Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - June 2024

From the

Director's Desk...

Hello to all of you! It seems the Library never slows down!  

On June 7th we are hosting our first-ever Job Fair! Looking for a job? Come on out to the library between 10 AM and 3 PM on June 7, 2024, maybe you'll find a job that's perfect for you! That's the one big thing happening here that came to mind while I wrote this. Check out our calendar for many other programs. I'm sure you'll find something to pique your interest.

May and June are big Graduation Congratulations to all those graduates out there. Here are some well wishes for a bright and happy future!

Charlotte A. Dunaief

Library Director

Holiday Closure

June 19, 2024

The library will be closed Wednesday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth.

We will reopen Thursday, June 20th at 9am for our normal hours.

Library Board of Trustees

Monthly Business Meeting

Wednesday, June 12


Library Community Room

All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.

Art Exhibit

The Artwork of

Ciro Attardo

Exhibit runs through June 18

As a physician, Dr. Attardo has unique insights that have often inspired medically themed artworks. Initially developing technical skills in drawing and medical illustration, he later transitioned to oil painting and watercolor. His art work has been displayed in various gallery exhibits.

He is currently a member of the Wallkill River Art School , Goshen Art League, Cornwall Art Collective and the Orange County Arts Council, North East and American Watercolor Society.

See You At RiverFest!

Be sure to stop by the Library's table at RiverFest on Sunday, June 2 for more information on Summer Reading, giveaways, and other exciting library happenings!

Programs For Adults

Midday Matinee

Tuesday, June 4

12:00 PM


Rated: PG-13

Running Time:

1 hr. & 27 mins.

Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie.

Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

6-Hour AARP Safe Driver Course

Wednesday, June 5

8:45 AM - 4:00 PM

This is a DMV-approved, NTSI course, carrying the following benefits:

  • 10% off your liability, collision & no-fault insurance premiums each year for the next 3 years.
  • Up to a 4 point reduction on your driving record (if applicable).

Register in person at the library beginning March 15. There is a non-refundable cost – $25 for AARP members/$30 for non-AARP members – to confirm registration.

Please make checks payable to AARP with AARP # written on check. Cash payments must be exact change only.

Bring driver’s license and AARP card to class.

This program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Job Fair 2024

Friday, June 7

10:00 AM -3:00 PM

Bring your updated resume and meet with potential employers.

Participating Employers:

  • Cornwall Central School District
  • Finkelstein & Partners Law Firm
  • NYS Dept of Labor
  • Town of Cornwall
  • Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson
  • Central Hudson Gas & Electric
  • Orange County Dept. of Human Resources
  • West Point Non-Appropriated Funds
  • Any-Time Home Care

  • Andrew Maroney, Job Coach

Space will be provided for on the spot interviews if needed!

11 AM – 12 PM: Interviewing 101 Presentation with Andrew Maroney, Job Coach


Drop-in Event – No Registration Required!

The Making of a Masterpiece: John Gould's

'Eagles Over West Point"

Tuesday, June 11

1-2:30 PM

Ever wonder what goes into creating a masterful painting? Local artist Paul Gould will take you through his father’s conception and creation of the ‘Eagles Over West Point’ painting.

Registration opened May 1st via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Great Decisions

Thursday, June 13

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

June’s topic: NATO's Future

Join America’s largest discussion program on world affairs created by the Foreign Policy Association under the auspices of the U.N.

The course briefing book is now freely available at the library for interested patrons thanks to the generous support of the Friends of Cornwall Library.

Please contact Pam Stockton at or 845-534-8282 with any questions or for additional information.

MSLC: Oncology Navigation

Tuesday, June 18

4:00PM - 5:00PM

Oncology Navigation guides you throughout your treatment

process and connects you to what you need, from community

resources to financial assistance and more. At this session, take

a breast and lung cancer screening questionnaire and learn

how we can help.

Registration is now open and is required. Registration can be accessed by clicking here.

Mystery Book Group

Thursday, June 20

2:00 PM

Ordinary Grace

by William Kent Krueger

New members are always welcome.

Hard copies are available to pick up at the library. eBooks and eAudios are available on Libby.

Monday Night Movie

Monday, June 24

6:00 PM


Rated: R

Running Time: 1 hr. 57 Mins.

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie at the library!

The crew of a commercial spacecraft encounters a deadly lifeform after investigating a mysterious transmission of unknown origin.

A Drop-In Event; No Registration Required.

Scam-Proof Your Life...

Fraud Prevention

Wednesday, June 26

1-2:30 PM

With millions falling prey to scammers, safeguarding your identity and finances is paramount. Equip yourself with knowledge on identifying common scams to protect you and your family. Vanessa Hill, Branch Manager of Walden Savings Bank in Cornwall-on-Hudson will host this seminar.

Registration opened May 15th via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

"Getting it Right:" The Railroad Art of John Gould, Illustrator

Thursday, July 25

6 - 7:30 PM

Cornwall artist John Fleming Gould (1906-1996) was known for his dedication to technical detail, which will be shown through a selection of his railroad-themed works.

Presented by local historian Matt Kierstead with contributions and insights from John Gould’s son, artist Paul Gould, “Getting it Right” will explore Gould’s rich art career with a focus on his railroad work.

Registration opens June 15th via the library website. If the program is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.

Creative Writers

Every Monday

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Always open to new members.This is an in-person program for adults.

Check website for cancellation information.

Member's Choice

Book Group

Wednesday, June 5

6:30 PM

The Mountains Sing

by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

Join our Member’s Choice Book Group for a lively discussion on titles chosen by the group. This group typically meets the first Wednesday of each month and is always eager to welcome new people.

Hard copies are available at the library; eBooks and eAudios available on Libby and Hoopla.

Opera Club

Sunday, June 9

1:00 PM

La Traviata

by Giuseppe Verdi

Join other opera lovers and take in a popular opera at the library.

Drop-In Event – No Registration Required.

Monday Night Movie


June 10

6:00 PM


Rated: PG

Running Time: 2 hrs. 4 mins.

Enjoy free popcorn and a classic movie at the library!

When a killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach community off Cape Cod, it’s up to a local sheriff, a marine biologist, and an old seafarer to hunt the beast down.

A Drop-In Event; No Registration Required.

Teen Tech Tutoring


June 11

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Got tech questions? Let our savvy teen volunteers assist you. Bring your devices and your questions.

No appointments needed - first come, first served

Creative Pollinator Pathways in Our Community

Saturday, June 15

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Join the Cornwall Conservation Advisory Council for an informative talk and discussion about local pollinator projects, creative garden ideas, local native plant resources and other frequently discussed topics like what to do about ticks.

A drop-in event- no registration required.

MSLC: Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Tuesday, June 18

5:30PM - 6:30PM

Is snoring impacting your sleep quality? MSLC and the Cornwall Public Library present a free in-person seminar on Obstructive Sleep Apnea including diagnosis, current treatment options and advances in therapy. Join a discussion on how diabetes and cardiovascular issues pertain to this common condition.

Refreshments will be provided.

Registration is now open and is required. Registration can be accessed by clicking here.

Out & About

Book Club

Wednesday, June 19

7:00 PM

Killers of the Flower Moon

by David Grann

Join us at The Rock Wall Restaurant for some food, drinks & lively discussion.


Hard copies are available to borrow at the library. eBooks and eAudios are available on Libby.

To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are asking all those planning to attend to register via the library website.


MSLC: Atrial Fibrillation

Tuesday, June 25

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Learn more about prevention, diagnosis, and treatments for Atrial Fibrillation.

Atrial Fibrillation, often referred to as “A-Fib”, is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm. It can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other related complications.

Refreshments will be provided.

Registration is now open and is required. Registration can be accessed by clicking here.

Book Chat & Chocolate

Thursday, June 27

7:00 PM


by Emilia Hart

New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!

Hard copies and CDs are available to pick up at the library.E-books and e-audios are available on Libby and e-audios are available Hoopla.

Coffee & Conversations: Quit Smoking

Every Tuesday from July 2 – August 13, 2024 (+ a bonus session on Thursday, July 25).

1 - 2:00 PM

Quitting smoking is one of the most important actions

you can take to improve your health.

• Lower your risk for 12 types of cancer.

• Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

• Increase your life expectancy.

8 Session In-Person Smoking Cessation Support Group. You must attend all sessions.

Registration is now open and is required. Registration can be accessed by clicking here.

The Summer Reading Program is Starting Soon!

"Adventure Begins At Your Library"

June 24 - August 30

Summer is just around the corner, and we couldn't be more thrilled to kick off our Summer Reading Program! Mark your calendars because online registration for both children and adults opens on June 24. Simply sign up, download and print your age-specific reading challenge sheets, and dive into a world of books! Or visit us at the library, and we'll have all the materials ready for you!

We've lined up an exciting summer filled with opportunities to kick-start your adventure at the library! From engaging storytimes to fascinating animal ambassadors, we've packed the schedule with activities that will ignite your imagination and keep you entertained. Be sure to check our online calendar on June 1 for the full lineup of exciting events.

Join us for a summer filled with fun, learning, and unforgettable experiences. We can’t wait to see you at the library!

Programs for Kids

Dog Tales

Dog Tales

Select Mondays

June 3 & 17

For Grades K-12

6:00 PM

Read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.

Please register via the library website for a 15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration required through our online calendar one week prior to the program.

Garden Totes Are Back!

We're happy to announce the return of the Cornwall Garden Club tote bags! Designed for kids to foster a love of gardening and reading, inside you'll find all the ingredients for doing both. Stop by the library to check one out today!

Battle of the Book 2024

For Teens in Grades 6-12

Team Commitment by June 30

Read the books above, join our team, and show what you know as you "battle" teens from other libraries.

Sign up today by visiting the Youth Services Desk! Registrants will receive information regarding Battle Updates & Book Discussions, Team T-Shirts, & Buzzer practice, once the team has been formed!

Battle will take place on Sunday, August 25.

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