Weekly Parkinson's Newsletter from PAACI

Parkinson's Awareness Association

of Central Indiana, Inc.

April 5, 2024

Parkinson's Articles & Events

(To register for an event or view an article click on the blue link.)

Saturday, April 6, 2024 (10-2pm)

Spring Parkinson's Symposium

Beech Grove Middle School

(You can respond to this message to get registered.)

Treating the Mental Health Challenges of Parkinson's Disease (Zoom meeting)

Monday, April 8, 2024 at 3pm ET

Caregiver Corner

Roadmap to Eldercare (Book available on Amazon)

Of Interest

Carex Health Equipment

Care Well Care Products Catalog

Scroll to the bottom to see Research Opportunities

A Note from us

Symposium is tomorrow!!

Are you registered? If not, please come anyway. We'd love to see you!

Basic Info:

April 6, 2024 10am-2pm Beech Grove Middle School. Free Event...donations welcome!

Speaker Info...

Dr. Stuart Isaacson will be speaking on Managing Off Episodes. You will also see & hear Wendy Eckstein (a Parkinson's patient) talk about a Buzz Board and gloves modeled after Vibrotactile Coordinated Reset research. Learn about the CUE 1, a device used in the United Kingdom, that is not yet FDA-approved in the US. You can also see an actual Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Chamber. This conference will cover exciting new studies looking at alternative treatments and discuss new medication under development for PD. And lastly, but certainly not least, we will have Joe (a patient representative for Supernus) who will discuss his life and journey with Parkinson's disease.

If you are unable to stay for the entire event we understand and hope you'll come and learn with us when you can. In next weeks newsletter I will include an agenda for the event. If you have any questions please let me know.


Since this event will have several alternative treatments we ask that you consider this for information purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement by PAACI (the organization or members of the board).

We hope to see you there!!!

Have a great day! Sheri, John & the PAACI Board!

Research Opportunities

Join a Study - Parkinson's Foundation List of Available Studies

Parkinson's Disease Medical Care Planning Resource

Dr. Jiayun Xu is creating a tool to help you and your family members talk about future medical planning in Parkinson's Disease. They are looking for a person with Parkinson's and a family member who is/was caring for a family member with PD within the last 5 years. You must be able to speak and read English, willing to be audio-recorded and have access to a phone or internet. For more info contact Dr. Xu at or phone 765-494-4017.

Speech Accessibility Project

Beckman Institute at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has a new study called the "Speech Accessibility Project" to help speech recognition tools understand diverse voices. You can record your speech from home and earn up to $180/$90 for caregivers. For more info: 1-888-309-6499 or