The Clean Water Pod

Season 2, Episode 2:

Reducing Nutrient Pollution from Septic Systems in Montana’s Flathead Basin

Join podcast host Jeff Berckes as we explore the Clean Water Act!

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Near Flathead Lake Biological Station. Photograph © 2005 Matthew MacManes.

Addressing nutrient pollution resulting from underperforming or failing septic systems in Montana’s scenic Flathead Lake Basin is the topic of episode two. Host Jeff Berckes is joined by three environmental science professionals to discuss issues associated with septic systems, how they can impact water quality, and the role homeowners can play in preventing this type of pollution. They also share their latest research and innovative partner projects that tackle this source of nutrients. 

About our guests:

Emilie Henry serves as the program coordinator of the Western Montana Conservation Commission, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. Henry develops and supports on-the-ground projects and programs, including surrounding septic leachate, that protect aquatic resources in western Montana.

Nanette Nelson is a research scientist at the Flathead Lake Bio Station. She is an environmental economist with interests in non-market valuation of environmental goods and services and economic impacts of aquatic invasive species. 

Mike Koopal is the executive director and founder of the Whitefish Lake Institute, a science and education based nonprofit organization. Koopal serves as a governor-appointed member of the Water Pollution Control Advisory Committee and chairs the Western Montana Conservation Commission’s On-site Wastewater Treatment Committee and Technical Committee.

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About the Clean Water Pod

Through perspectives and stories from across the country, the “Clean Water Pod” explores the challenges and successes of restoring and protecting water quality. Season two of the podcast focuses on nutrient related success stories.

This podcast is funded by a grant through the U.S. EPA and produced by Flip the Field and NEIWPCC.

Share Your Clean Water Success Stories!

NEIWPCC is collecting and producing stories highlighting Clean Water Act 303(d) program successes as part of an EPA grant. Contact Livia Graham to learn more about opportunities to share your success stories.

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