National Volunteer Week,

it takes a Village!

"The lifeblood of any small community or neighborhood, volunteerism instills a sense of belonging. Read on, a snippet of volunteerism at its best!

Julie Basol, VP Executive Director

Gettin' it DONE!

Who do you call when you need to round up volunteers? Cookie Step, of course! One phone call resulted in a clean sweep of our downtown last Sunday morning. 12 hours of assistance from Leo Lions, 10 huge bags

of leaves and debris, so very grateful to all!

Leos (L to R): McKenzie Flint, Scout Jacobson, Mason Charlebois (mentor), Cookie Steponaitis (mentor) and Wilder Jacobson

Tons of leaves collect at the Basin Block from up the street each year. Leo Lion McKenzie heads up the Green Team at VUHS too! Together with Mason, Leo mentor, they gained great efficiencies in front of Vergennes Laundry!

Joyfully sweeping, Scout Jacobson gets into the downtown nooks and crannies on the Ryan Block near 3 Squares Cafe and Your Turn Resale Shoppe - leaving not a leaf behind! Her brother, Wilder, REALLY liked using the leaf blower!

Vergennes Cemetery Committee

Vergennes Burying Ground Restoration Seeking volunteers, workday: Saturday, May 18, 8:00-Noon

Over the past year, Heather Simons has been the dedicated local resident giving energy and life to the newly formed Vergennes Cemetery Committee. The committee has been diligently working to restore the gravestones at the old Vergennes Burying Ground on School Street. Established in 1790, the Burying Ground is the oldest cemetery in Vergennes. Inactive since 1979, a total of 18 veterans are buried in the cemetery from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil War. Some notable monuments include Major General Samuel Strong (businessman and leader of the Vermont Militia through the Battle of Plattsburgh), Captain Jazahiel Sherman (steamship captain & boat builder), Enoch Woodbridge (Chief Justice of the VT Supreme Court and first mayor of Vergennes), Asa Strong (first postmaster of Vergennes), and Harvey Freegrace Leavitt (minister of Congregational Church and abolitionist).

Learn More

FUEL the FIRE: Reviving History, One-Ticket-at-a-Time Boyer Truck Restoration Project

Joined in history and in purpose, the Vergennes Fire Department and the Steven's Hose Company both serve the community and help our firefighters keep up to date with equipment, devices and special projects. You've seen the posters all over the Little City, scan the QR code to purchase a raffle ticket and help restore their antique boyer truck!

The Vergennes Fire Department is lead by Chief David DiBaise. Ever considered serving the community by joining the fire department? Give David a shout:

All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Vergennes MEMORIAL DAY Parade Monday, May 27 11:00am

Volunteerism takes many, many forms - especially when it comes to putting on the largest Memorial Day parade in the state! Hosted since 1946 by the American Legion Post 14, the parade honors all the men and women who have served our country during times of conflict. Plan your viewing spot along the 1.5 mile route (which begins at the high school) and enjoy this year's parade. Details

Vergennes Partnership

Salute to the VP Board of Directors

As Vergennes Partnership turned 25 in 2024, we are thrilled with the support given to us by business and individuals, not only those with vested interests, but all who have a sincere love of the Little City! Celebrating the entire year, the Partnership continually works to make Vergennes an even better place to live, work and play. Stay tuned for special events and promotions as we join others in the Vergennes Memorial Day parade - Monday, May 27! Meet the VP Board.

Cannot NOT Mention...

The Vergennes Opera House is one big giant gem right in the heart of the Little City. Operated with a committed, all-volunteer board, their All Access Project is in motion that will soon make the Opera House and City Hall truly accessible to all. To learn more, click here.

Looking ahead.....

Check out the Vergennes Partnership Calendar; submit your event today!

VP E-News is brought to you by Vergennes Partnership, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the Little City reach its full potential. Become a VP member today and support the many BIG things we do for the LITTLE City!


Looking for more ways to connect in Vergennes? Contact:

Julie Nelson Basol

Executive Director


Vergennes Partnership

Building Community, Commerce & Culture

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No. 21 Issue 141 - Apr. 22