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June 2024 Newsletter

Monthly Calendar

A Note from the Pastor

Last Sunday, I began a five-part sermon series on "Conversations as Spiritual Practice." This series grows out of my New Year's resolution. How can I have as many profound, insightful, challenging, and fun conversations as possible in 2024? This goal is a stretch for a moderate introvert like me. My idea of a good time is kayaking to see the seals, reading a book beside the woodstove, or cooking while watching spy shows on Netflix. Church coffee hours are exhausting, and cocktail parties feel like being trapped in a commercial. If there were a class in small talk, I would get a C. I'm content with the number of conversations I have now with close friends. Why would I look for more opportunities for discourse and consider it a spiritual practice? 

How, exactly, is talking with someone a spiritual practice? If spiritual practices are the habits and rituals we follow to seek a connection with Divine reality, conversations can serve this role. First, conversations are the building blocks of all loving relationships. You must talk to grow together.


Second, we learn who we are by sharing with others. We get positive feedback that inspires us and negative feedback that makes us wrestle. We grow as we say things out loud, and people hear our ideas, hopes, and dreams. Sharing makes things real.

Third, conversations expand our awareness beyond our own experiences. We must cross the bridge to another person's reality for meaningful discourse. We can't experience everything, so interchange with others creates new awareness. If the habit of conversation creates more love, deepens self-understanding, and opens us to a new understanding of life, I think that qualifies as a spiritual practice. Just ask Harriet Lerner, who said, "Truly listening to someone is the ultimate spiritual practice." 

I always like to throw in some word origins. "Conversation" is from the Latin root "conversari," which is a combination of "con-" (with) and "versari" (to turn or be engaged). We need to engage with people meaningfully, in addition to silent and contemplative spiritual practices.

If you missed the first sermon on the conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus, you can click HERE to read it. In the following weeks, I will explore conversations between God and Elijah and Abraham, Jesus, and Mary and Martha, and the challenges of hostile divides. Join us every Sunday and consider the spiritual practice of having better conversations.

Pastor Todd

June Worship Schedule:

Conversations as Spiritual Practice

June 2 | Second Sunday after Pentecost | Holy Communion

"The Sound of Silence"

I Kings 19:1-12

New Member Information Tour following worship

June 9 | Music Sunday | Third Sunday after Pentecost

"Can You Argue with God?"

Genesis 18:16-33

June 16 | Strengthen the Church Special Offering | Father's Day | Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

"Caught In-Between People"

Luke 10:38-42

June 23 | Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

"The Dividing Walls of Hostility"

Ephesians 2:14-18

June 30 | Open and Affirming Sunday | Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

"The Questions We Ask"

John 5:1-15

News & Announcements

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New Member Information Tour


Pastor Todd will lead a church tour on June 2nd following worship, focusing on our history, mission, and activities. Many of our values and experiences are embedded in our physical space. Come and learn about the church’s role in forming the town, famous pastors, and how our architecture reflects our beliefs and theology. Everyone is welcome, and Todd will answer questions along the way. If you are interested in joining the church or meeting Pastor Todd, email

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Music Notes

It's changeover time: time to thank our faithful, fabulous musicians who have shared so much time and talent with us throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Our worship services are rich through your leadership and inspiration. Thank you to the Handbell Choir, Vocal Choir, Kerry Jackson, Cellist, and Carolyn Lanigan, Flutist. 

Thank you, Jamie Knobloch, our volunteer Handbell Director, for being the driving force that keeps so many players organized and growing in both numbers and skills.

While the Handbell Choir will take the summer off, our Vocal Choir will continue with rehearsals on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. Practice files are also on the Choir website. We welcome singers who worship with us every week or just once. We enjoy the talents of our summer friends and families. Feel free to drop in to sing in the vocal choir, or if you or your family/friends are instrumentalists who would like to share with us, please let Genie O know so that preludes and postludes can be coordinated.

Music Sunday is June 9th! You'll want to be present to experience and be part of the energy and talents of all the people named above and a few more.

News from Midcoast Association of the Maine Conference UCC: Spring Meeting Speaker Announced

Greetings, friends,

We have an exciting program for our Spring Association meeting!

On June 9 the Midcoast Association of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ will host Vice Chief Richard Silliboy, a distinguished leader of the Mi'kmaq Nation. The Spring meeting of the Association will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Second Congregational Church of Newcastle, located at 51 Main Street. In his presentation, Vice Chief Silliboy will provide valuable insights into the rich heritage of the Mi'kmaq tribe, shed light on pertinent legislation and Sovereignty issues affecting Indigenous Wabanaki communities, and open the floor for an interactive Q&A session.

Vice Chief Richard Silliboy resides on tribal land in Littleton, Maine. He is a dedicated father of five and a Co-Chair of the Abbe Museum’s Executive Committee. Renowned as a Master Basket Maker, he holds the distinction of creating the world's largest Potato Basket, showcasing his innovative approach to traditional Mi'kmaq basketry. Richard's leadership and artistic prowess make him a distinguished figure, contributing significantly to the preservation and promotion of Mi'kmaq heritage.

We encourage members of Midcoast Association Churches to attend and learn more about the Wabanaki People. 

There will be a brief business meeting before the presentation. We are looking for a treasurer and a scribe for the Executive Committee. Do you, perchance, feel called?

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Blessings, Rev. Anne Roundy, Moderator

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Strengthen the Church Special Offering

Through the Strengthen the Church Offering, people across the United Church of Christ support the formation of new congregations and the renewal of existing ones, fund new programs for youth and young adults and sponsor leadership development for the whole church.

We will collect donations for this special offering on June 16, 2024. You may make checks payable to Congo Church BBH with "STC" in the memo line. You click HERE to give online.

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Mark your calendars for the

Workers from Away Reception

Wednesday, June 19, from Noon-2:00 PM


The Congregational Church’s Mission Committee has a long history of welcoming summer workers from near and far to our community by hosting a lunch gathering and gifting them with non-perishable treats and, most importantly, resources available for them to ensure a safe and welcoming experience in our community. These have included resources for housing issues, health care, police protection, Rotary bicycle loans for their transportation, domestic violence protection, and activities at the YMCA.

Our hope is to promote peace and international understanding through fellowship with our guests. Please join us.


Please sign up to bring the following:

·      baked chicken, chicken dishes, casseroles

·      rice dishes

·      fruit salad or whole fruits

·      rolls or bread (by the dozen)

·      cookies or bars (by the dozen)

·      set-up/clean-up


Avoid Pork products, casseroles, or sauces that may be hard to recognize, or food that is quintessentially American (such as peanut butter!). We expect 40-50 guests.


Come and mingle with our guests!


A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall, or you may click HERE to sign up online.

News From the Mission Committee

Pride Walk in Newcastle/Damariscotta

Reserve the morning of Saturday, June 22, on your calendar for a walk, fun activities, and music in Damariscotta to celebrate Pride Month. It starts at 10:00 a.m.

The theme this year—Pride, Unity, Resilience, and Belonging—has never been more meaningful for LGBTQ+ folks and our entire community.

Let’s meet in the church parking lot and go as a group. It will be lots of fun and really rewarding for ALL of us!

The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. You can also call Heather at the Church Office.

Let’s Talk About It!

Please join us for Coffee Hour after the Service on June 23. While munching some goodies, we will have a brief discussion about our church’s support of mission initiatives. We would like to know what you think. Here’s your chance to help direct where our efforts to help our neighbors should go. See you then!

The Missions Committee

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Sunday School News and VBS

The Sunday School would like to say thank you to everyone who made our Children's Sunday such an amazing day!  

Please join us for some summer VBS fun! 

June 24 to 28 from 9 a.m.-NOON 

Everyone ages 5-12 are welcome!

More information will be coming soon! 

Have a wonderful summer! See you all in the fall!

Ms. Magen

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News From the Deacons

From our May meeting:

Rev. Todd will focus June's sermons on "better conversations" with God.

Summer activities will focus on "Feasting" (eating together). One activity will involve a volunteer(s) hosting a small gathering. The Faith Formation Committee is coordinating (see prior newsletter). If you or several individuals are willing to host, contact Barb Fritz.

Our church will support a Pastoral Intern from September 2024 to May 2025. Rev Todd will meet weekly with this individual, and a "Support Team" will meet monthly with the Intern. The folks on this team are Nancy Adams,

Dan Lavitt, Peggy Pinkham, and Ginger Rickeman. An orientation for these folks was held on May 6 with the Dean of the Maine School of Ministry. At this time, we do not know the name of the Intern and will keep you informed as more information is shared.


Peggy Pinkham was asked to join the committee assessing options for a potential sanctuary renovation. For further information, see the article in the newsletter.


We encourage anyone to sign up for Sunday's invocation/scripture reading. The invocation should be a short prayer and welcome. Our Pastor can provide an invocation and will share the scripture days before the Sunday.

Additionally, all are welcome to sign up to 1) provide flowers for Sunday service and 2) host coffee time after church. You can sign up online by signing up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall or by calling the church office at 633-4757.

Thank you to all who presently have volunteered for any of the above!

We welcome your comments and thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.

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News From the Trustees


The Trustees have formulated a sub-committee with representation from Trustees, Deacons, and the Music Committee to explore possibilities for renovating the front of the sanctuary while maintaining the aesthetic of our beautiful historical space. The committee is tasked with addressing:

Accessibility for choir members, guest musicians, lay readers, guest preachers, and anyone else who would like to participate in worship on the dais or choir loft.

Current impediments:

  1. The 3 steps up to the dais are steep and shallow, making them difficult to navigate, and the handrail is awkward.
  2. There are an additional 3 levels in the choir loft.
  3. There is no wheelchair or walker access to any of those levels.


Creating safer, increased, and more flexible space for both choirs. 

Current challenges:

  1. The vocal choir is approaching maximum capacity, with little room for expansion. As is, additional seating would result in an unsafe situation if quick egress were required.
  2. The bell choir using the limited floor space is an obstacle for Deacons and ushers, especially when a 5th table is needed. When the communion table or holiday displays are present, the congestion is unsafe.


The Trustees are also looking into other future needs, such as safe and adequate parking, energy efficiency, climate control in the sanctuary, and improving the AV system.


A modest capital campaign would be needed to address any or all of these items, but it would only be a fraction of what was required for the major project 10 years ago. A meeting will be scheduled in the near future for Q&A so the committee can hear your thoughts and concerns.


The subcommittee members are Genie O’Connell, Richard Shepard, Lee Corbin, Peggy Pinkham, Jamie Knobloch, and Todd Weir, ex officio.

Church Life & Education

Email for ZOOM links

Adult Education

8:15 AM Sunday

Not Currently Meeting

Bible Study

NOON on Mondays

Book & Meditation

6:30 AM Tuesdays

Currently Reading: The Amen Effect by Sharon Brous

Wednesday Book Group

4:00 PM Wednesdays

Men's Breakfast

8:00 AM

First Thursday of the Month

Mama D's

Spouse Support Group

2:00 PM Wednesdays

Bells Rehearsal

2:00 PM Thursdays

No regular rehearsal after June 9 for the summer


Choir Rehearsal

4:30 PM Thursdays

9:00 AM Sundays after June 9


Contact Us

Congregational Church

of Boothbay Harbor, UCC

125 Townsend Avenue

Boothbay Harbor ME 04538

(207) 633-4757

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