Ready or not!
Taylor has certainly shown us how to lead with self belief, good behavior, and great story telling. And the financial rewards followed, certainly for her and hopefully, for Woodlawn.
We have been hard at work with new events and learning opportunities for the community that have attracted hundreds of people from throughout Hancock County. People of all ages are enjoying their experience here, often for the first time. Beyond the return of tea parties, teachers' professional development classes, and general interest workshops, we have initiated programs for Home school families, Science Saturdays for the community, and will be bringing back Sunday Sounds (now that construction is complete). Outdoor theatre, family field days, workshops, and events like Earth Day were celebrated as we also launched three new annual events: the Fairy Festival, the Forest Festival, and the Holiday Trail Light Display. Three successful croquet tournaments brought people from around the country to Maine and to Ellsworth - they came for the croquet and stayed for the lobster and fellowship! The museum attracts its own audience of tourists and when we offer Free days to Hancock County residents, they fill up fast. That is gratifying! All this activity comes from the belief that what we provide is of value and is something unique we are proud to offer.
Col John Black began construction of Woodlawn in 1824 - a home for his family and business. That was the start of the Woodlawn story. With our new Barn on John & Mary Black old property, and as we restore the trails on the 180 acres of forest, we help tell a combination of stories about self belief, continuity, and hope. Grandson George Nixon Black Jr. had a vision of this homestead as a public park with a house museum. History and safe public access will hold hands while the now iconic property adjusts to becoming a year-round community destination. This is a new beginning and an exciting time to be involved with Woodlawn.
To all those who have helped Woodlawn get here, well done. So many friends, family, servants, supporters, caretakers, staff, and volunteers are linked by this place. Everyone has carried a bit of the magic of Woodlawn in their own slice of time and history. That is part of the amazing story and the glue that keeps a place like Woodlawn together - through many changes.
When I think of how to engage people with Woodlawn - either on our grounds, in the trails, through the museum, or soon, at the Barn - I recognize how critical it is that we attract sponsorship, membership, and other kinds of generosity.
Will you be part of the new stories and the next generation of Woodlawn? Reach out and tell me how you want to get involved in 2024!
Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
Kathy Young