I joined in celebrating the completion of an extended SR-56 bike path under I-5 with representatives from Cal Trans, the San Diego County Bike Coalition, the Coastal Commissioner, Mayor Paloma Aguirre, Senator Catherine Blakespear, and the California Transportation Commission. With this critical connection under I-5, commuters and recreational riders will no longer have to navigate dangerous surface streets and intersections on their journey between the SR-56 and the Sorrento Valley Road bike paths. When we collaborate, we make our shared goal of safer, more accessible, more connected bikeways, a reality. 
Ingraham Street improvements are happening at last 🚧! The City's contractor will be on Ingraham Street from Riviera Drive to La Playa Ave grinding and then re-paving today and tomorrow from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Residents and commuters, please be aware of road closures, parking restrictions, and detours. Thank you, Engineering & Capital Projects (E&CP) Department and crew, for getting it done! 
As Chair of the Joint Powers Authority for San Dieguito River Park (SDRP), I was honored to celebrate the volunteers who dedicate their time and resources to park preservation through trail and habitat restoration, education, outreach, and more. Volunteering is why the park is accessible for visitors who come to appreciate this 55-mile natural and cultural resource. Thank you, all.  
Thanks to Councilmember Raul Campillo’s initiative, the City designated a portion of Moreno Boulevard to honor the legacy of Howard Wayne. Howard, a former member of the California Assembly and author of the landmark legislation, AB411 to protect our oceans, was an active community leader, including chairing the Linda Vista planning group. A keen observer of politics and elections, Howard mentored and led many elected officials, including myself. I was honored to join family, friends, and Councilmember Campillo at the unveiling.
The La Jolla Historical Society hosted Team LaCava for their recent exhibit, “Order/Disorder: Belonging in Nature.” The exhibit addressed the relationship between humanity and nature through the lens of protecting our natural resources. We learned about art, architecture, and the history of Wisteria Cottage. We further learned that all of the La Jolla Historical Society’s 2024 exhibitions are recognized as Community Initiatives of the World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024. Find out what’s in store next below!
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