Property Tax Postponement
As part of the DC Council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences for the District, the Council voted to defer real property taxes for hotels and sales taxes for other businesses for 90 days. The bill contained a lot of relief for a lot of businesses as well as for the unemployed, renters, and others.
Notably absent from the bill’s relief provisions was any relief for the District’s residential property owners.
In passing the relief bill last week, the Council also committed to making further relief available as needs became known.
On March 27th DCCA sent a letter to Council to make known the needs of the District’s homeowners to have the 1st half of 2020 real estate taxes due on March 31, 2020 deferred for 90 days. While March 30 has now come and gone, we hope Council will provide some relief to homeowners as it considers additional measures in the future.
Click here to visit our web page and read the letter.
It is the time of year when the DCCA Nominations Committee is, virtually of course, compiling the nominations for officers and
new board members for the next fiscal year.
If you are interested in joining the DCCA Board of Directors please
email DCCA no later than April 13.
The nominations will be sent out to DCCA members later in April.
Beginning Wednesday, April 1st the District a stay-at-home order was put in place for the District of Columbia. The Mayor explained this move was in response to the increasing number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Washington, DC and across the region and the nation
The Mayor’s Order specifies that residents may only leave their residences to:
- engage in essential activities, including obtaining medical care that cannot be provided through telehealth and obtaining food and essential household goods;
- perform or access essential governmental functions;
- work at essential businesses;
- engage in essential travel; or
- engage in allowable recreational activities, as defined by the Mayor’s Order.
Any individual who willfully violates the stay-at-home order may be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, subject to a fine not exceeding $5,000, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
District Resources for COVID-19
The DC Government has been updating its COVID-19 website with link news releases, data on testing in the District and other information. Visit
You can also visit the
CDC website for additional information.
Looking for a Way to Help Neighbors?
DCCA has compiled a list of organizations that are aiding the most vulnerable during this public health crisis.
Senior Assistance Programs
The Department on Aging and Community Living (DACL) continues to provide critical services at this time. To help senior citizens through this public health emergency, DACL has:
- Provided for the weekly delivery of pre-prepared meals to registered senior citizens;
- Rolled out a “Call & Talk” hotline for seniors to dial in for general inquiries or casual conversation; and
- Partnered with https://www.aroundtowndc.org/ to provide online activities for senior citizens.
To sign up for the weekly meal delivery service, inquire about transportation assistance, or refer another senior citizen for aid, call DACL at 202-724-5626. You may encounter extended wait times or technical glitches, please do not hang up and wait for someone to answer your call.
Board of Elections Announces New Early Voting Measures for Primary and Ward 2 Special Election
DC Board of Elections announced new measures to increase voter access and safety during the 2020 June Primary Election and Ward 2 Special Election,
amid the recent COVID-19 outbreak nationwide. DCBOE is implementing expanded mail-in ballot capabilities.
Click to read the DCLine article to learn more about the press release and how to apply for an absentee ballot.
Capital Pride Alliance Announces Postponement of DC Pride Events
The Board of Directors of the Capital Pride Alliance (CPA) has voted to postpone their annual June events, including the
Pride Parade
DCCA was excited to particpate in the parade this year but we will keep you updated on the rescheduling of the event and will look forward to a return to neighborhood outdoor celebrations, when the time is right.
For more information and to read the press release click
New Ideas for Keeping Active and Engaged
Challenges aside we are now presented with a time to slow down and look around...
Catch a Broadway Show: The streaming platform
BroadwayHD offers a seven-day free trial, so theater fans can watch musicals like “Kinky Boots” and “Cats” and plays including “King Lear” and “A Doll’s House” from their couches.
Dial it down:
Meditation and focusing on the present moment is a helpful way to let go of worry of the unknown. Consider this
Sanity Guide
, install the popular
app on your phone for guided meditations any time of day, or check out
Oprah and Deepak Chopra's
free program. ....Most importantly, BREATH. Deep inhale, deep exhales. You got this.
Recipe Challenge: Pasta & Veg
Local restaurants are still offering
grab & go and delivery options and we want you to support them and the delivery people who are helping people get the food and goods they need. Note that the nearby Duplex Diner recently
re-opened for grab and go.
But to help us connect and share some fun we are challenging you to send along your favorite recipes to make using our precious pantry stock.
- This week's pantry challenge asks you to use two core ingredients: Dried pasta and a Frozen Vegetable.
Give it your spin -- add ingredients from your fridge and cabinet and offer your own tips on prep. Send us a recipe (and a pic!) to
info@dupont-circle.org. We want to share your ideas as a way to touch a neighbor (without breaking the rules).
Need inspiration? Check out
Jose Andres' lively video on preparing and sharing his Mom's Lentil stew -- prepared to the tune of
Hamilton's "Alexander Hamilton"!
Calling All Apartment Dwellers Seeking Ways to Farm!
When my scallions showed regrowth in just three days...I knew I was onto something:
By taking a few vegetable remains you can quickly re-
produce (see what I did there) using just water. It's economical, it limits trips to the store, and it's incredibly satisfying to see progress in the window and on the plate.
Click here to see the different vegetable you can grow.
As we all return to the basics and have a little more time to prepare there are some great ways to use cooking to soothe.
- Separated from young adult kids -- why not email or videochat and walk them through how to re-create Mom's cooking!?
- Have you heard? Kneading dough is the new meditation. Try this simple overnight Dutch Oven bread recipe or venture into the english muffins, sourdough or more!
- No talent in the kitchen but now we have you craving carbs? Consider bagels --beginning Monday, March 30th Call Your Mother will be reopening with a limited menu that you can order online for pick up only at their Park View shop...
Self Guided Walking Tours
As you practice social distancing during the next few weeks, consider taking a stroll along the Neighborhood Heritage Trails. Each trail offers a one- to two-mile trek punctuated by large poster-sized markers that combine stories, historic photographs and maps to bring DC history and culture to life. There are 17 heritage trails throughout the city, so pick one and get some fresh air!
to learn more about the heritage trails.
SXSW Film Festival Shorts Online Stream
Having a hard time concentrating on a 3 hour feature film? Well we have the answer!
In the wake of the canceled 2020
SXSW Film Festival, Mailchimp launched a streaming event to view select short films from the fest for free on its platform. It includes over 70 short films, including the four festival winners and seven special recognition films. Click
here to see the line up.
Music + Levity = Laughter
Because sometimes the hard things in life are made easier with a little Weird Al treatment:
A Boston comedian's take on
Bohemian Rhapsody (Is this a fever or it is it just allergies...)
Smile You're on Candid Camera...
For those who are new to videoconferencing the last few weeks offered a deep learning curve!
Video conferencing allows ways to socialize, take advantage of live chat groups and presentation and most health plans, including
Medicare are now covering tele-health visits that allow you to handle many health appointments online.
Whether you are trying to dip your own toe in the water or help less tech savvy friends and family there are great resources available:
- If you, your relative or friend has an iPhone or iPad, FaceTime may be the best option. It comes preinstalled on those devices, and is almost the same as answering a phone call.
The Curious Case of the Antidepressant, Anti-Anxiety Backyard Garden -
City Lights: Jam With 9:30 Club or Learn from Local Universities -
Pandemic Puts DC Historic Review Applications On Hold -
Let Free Virtual Cooking Classes From Restless Chefs Entertain You -
Five D.C. Bars and Restaurants End Take-Out and Delivery, Opting to Close Instead -
Membership runs through the calendar year. DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org