HOVC Scouter Newsletter | April 12th, 2024

2024 Solar Eclipse April 8

🌞 Did you catch the Solar Eclipse on April 8th? 🌚 Here in Central Virginia, the eclipse began at 2:02pm, reached it's max at 3:19pm, and ended at around 4:31pm. We'd love for you to visit our Facebook page and share your photos, or tag us in your posts using #HOVCEclipse and #ScoutTheEclipse. Don't forget to commemorate this event with special edition glow-in-the-dark patches, available at the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

🚨 Camp Card Early Bird Sale Ends: April 26th 🚨

The Camp Card Early Bird Sale ends April 26th. Units receive $1 EXTRA commission ($6 per card) for Camp Cards when the Unit pays Council by 4/26. Council payments received after 4/26/24 will be $5 per card. The Camp Card sale runs March 18 – May 31. ALL Camp Cards & final payments are due June 7th (with commission of $5 per card). Don't forget about the b-weekly Camp Card Prize Drawings, too! The next LIVE drawing is on Facebook TODAY, Friday, 4/12 at 4:30 PM.

[Visit the Camp Card Website]

Commissioner Unit Service Plan Training: April 16th

Learn how the National Commissioner team is changing the focus of commissioner service from counting visits and assessments to building relationships with units, which will better enable units in delivering high quality programs. Join our Commissioner Unit Service Plan Training on Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00 pm via Zoom to learn more. All Heart of Virginia Commissioners, administrative or unit-facing, should attend.

[Register Today!]

Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler Registration Is Open!

Ready to light up the night? 🌟 Join us for a unique glow-in-the-dark race where you can run, jog, or walk through our stunning

all-terrain trail course, all under the stars! Don't miss out on this unique after-dark adventure! The 2nd Annual Glow Trail Run 5K and Kids 1-Miler takes place on October 5th at Cub Adventure Camp and Camp T. Brady Saunders and is open to everyone (so bring a buddy or two)!

[Get Glowing!]

New Cub Scout Handbooks Have Arrived!

The new Cub Scout Handbooks are here! Visit the Scout Shop at 8090 Villa Park Drive in Henrico, or order your handbook(s) by sending an e-mail to us at, with the subject line, "Handbook Order." If you would like your order mailed to you, include your mailing address along with payment information (Scout Shop Account or personal credit card). We anticipate the demand for the new handbooks will be high, so we will not be able to hold them without payment. (Bulk orders will not be mailed.)

[Visit the Scout Shop Webpage]

Central Virginia Orienteering Club: Orienteering Day, May 4th

The Central Virginia Orienteering Club is presenting its Tenth Annual Orienteering Day on May 4th. No experience is necessary, and instruction relative to compass and map basics can be provided. The event is primarily directed at Scouts that need to complete a one-mile orienteering course, requiring measuring height and/or distance, for First Class rank. The event can also be used to satisfy part of Orienteering merit badge requirement 7.

[Register to Attend]

β€œTwentieth century man must boldly reach out... and purposefully strive to discover the hidden secrets of our universe.”


- John Young, Boy Scout and Commander of Space Transportation System-1, the first orbital spaceflight of NASA's Space Shuttle program, which launched on this day in 1981. Read more about his storied career.

Scout Shop Hours of Operation

Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm

Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

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Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228



Prepared. For Life.

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