January 2025

A Message from ACVR President, Dr. Lindsey Gilmour

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As we welcome 2025, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunities that lie ahead for our college.

I would first like to extend thanks to Dr. Ryan King for his service over the past year as ACVR President. He has ushered several initiatives forward to ensure their progress while also setting into motion new ideas and serving as a voice for our College in various arenas (including this podcast!). Ryan’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding ACVR into the future.

Speaking of the future, I am excited to announce that the joint ACVR/ECVDI Artificial Intelligence Committee has drafted a position statement that is soon-to-be published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA). This statement provides general recommendations for transparency, rigorous evaluation, and best practices for AI product development and use. ACVR members can read the draft statement on our website.

Of course, a good many of our members have been hard at work on other projects across the board. To name just a few notable actions from December:

  • The open access publication of the ACVR/ECVDI Consensus Statement on Imaging Report Foundations is a must-read, and the Consensus Statement Oversight Committee is concurrently working on standardization of equine distal forelimb radiographic series, protocols for thoracic radiography in dogs and cats, and recommendations for veterinary student curriculum.
  • Our joint ACVR/ECVDI In-Training Exam Committee (ITEC) released a brand-new physiology/pathophysiology mock exam to aid in resident training, and they have already started preparing for updates to existing mock exams to be released in 2025.
  • Executive Council approved a budget proposal to develop online Continuing Education content covering topics in large animal diagnostic imaging and small animal ultrasound. While the content itself is not yet available, the committee aims to provide enduring material within ACVR’s Focal Spot that will not only support ACVR member education, but also partially meet training requirements for ACVIM residents and thereby alleviate some of the strain on supervising radiologists at teaching institutions.

As I reflect on the accomplishments of our colleagues and look forward to those upcoming, I am incredibly appreciative of our committee members and society leaders for offering their time, energy, and expertise. I am also reminded that our success as a College truthfully lies in the dedication of our members. Our entire membership thrives with passionate committee and society leadership. Your individual participation, big or small, makes a significant difference in ACVR’s ability to support innovative research, deliver continuing education, expand resident training, and foster community. Please review our committee list here and volunteer with us at any time using this form.

If you are able to step up right away, we are in great need of members to serve as President Elect/President of the Veterinary Ultrasound Society and ZEWDIS so that these valuable groups can continue to serve our membership in 2025 and beyond. Please email if you are interested in those leadership roles.

Happy New Year!

Lindsey Gilmour

President, American College of Veterinary Radiology

ACVR Residency Program Forms Due January 31

Just a reminder to Residency Directors that the forms required by the American College of Veterinary Radiology's Residency Standard and Evaluation Committee are due for submission by January 31, 2025. 

During this period, RSEC is requesting the following forms:

  • Residency Program Reapproval (if in the third year since your program's approval) 
  • Residency Program Annual Update (due each year not seeking the reapproval) 
  • Biannual Resident Assessment

If you are unsure if you are due for a program reapproval, please email

Begin the submission process of these forms by using this link.

Consensus Statement Committee Looking for Radiation Oncology Member

The Consensus Statement Oversight Committee (CSOC) is looking for a radiation oncology diplomate to join the committee!

Members of this committee oversee the process for Consensus Statement topics by recruiting subcommittee members and guiding the subcommittee for the development of the topic from the initial stages to publication.

Interested parties can email to be considered. Case of the Year - Cast Your Vote

We received plenty of great Society Cases of the Month in 2024. Big thanks to all contributors and mentors for providing such cool cases. To celebrate, ACVR-society presidents and administration were tasked to choose the five best from the year. Below are the five picks. ACVR members can now vote on the best of the best!

Take a look these five finalists and then cast your vote for Case of the Year. The winner will be announced on Wednesday February 5, 2025. Thanks!

Anthony Fischetti

ACVR Webmaster

ACVR Resident Research Grant Applications Due January 31

Attention ACVR Residents - ACVR Resident Research Grant applications are due January 31, 2025. Four or more research grants, in the amount of up to $9,000 each, will be awarded by the American College of Veterinary Radiology to an ACVR resident-in-training for basic or clinical research in veterinary imaging or radiation oncology.

Questions regarding grants can be emailed to

Rounds in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Returns in 2025!

We are excited to announce that RIVDI KCC sessions are back in 2025! Any diagnostic imaging intern or resident is welcome to participate. All residency-trained and boarded radiologists are also welcome to attend! RIVDI is free for ACVR Residents/Trainees. All others will be charged $50 to access RIVDI for the year.

RIVDI 2025 is hosted in a different course on Focal Spot. If you were previously attending RIVDI sessions, you will have to register again for 2025! More information can be found on our website.

Purchase Apparel from the ACVR Diplomate Shop!

We’re thrilled to unveil a brand-new shopping destination crafted exclusively for ACVR Diplomates! Featuring an array of options including polos, vests, jackets, and more, these pieces are designed to promote comfort while stylishly representing the field of veterinary radiology.

But that’s not all – our collection extends to accessories that showcase your ACVR pride. From stylish hats to spacious bags perfect for carrying essentials to conferences and clinics, our offerings are tailored to reflect your commitment to excellence.
Visit the Diplomate Shop
Discount of Wiley Books for ACVR Members
ACVR Members can save 35% on titles from using our special promo code. To view the promo code, or for more information on this discount, click here

Volunteer to Serve on an ACVR Committee!

Did you know the ACVR has over 25 active committees? ACVR needs you! Our college depends on committee and society volunteers to ensure its success, so we hope you’ll consider volunteering for a committee or a society!

We are currently accepting volunteers to begin serving on committees beginning December 1, 2024! If you are interested in serving in 2025, please sign up now!

Committee Volunteer FAQ

Q: What if I don’t have much time to offer?

A: We have committees with a variety of time commitments!

Q: What if I’m a new diplomate? Do I have the experience to serve on a committee?

A: We have positions open for new diplomates, experienced diplomates, and everyone in between.

Q: I don’t have anything to offer to an ACVR committee!

A: Everyone brings a unique perspective, and each one is meaningful! We’re sure your contributions will make a positive impact.

Visit the Administration and Committees page of our website to learn about committee opportunities and to volunteer.

Attention Diplomates
Did you know that there are different types of Diplomate memberships? Check them out here!
ACVR Job Board Notifications

ACVR members can opt-in to receive automatic job posting notifications to provide them with instant access to new jobs!
Click Here to Opt-in to ACVR Job Emails
Click here to view the current jobs posted on ACVR's Job Board.
ACVR Calendar of Important Dates

January 31, 2025 – ACVR-RO Certifying Exam applications due

January 31, 2025ACVR Resident Research Grant applications due 

January 31, 2025 – Multiple ACVR RSEC documents due – see

February 25-26, 2025 – ACVR DI & EDI Certifying Exam

February 26, 2025 – ACVR DI & EDI Preliminary Exam

To view a full list of important dates, click here.

Contribute to Next Month's Insights e-Newsletter!
Email ACVR Staff at with your content ideas and contributions.
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