The First Word 9/6/23
I hope everyone enjoyed a great Labor Day weekend! We have had a very productive month in August. From kicking off Leadership for Engineers in Tulsa with some of the best and brightest participants from our member firms to a highly attended General Membership Meeting, receiving welcoming news from the Oklahoma Supreme Court 023_23_Supreme Court rules for full validation_8-1-2023.pdf ( to solidifying registration with ODOT for the partnering conference.

Some Big News on the election front--See Below.

SPECIAL ELECTIONS A Special General Election to fill Senate District 32 seat, vacated by Sen. John Michael Montgomery, will be held on Dec. 12th, with a Primary Election on October 10th. Republican Candidates - Dusty Deevers, 45 - Elgin, Jennifer Ellis, 54 - Medicine Park, J.J. Francais, 41 - Elgin, and Jean Hausheer, 66 - Lawton Democrat Candidates - Larry Bush, 49 - Lawton and Johnny Jernigan, 45 - Lawton

Rep. Ryan Martinez, R-Edmond, resigned from his legislative seat effective Sept. 1st. His resignation follows an August 2nd guilty plea to a 2022 felony offense of being in control of a vehicle while intoxicated. "I take full responsibility for my mistake and apologize to my family, friends, and constituents who have supported me for the last seven years serving House District 39. Two Republicans have announced their candidacy. Erick Harris and Kristin Ferate. Governor Stitt has not set a special election yet.

Sen. Joe Newhouse, R-Tulsa, will not seek a third term in 2024. Newhouse is a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and currently serves on Reserve military orders to Fleet Cyber Command, the Navy’s presence at the National Security Agency outside of Washington, D.C. “It has been an honor to represent the citizens of Senate District 25. I look forward to serving them and my country in a new role,” Newhouse said.

Sen. Cody Rogers, R-Tulsa, announced he will not run for reelection. Rogers said after much careful consideration, he has decided to pursue other options but expressed his gratitude to his constituents for allowing him to represent them in the Senate. Rogers said. “It has been an honor to represent the people of Senate District 37, and I will continue to work with and serve them through the end of my term.” Rogers intends to run for District 2 Tulsa County Commissioner. Dr. Chris Emerson has announced his candidacy for Senate District 37. Sen. Cody Rogers defeated Emerson in the 2020 Republican primary. Emerson successfully sued Rogers for libel and civil conspiracy. Rogers' campaign manager, John Fritz and his company, Tomahawk Consulting, were also named in the suit.

Rep. Sherrie Conley, R-Newcastle, first elected in 2018, will not seek a fourth term. Conley has been a certified teacher for 33 years and is an adjunct professor at Southwestern Christian University. “It has been the honor of my life to serve my family, friends and neighbors in House District 20,” Conley said in a press release.

Rep. Jeff Boatman, R-Tulsa, announced his candidacy for Senate District 25, which Sen. Newhouse is vacating. Boatman worked with victim service providers, law enforcement and the Attorney General to create the Human Trafficking Response Unit. Oklahoma is on the right track, but there is still so much work to do. Oklahoma’s future depends on sound decision-making and principled leadership. I am honored to offer my experience and dedication to serve the people of Senate District 25,” said Boatman. Boatman was first elected to the House in 2018. Boatman was elected to House District 67 in 2018.

Oklahoma Secretary of State and Native American Affairs Brian Bingman announced he would resign to run for corporation commissioner. This will be Bingman’s second run for corporation commissioner. In 2018, he was defeated in the Republican run-off election by long-time Commissioner Bob Anthony in 2018.

This year at the Partnering Conference we are focusing on raising resources for our State PAC-Consultant Engineers PAC Donate Here and our National PAC ACEC National PAC. All contributions made (state or federal) from May 1, 2023 to September 22, 2023 are eligible for one of the many Awesome Raffle Items to be given away on 9.22.2023 at the end of the conference. $50 donation gets you 1 ticket for the raffle. The PAC Committee-Jimmy Sparks, Rebecca Alverez and Paul Green have received some excellent items to be given away! We will be sending out reminders and listing the prizes in the coming weeks.
Oklahoma Safe Summit

Per ODOT below:
Oklahoma Transportation, FHWA and all of our partners are excited to announce the inaugural Safe Oklahoma Summit. This event focuses on FHWA’s Safe System Approach which encompasses Safer People, Safer Roads, Safer Vehicles, Safer Speeds and Post-Crash Care. Your organization’s participation will provide valuable input on a Safer Oklahoma. 
Safe Oklahoma Draft Agenda.pdf A limited number of rooms are available the previous evening of 10/3/2023 at the designated hotel for a GSA rate of $110 (which will be the GSA rate as of October 1, 2023) through 9/8/2023. Hotel information is below.
Event Details
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 8am (registration opens) to 4pm
Where: Embassy Suites, Downtown Medical, 741 North Phillips Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Hotel contact to book room: (405) 239-3900 – please request the ODOT Traffic Safety Summit rate
Overnight parking is $9. Parking the day of the event is free.
We are excited to see everyone on October 4. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Registration Link
Leadership for Engineers Session One

We had a tremendous first session for leadership for engineers in Tulsa. We are very appreciative of our speakers and attendees. Our next session will take place in Stillwater at the Atherton Hotel on Sept. 14-15.

Special thanks to Doug Glenn and CEC for allowing us to use their fantastic space as our meeting location.
General Membership Meeting

We enjoyed our August general membership meeting with guest speaker, Senator Ally Seifried at Terracon in Tulsa. We are grateful at Terracon for hosting us, and appreciative of the over 50 members who attended.

During the meeting we honored our Immediate Past Chairman Mike Vahabzadegan for his service to ACEC OKLAHOMA.
ACEC R&D Amortization Update!

From Katherine Mottley (ACEC National VP of Tax and Workforce Policy). Thank you to everyone who has been working with us to build support for the bipartisan legislation to repeal the R&D amortization requirement (H.R. 2673/S. 866). Those efforts are bearing fruit as there are six new cosponsors of H.R. 2673, with around 20 Republicans on the wait list until additional Democrats sign on. It's often the case that congressional staff wait to have these discussions until their boss returns to Washington, so we will continue pushing and hope to see the cosponsor lists grow in September when Congress reconvenes.
We are also working with the House Ways and Means Committee to build support for moving its economic package -- which includes the provision delaying the R&D amortization requirement until 2026 -- to the House floor as soon as possible. Floor time will be limited in September due to the end of the federal government's fiscal year and the threat of a government shutdown but we are pushing for the economic package to be a priority.
Separately, I wanted to let you know that this morning the Department of Labor released a proposed rule to update the salary threshold for overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act. DOL also released a set of FAQs about the proposed rule.
Key proposed changes include:
  • Increasing the salary threshold below which employees must be paid time and a half for any hours in excess of 40 worked in a week from the current level of $684 weekly/$35,568 annually to $1,059 weekly/$55,068 annually.
  • Increasing the highly-compensated employee threshold to $143,988.
  • Including a mechanism to automatically update the salary threshold every three years (NOTE: the 2016 final overtime pay rule also included a mechanism to automatically update the salary threshold every three years and this was the basis on which the rule was overturned in court, because the FLSA statute does not give DOL that authority).
  • No proposed changes to the duties test for exempt employees.
There is a 60-day comment period and ACEC will submit comments. If you wish to submit comments please email me at

The Partnering Conference is September 21st-DBE and Welcome Reception; September 22nd is the Conference. Get registered ACEC - Oklahoma if you are not already!!
Upcoming Events

September 10-12 Orlando Florida
ACEC Forums: HR / IT / Finance

Annual Partnering Conference
Marriott Southern Hills-Tulsa
September 21st-Evening Reception
September 22nd Conference

ACEC National Fall Conference
October 15-18
Austin Texas

Board & General Membership Meeting
November 2 12:00 PM
AOGC Oklahoma City, OK
636 NE 41st St Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Mike Thompson
President & CEO
220 N.E. 28th Street, Suite 135
Oklahoma City, OK 73105