Spirit of Adventure Preparedness Team
Supports UMASS Lowell Disaster Exercise
Members of the Spirit of Adventure Preparedness Team volunteered on Thursday March 28, 2024, to role play as patients during a full-scale, Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) exercise. The event was created for the University of Lowell, Massachusetts, Emergency Medical Service students to simulate a high-pressure scenario requiring coordination and communication among rescuers. (URL) The Spirit of Adventure youth and adults partnered with the University to offer trained preparedness volunteers to assist in the critical practice for the next generation of emergency management students. The exercise was held at the Tsongas Arena, Lowell, MA.
Six adult Scout leaders and a teen Scout participated in the event. These Spirit of Adventure volunteers are part of the over 80 youth and adults who have been trained in the nationally recognized program, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). CERT was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as a premier, community based, preparedness program for adults and teens. Community Emergency Response Teams in Action –Teaser Video (youtube.com)
Ryan, from Troop 119, Lexington, MA who is completing his Emergency Preparedness and First Aid merit badges said this about his experience at the exercise, “Very intense and interesting, happy I could be of service to the first responder community”. Adult scout leaders at the exercise were amazed at the realism of the practice and were encouraged by the professionalism of the student participants at UMass Lowell.
The exercise was a simulated explosion and partial roof collapse at a large venue with multiple injuries. The exercise emphasized the specific needs of triage, treatment, and Incident Command Systems (ICS). One scout leader commented, “The makeup we wore to simulate injuries and the sounds provided by the Arena were very realistic.”
Eagle scout David Muse Jr, who is the Assistant Emergency Manager for the university, current President of the International Association of Emergency Managers, and SoA CERT trainer, greatly appreciated the support from the Scout volunteers who played the roles of patients during the 4-hour event. Mr. Muse was pleased with the depth of participation from the Scout organization and encouraged all to get involved in being prepared for emergencies at home and in the community.
If interested in Emergency Management/Preparedness the council is organizing an Exploring program for youth between the ages of 14-20. For more information contact Jennifer Erickson at jennifer.erickson@scouting.org.