Attention state employees: ITRC has an exciting opportunity for a state member to fill an At-Large vacancy on the BOA. The position is a three-year term, starting as early as July 2024.
Who we are looking for: The new state member will serve as one of seven state Voting Members on the BOA, working closely with the ITRC Director and BOA members to provide direct support for implementing our long-term goals and promoting ITRC and its resources.
Learn more about BOA Member Roles & Responsibilities
Applications: Applicants must be a state government employee to be eligible for this position. The At-Large member will be selected and appointed by the Co-Chairs and ITRC Director.
To apply, email the following information to ITRC Director, Charles Reyes (, no later than June 21, 2024:
- One page statement of interest
- Biography
BOA Co-Chairs and ITRC Director will review and interview top candidates.
Questions? Contact ITRC Director, Charles Reyes at
Stay tuned! The BOA will have additional At-Large state membership opportunities that will be announced later this year.