Dear Residents -
After what feels like weeks of rain, I was thrilled to see the sun out today, despite some shaking from an earthquake! And it looks like we will be getting more sun tomorrow for the Tappan Fire Department/Town of Orangetown Community Cleanup. Thanks to the generosity of the Tappan Fire Department, breakfast will be available at check-in, and to The NoCo Kitchen, buffet lunch will be available after the cleanup. So, please join us to not only help keep Orangetown beautiful but to also leave with a full stomach. Click here to register.
I know I am getting a bit ahead of myself, but please mark your calendar for the Annual Orangetown Hunger 5k Heroes Run/Walk on October 5, 2024. Thanks to Carmel Reilly of my staff who came up with the idea for this race during COVID. Since that time, this event has successfully raised thousands of dollars each year for local community groups that help our neighbors in their time of need.
Since the first “Coffee and a Chat” with the Nyack Mayor Joe Rand was a success, I have now teamed up with Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker for another one. It will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 10 am to 12 pm, at the Piermont Village Hall. Please feel free to stop by and let us know what’s on your mind. All are welcome to join us.
I saved the best news for last. Opening day for the Pearl River Farmers Market has been set for Saturday, May 4, 2024 – only four weeks away! We can only hope that Mother Nature takes pity on us after so much rain last year that this year she showers us with sunshine☀️.
Enjoy your weekend and hope to see you at the cleanup.
Regards –