by Rev. Glen Miles, Senior Minister
"O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence..." Isaiah 64:1
One of the traditional texts read in worship during the season of Advent is the one quoted above from Isaiah. It doesn't feel very Christmassy, does it? A text like this makes me want to hurry past and rush to the manger. I've noticed that my Christmas celebration feels rushed and tired when I do that.
Advent asks us to slow down and consider where we are at this moment in the world. It is a season to ask what my life would be like if God suddenly tore open the skies and came to me, to you, to us.
I didn't have the theological training to ask that when I was in the 8th grade, but looking back, I can see how desperate I was for God to show up that year. My dad, a preacher, lost his job. I don't know why he was let go. I do not know the details. I remember the anger and the frustration. I can easily recall how embarrassed I felt when I went grocery shopping with my mom, and we paid with food stamps. Dad was unemployed for almost a year. It felt like a decade. I was not a super spiritual kid, but I remember praying to God a lot that year. Oh, I am sure my prayers were self-centered, but I prayed. I asked God to do something, anything, to get us out of the mess we were in that year. I prayed for God to come down and turn our lives around.
That year for my family gives us a hint at what it was like when Isaiah cried out to heaven for a visit from God. Israel was in exile. They had been living in a foreign land for decades. Several generations had passed away. There seemed to be no sign of God's presence. Isaiah prays for the people. He shakes his fist at heaven and demands, "Tear open the heavens and come down..."
Later, he will admit their sin, failure, and foolishness, but he depends on the grace and forgiveness of God to strengthen his plea. God's return means they will face judgment, but Isaiah knows that judgment can lead to renewed hope and a new life.
Perhaps that is what we want at Christmas more than anything else: a renewed sense of hope and the very presence of God in our midst. The coming of the Christ child is a sweet and wonderful thing, but his arrival also brings judgment. His birth invites us to examine our lives and look deep within at where we need God. The presence of God can be terrifying, but in the long run, God's judgment always leads to grace.
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The 49th Annual Carols for Christmas Concert is Saturday, December 9 at 4 pm, FC North, and will feature the choirs of First Community Church, Whitechapel Ringers, and a brass ensemble presenting sounds of the season.
Selections will include: Pinkham's Christmas Cantata and settings of carols by Jocelyn Hagen, Howard Helvey, Dan Forrest, Philip Stopford, and more.
We hope you will join the FC Music Ministry for this afternoon of beautiful music!
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Away from the Manger
The Youth Choirs at First Community present the Christmas Musical Away from the Manger, a tribute to Sally Beske, on Sunday, December 10, in worship at 9 and 11, FC North. This year's honored guests are the Beske family.
Please note there is no 10 am service at FC South on this day. All children will join in worship to enjoy the children's musical. There will be no childcare or Sunday school.
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December Special Services and Events | |
The Gathering
Tired of cooking? Let us take care of dinner tonight - pizza! Join us for The Gathering at FC North. Supper will be served at 5:30 pm followed by a brief worship service. Adults are invited to stay for a Bible Study led by Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan. Children are invited to stay for their scheduled events. All are welcome. We hope to see you there!
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Join the K-5 team at FC North for one of First Community’s favorite traditions, our annual Christmas Workshop on Wednesday, December 13 from 6-7:15 pm. This event is a chance for children to make gifts and Christmas decorations for family and friends. As children grow, learning to thoughtfully give and not just receive at Christmas can enhance their understanding of the spirit this sacred season and help nurture an awareness of the needs of others.
Christmas Workshop projects are geared toward elementary-age children, but younger children are welcome if accompanied by a grown-up.
Please register for this event by December 8 so the right quantity of materials can be purchased and prepared. REGISTER HERE
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Longest Night: A Worship Service for the Weary |
Wednesday, December 20
Snack supper at 5:30 pm, service begins at 6 pm
Grace Hall, FC North
For those who have experienced deep loss or personal struggle, the joy of the holiday season can feel out of reach. Our Longest Night service holds space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance amidst the twinkle lights and holiday hustle and bustle.
Revs. Mary Kate Buchanan and Sarah Kientz will host this special service that includes readings, music, and several spiritual practices. Participants will be invited to light candles, write prayers, receive personal prayer, or simply find quiet reflection. This is a wonderful service for all ages; families are welcome.
We hope this special worship can be a gift amid what can be a difficult season for so many. Bring your grief, weariness, and fatigue, and meet us in a space of nonjudgment, peace, and healing.
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Christmas Eve at First Community | |
The firstnews Advent issue is out now!
This special issue is full of upcoming service and church event information.
We hope you will read and share with your friends!
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Governing Board Update
by Molly Hagkull, Governing Board Chair
At our November 29th meeting, the Governing Board received the Church and Foundation’s combined 2022 audit completed by the accounting firm of Ary Roepcke Mulchaey. This is the second year our business office has worked with ARM, and our controller, Liz Compton, was pleased with the process and results. The audit uncovered a couple of topics that ARM has worked with our business office to resolve, and once again, the Board is grateful to Liz and the business office for their insightful and hard work. We don’t generally consider the business office an “area of ministry,” but their care for and attention to our gifts and finances are among the many ways we can be God’s hands and mind in the world.
During December, we are blessed by the richness of opportunities available through First Community to give and receive, including the Children’s Musical, the Carols for Christmas concert, the K-5 Christmas Workshop, the Trading Post’s Christmas shop, and the youth Adopt-a-Family event. The Governing Board has chosen to give a group gift to Heart to Heart’s Holiday Help program, providing clients with gift cards for holiday shopping.
Have you ever been a director or a project manager? If so, reread that list of activities above. How many tasks and sub-tasks can you tick off that are necessary to make just one of those events happen? That work is planned and overseen by our staff and clergy. The congregation might see the finished products, but we rarely see the countless hours and sweat equity involved in making December “happen” at church. Will you join me in thanking our staff? (If we were in church, this is where we’d stand up and clap!) Their daily service, their labors around bulletins and bible verses, candles, and coffee…that’s what allows the rest of us to experience the beauty of the season.
First Community’s ability to maintain staff and programming is fundamentally tied to the funding we raise through the pledge process. Thank you to those who have already pledged to 2024’s Giving Campaign—it’s easy to do online or through a paper pledge card available at either location. As we take in the immense needs of the world, in the words of our Advent theme, what are we, “the weary world,” to do? Join our gifts, voices, and hearts; in that spirit, fix our gaze toward the new and glorious morning ahead.
Christmas God, help us acknowledge the gifts and graces right before us. Remind us of the holiness in the everyday tasks--balancing spreadsheets, setting tables, planning agendas, emptying trashcans—that are evidence of community. Gather us as one people to usher your light into the world. Amen.
With Joy,
Molly Hagkull
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Seth Stearns, Executive Director of Operations | |
2023 Pledging
There is still time to make a payment on your 2023 pledge. Click here to give online.
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2024 Pledging
Our 2024 campaign is lagging somewhat behind last year’s campaign. We are so grateful to those of you who have made a pledge during the Belonging campaign. Click here to make a 2024 pledge.
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New Horizons Capital Campaign
We are in the final push for this campaign. We will be bringing this campaign to a close at the end of this year. We have made some tremendous strides in getting the principal paid down, but it is very important that we get as much paid down as possible by the end of the year.
Here are some ways that you can help:
- Make a cash gift to the New Horizons Campaign
- Donate your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) to the New Horizons Campaign.
- Donate appreciated stock to the New Horizons Campaign.
- Purchase a niche at our Columbarium at North. 90% of the purchase price goes to our New Horizons campaign.
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First Community Church Merch | |
Gift your family and friends some First Community merchandise for Christmas! Our new online store, First Community Church Merch, is now open with items from First Community, Camp Akita, and Heart to Heart. More additions will be added soon!
Items can be ordered online and picked up at the North Reception desk or shipped to your home (for a fee). An in-person store will be available in Grace Hall at our North facility, with a grand opening on Sunday, December 10! Browse the items after church on Sundays or during the Gathering on Wednesdays!
Please email Sarah Richards or call (614) 488-0681 for questions or additional information.
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Gift Bibles for Third Graders
Each year, First Community is pleased to present our third graders with their very own Bible. The gift of a Bible is a symbolic milestone in a child’s faith development. Bibles will be presented on January 28, 2024, during the 10 am South and 11 am North worship services.
To reserve a Bible for your third grader, click here. For your child’s Bible to be personalized with his or her name, your registration must be submitted by January 16, 2024.
For more information, please contact Julie Richards
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Click below to read the On a Mission! monthly news. In this month’s news you can find more information about:
- The Refugee Ministry Team continues to support newcomers, the Mkangya family, and are now also working with the Msafari family that arrived this week! The RMT shares that all three new Columbus families that have arrived since last October know each other well, which should make resettlement all that much easier. Read about the families and how you can donate or volunteer to help.
- Volunteers with Monday Night Meals have been serving dinner to the men at the Friends of the Homeless shelter for 40 years. New donors are helping to support the mission as the cost of food continues to rise.
- The Share and Learn Garden wrapped up the growing season. Check out the last updates from the year, including photos of volunteers picking vegetables in winter coats.
- Read monthly news from Heart to Heart: Update from our food pantry manager, Yohan Kim, This year’s Holiday Closing Schedule, Holiday Help program that will provide assistance to 120 families in need this Christmas.
- Mission workday to take place December 29! Read about the day’s tasks and sign up to volunteer while you’re off for the holidays.
- Read the monthly update from the Trading Post, including:Recent holiday magic in the store, Holiday Closings, Christmas sale beginning December 11.
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A Moment for Mission
by Rick Greene
The Christmas Offering at First Community for 2023 will be split between Friends of the Homeless and the Refugee Ministry program (previously known as the Refugee Task Force). There has always been homelessness in America, but in 2023, it has been increasing. In the United States, homelessness has been on the rise since 2017, experiencing an overall increase of 6 percent; in 2022, counts of individuals (421,392 people) and chronically homeless individuals (127,768) reached record highs in the history of data collection; and homeless services systems continued to expand the availability of both temporary and permanent beds, but these resources still fall short of reaching everyone in need.
At the same time, the issue of refugees is attracting international attention as numbers of refugees seek asylum. The countries of Syrian Arab Republic, Afghanistan, and Ukraine currently account for 52% of the world’s recent refugees that need international protection. Experts are calling both numbers of people experiencing homelessness and refugee seekers a crisis of epic proportion.
In Matthew 2:12-15, we read the story in which an angel came to Joseph in a dream and warned him to flee Bethlehem. King Herod planned to seek out the child to destroy him. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus left to make their way to Egypt. King Herod slaughtered all the male children in Bethlehem under two years of age. The family was forced to flee their residence and homeland for fear of persecution. As a baby, Jesus became a baby on the run, in effect, homeless and asylum-seeking in Egypt.
As an adult, Jesus commands us to care for the stranger. Yet today, millions do not enjoy the privilege of freedom of movement and residence within their own country, the right to leave and return, or the right to seek and enjoy asylum, even from danger or persecution.
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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
Matthew 25:35-36 35
Approximately 2.5 million children will experience homelessness over a year in this country. Researchers estimate that more than 200,000 children have no place to live on any given day. Homelessness in the U.S. was estimated at between 750,000 and 1,500,000. In Columbus, the count of the nation’s homeless shows a continuing increase in the number of families with children who have no place to go; at the same time, barely a third of families who left shelters achieved a “successful housing outcome.”
First Community Church became involved with Friends of the Homeless men's shelter in the Fall of 1983 by providing a hot meal to this East Main Street shelter every Monday evening throughout the year—hands-on volunteering for 40 years. This shelter currently houses 150 men, and the Monday Meals volunteers have continued to provide meals throughout the pandemic.
Our church involvement has extended beyond Monday Meals, with our volunteers continuously providing food, socks, gloves, toiletries, and multiple other necessities through donations for the Christmas Offering. In the past, the Friends of the Homeless helped provide air conditioning, a sheltered outdoor eating area, and replacing tables and chairs.
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(God) executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows love for the alien by giving food and clothing. 19 So show your love for the alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt…
Deuteronomy 10:18-19 18
The U.S. Government has projected an increase in refugees for the upcoming year. Approximately 11,400 refugees were resettled in FY 2021, 25,500 in FY 2022, and 31,800 in the first eight months of FY 2023. From 1983 to 2015, central Ohio has resettled 16,596 refugees from around the world, and since 2002, nearly half of the refugees resettled in Ohio have come to Franklin County. Current events underscore the humanitarian need to help those forced to start over.
The Refugee Ministry has a long history of assisting refugee and immigrant families with transitioning into life in Columbus. Since 1977, they have worked closely with resettlement agencies such as CRIS (Community Refugee and Immigration Services) to sponsor new arrivals and to assist with emergency funds for expenses and unexpected costs not covered by federal assistance. They also help special needs situations, such as in-home English tutoring for those unable to attend group classes. The Refugee Ministry operates entirely on donations from the church and community.
As an example, First Community and the Refugee Ministry Team are serving, or have served in the past, families from Syria, a family of ten from the Congo that has lived in a refugee camp in Tanzania since 1997, and a family of six who were all born in a refugee camp. Another refugee, who is now a member of our Church, had her story included in Immigration Nation on Netflix (episode 6) and suffered an acid attack in her homeland. She then fought for five years to successfully bring her children to Central Ohio with the help and support of our Refugee Ministry Team.
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Donate to the Christmas Offering
Donate to the Christmas Offering at First Community, which will help support these two missions of our church.
- If donating by check, please indicate on the memo line "Christmas Offering." Send a donation to First Community Church at 1320 Cambridge Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212
Donations can also be made online in December. Please choose "Christmas Mission" in the fund drop-down.
If you would like more information about the Christmas Offering, Friends of the Homeless, Refugee Ministry Team, First Community Church, and its other Mission programs, please email us at
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We remember before God, all those who rejoice with us, but upon another shore, and in a greater light, that multitude which no one can number, whose hope was in the Word made flesh, and with whom in the
Lord Jesus we are one forevermore.
The Sanctuary decorations for the Christmas Eve services are provided by these memorial gifts. Each name submitted will be added to a video presentation which will be underscored by music and distributed digitally in church-wide emails and on our church social media platforms. To purchase a memorial, please click here.
Please note: there will be no poinsettia to pick-up, all memorials will be digital.
Questions?: Contact Shelly Sagraves at (614) 488-0681 ext. 291 or by email.
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Helping Parents Heal
Helping Parents Heal is an international support group of parents who have experienced the passing of a child. Our mission is to help other parents who have had a child pass on, giving them support and resources to aid in the healing process. We go a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences. We welcome everyone regardless of religious (or non-religious) background and allow for an open dialogue. Our Helping Parents Heal Columbus Affiliate meets on the third Tuesday of each month, from 6:30-8 pm, at FC North, 3777 Dublin Rd., Columbus, Ohio, 43221, in room 102. In 2024, we will be working toward offering additional meetings on different days as well as online services such as Zoom, streaming, or recording.
Through personal experience, the leaders of Helping Parents Heal have come to recognize several factors that contribute to the healing process. These elements include caring support from others, interaction with people who have also experienced loss, service to others, personal transformation, and, perhaps most importantly, discovering a reason for hope. In particular, we are referring to hope that comes from acknowledging our spiritual nature and understanding that our loved ones continue in spiritual form after physical death. We ask that parents take from our meetings whatever may benefit them personally.
So far, we have been meeting monthly since April 2023. Most of our participants are grieving the loss of adult children who have passed, but our group is open to any grieving parents, regardless of the circumstances. Our meetings have been uplifting, loving, and a safe space to share our stories, grief, hopes, and missions to carry on and help others. We hug, laugh, cry, share, and get to know everyone’s precious “Shining Light” children. We have a small but amazing group of parents and significant others (they’re invited, too!)
If you want to attend or have questions, please email Carol Kauffman at You may also text or call at (614) 519-6610, and we’ll give you more instructions about our HPH Columbus Facebook page. If you are the parent of a child (young or adult) who has passed, please know a huge supportive community is sending you and your family love and healing wishes. You are not alone!
Helping Parents Heal has partnered with the Pastoral Care office of First Community. Please contact Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan, Minister of Pastoral Care, at (614) 488-0681, Ext. 227.
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First Community’s Women’s Guild V and the Older Adult Ministry Team were pleased to host an expert on aging recently, Dr. John Weigand, a gerontologist and the Medical Director at the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Aging, for a discussion on the various aspects of the aging brain and memory loss.
In easy-to-understand terms and with a captivating use of humor, Dr. Weigand explained the spectrum of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, and how these brain problems develop. He discussed not only how Alzheimer’s is diagnosed but also spoke of the astronomical rise in medical costs associated with the disease. He also discussed over-the-counter genetic testing kits that can be used to determine a person’s chances of getting Alzheimer’s and how many individuals do not want to know.
Sharing with a sense of realness, Dr. Weigand told the personal story of his father-in-law’s journey with Alzheimer’s and discussed ways of being advocates, not only for the patient but also for the caregivers, indicating they need care as well.
Many questions from the audience were addressed regarding the process of the aging brain, and Dr. Weigand offered ways of helping maximize brain health, including the critical importance of getting sleep and proper nutrition (the ketogenic and Mediterranean diets were mentioned as being beneficial). Also discussed were the importance of physical exercise with any movement and the benefit of mental activities, including crossword puzzles and word games. Limiting alcohol and sugar was also noted as important to brain issue prevention.
The message provided was one of hope, as the FDA recently approved a new medication to help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s if it is detected in its early stages. He also said that over time, there will continue to be more and more progress in making the disease manageable and that we can make each day our best.
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Spiritual Life and Learning Center | |
All are welcome! Sunday, December 17, 12:15-1:45 pm | |
First Community's Justice teams have continued to gather internally and with area churches and organizations that work to make a positive difference through service, relationship, and affirmation. Primary focus areas include environmental justice, gun violence prevention, LGBTQ+ advocacy, racial equity, and veterans' advocacy.
In addition to any advocacy/education that our community justice team members engage in individually, recent meetings and events have sought to educate, provide service, and end systemic barriers to full inclusion and care for all creation. A partial and current list includes:
- A SWACO presentation on the current and possible future state of recycling in Central Ohio
- Continued participation in the Ministries for Movement March to reduce gun violence with our Friends at Family Missionary Baptist Church
- Participation in an anti-racism coalition with Northwest United Methodist, Woodland Christian, and St. Philip's Episcopal churches
- A November LGBTQ+ advocacy meeting to imagine future activities and projects.
A few upcoming projects within each of these areas of focus include:
- A field trip to the SWACO landfill tour to learn how solid waste reduction and diversion can protect public health.
- A collaborative April 2024 anti-racism health fair to increase healthcare access and equity in Columbus.
- January 28, 2024, 12:30 pm, Room 101, FC North, supply drive to benefit Kaleidoscope Youth Center. Save the date and stay tuned for this LGBTQ+ advocacy opportunity.
If you are interested in justice work or service and want more information on how to participate, please get in touch with Kristyn Anderson at
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Betty O'Neil Bake Sale - Thank You | |
WOW! What a great day for the Betty O’Neill Election Day Bake Sale on November 7th! The Women’s Guild of First Community sponsored the sale, and was held at both the North and South church locations. There were a variety of home-baked goodies, from coffee cakes and muffins to cookies and specialty breads. In addition, there were four different kinds of homemade soups and Sloppy Joes. All but a few items were sold on a donation basis. The voters, poll workers, and church staff were delighted to have the traditional Guild Bake Sale return on election day and to show their appreciation and gratitude, they were incredibly generous! Some examples included a donation to cover the costs of any purchases made by the poll workers, a man who wrote a check for $50 and only took several cookies, and at both locations, there were purchases bought with ten- or twenty-dollar bills, a couple of items chosen, with the buyers saying, “keep the change.” In the end, when all the money was counted, the Guild made $2,514.00, which will go toward many church and community outreach programs.
Of course, none of this could have happened were it not for the tireless efforts of the many Women’s Guild members who baked, cooked, and staffed the sale and generously contributed all the food to sell! A huge, heartfelt “Thank You” to all those Women’s Guild members and our generous patrons!
Guild membership is open to all women. If you want to learn more about joining a Guild Group, please contact Nancy Withers at Merry Christmas to all!
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Gives Something that Means Something. Give blood and give the gift of life. Come to give blood at the First Community Church South's blood drive on Wednesday, December 23 from 10 am- 4 pm. All who come to give will receive a $10 e-gift card via email. Plus, Red Cross donors in December will be automatically entered for a chance to win one of 12 holiday prize packages! Each package includes a $1,000 Gift Card and a 65-inch Omni QLED Series Amazon Fire TV. To schedule an appointment, click here. | |
Your gift helps us live out our vision to serve the world.
Please consider a gift in memory or an honorarium to the
Church or Foundation.
Click here to securely give online.
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Pastoral Care Links and Church Gifts | | | | |