Dick Pearson Memorial Correction

An obituary email went out on Thursday with information on Dick's passing, and service information with an incorrect date. We apologize for any confusion. Dick's memorial service will be on Thursday, March 21 at 11:00am with a 9:30am visitation. View Dick's obituary here.

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, 

and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” 


Hello, Bailey-

If you were in an empty room for 15 minutes and the only option was to push a button to give yourself a mildly painful shock, would you?  

The strange question comes from a study on boredom in a fascinating book, called Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self, by Manoush Zomorodi. Apparently, 30% of people in this study opted for the shock rather than do nothing for 15 minutes.

She makes a convincing argument that too many of us are addicted to our screens and to constant stimulation, and thus because of that we’re missing out on the world around us and we’re missing the cognitive and creative benefits of doing nothing. Click on the image to learn more about the book.

Try your own experiment. Set a timer for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes. Put your phone down, turn off the radio and the TV, and just sit. Can you do it?  

Look around while you sit in silence. What do you see? Have you ever looked at the artwork on your wall, or noticed what is outside your window? If you find this challenging and you keep thinking about your phone or the TV, maybe that’s worth pondering. Please don’t stick your finger in an electrical socket!

This Sunday, we focus on UNPLUGGING, the fifth of five spiritual disciplines in our Lenten series.  

Unplugging is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but several times in the gospels we see Jesus stepping away for for peace and quiet. And Sabbath (intentionally resting and unplugging from the busyness of work and life) is one of the Ten Commandments.

“Unplugging helps us connect with God because we remove what is distracting us such as screens and earphones. Unplugging makes space in our lives for God to transform us because we are more able to pay attention to what’s happening in our lives. We are more able to see where God is leading us through the events and relationships of daily life.” 

--From PC(USA) “Follow Me” curriculum

There are many ways to unplug. Here are three options for you to consider: 

  • Develop a non-screen habit (I like reading books, riding my bike, and continuing as a beginner on the piano.) Start with five minutes a day. Baby steps are good.  
  • Intentionally avoid touching your phone/tablet for thirty minutes after you wake up or before you go to sleep. (I have a hard time with this.)
  • Put some “space out” time on your calendar. Make a daily commitment to a few minutes of doing nothing. Then just sit and look around for those five or ten minutes.  

There is a reason why farmers rotate crops and let soil lie fallow and rest, so it can be more productive.  

There is a reason why many people feel relaxed and get good ideas when standing in a shower or lying in bed. It’s because we’re (hopefully) disconnected from screens and noise. 

There is a reason why Christian spiritual teachers value silence and Sabbath.  

I pray that you make and guard some quiet and unplugged time in your daily routine, for the sake of our restless hearts, so that you can rest and reconnect with God.

On the journey together,



  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00AM & 11:00AM
  • "The Discipline of Discipleship" Sermon Series
  • UNPLUGGING | Preaching: Charlie Berthoud | Text: Mark 6:30-34
  • Baptism of Damen and Dilpreet Singh (11:00)
  • Music (9:00): New Day Ensemble (Ben Welch, leading)
  • Music (11:00): Covenant Chancel Choir (Melissa Hinz, leading); Doug McNeel, organist
  • Children's Time with Nick Von Bergen
  • Nursery Care: 8:45AM-12:15PM
  • Kaleidoscope Kids: during 9:00AM worship
  • Bradfield Café: 10:00-10:45AM
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

Adult Education

Join Adult Education Sunday at 10:00am for the final class of this series called “Practice Spiritual Disciplines.” We will have a conversation on the spiritual practice of UNPLUGGING. Each class stands alone so participants do not need to have attended a previous class to join in.

For more information on Adult Education at Covenant, visit covenantmadison.org/adult.

Children & Youth Ministries

This Sunday (March 17), we will officially install our Associate Pastor for Mission, Spiritual Growth, & Care Jess Scholten! Join us for this special service and for the reception to follow.



Worship Focus: UNPLUGGING

Come join us for supper, fellowship, and worship in Bradfield Hall. Supper and fellowship time starts at 5:30pm and at 6:15pm, we move into a time of casual worship together. All are welcome to attend dinner and/or worship. Veggie and gluten-free sandwich options will be available! Please RSVP below. Though RSVP’ing is helpful, it is not required. We ask $5 for suppers, but it’s FREE for first-timers! This will be the final Lenten Supper.

Note: Lenten worship on Wednesdays are not livestreamed.


Click on the photo to see more from our first three Lenten Suppers!

Help us fill the chancel with color on Easter! Questions? Contact the office!

Covenant College Basketabll Game!

Join Covenant friends in making picks for the women's and men's NCAA basketball championship, through ESPN's Tournament Challenge.

Our group is called CovPresMadison, and the password is Bucky

Get started here:

Men's Tournament

Women's Tournament

New this week:

Edward Voss, father of Bob Voss

This week's white rose commemorates the life of Patricia Kelk, sister of Gordon Durand.

This week's red roses celebrate the births of Hayes Joseph Pien, great-grandson of Joni Jaeger; Colson Shifflett, great-grandson of Don and Mary Harkness.

Loving God, in your mercy, hear our prayers for each of these your children. We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Full Prayer List

Bradfield Café Volunteer

Sign Up!

Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer

Sign Up!

Our March Spiritual Stroll will be held at Pheasant Branch Conservancy in Middleton! These strolls are part of CONNECT, a program of deacon-sponsored events with the intention of fostering connection between Covenant and the community. We visit a different green space every month.

This special PC(USA) offering will be collected on Palm Sunday.

Learn More

Racists Anonymous Fellowship continues to meet weekly on Thursdays (except Mar 28). On April 4, we will begin a 4-week study of John Lewis’ Across That Bridge - A Vision for Change and the Future of America! In this book, the late US Congressman and civil rights leader provides lessons that give us a ray of hope in the ongoing struggle for civil rights. Visit covenantmadison.org/raf for more info.

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