Dear Friends,
It's May, and things are in full swing with shipments, volunteers, and MMI events in the works. None of this would be possible without God’s hand and the help of those who volunteer their time, talent, and resources towards our organization. We are so grateful for you beyond measure. Call it a labor of love, divine appointment, or both--what is done right here in the Central Valley directly impacts lives on a global level. The Lord has created each one of us with a purpose and a plan---may we continue to be used as a conduit of His grace and love in service to His kingdom. Amen? Amen!
Speaking of service and plans, our annual gala will be taking place in August. The MMI partnership council has been busy organizing this wonderful event and all of its details. It will be a time to fellowship and support the organization while enjoying a delicious dinner and a phenomenal speaker. Did I mention there will be a silent AND live auction?
MMI's goal is to create more opportunities for involvement and engagement with our community members. That said, we would like to announce our first golf tournament taking place next April, (April 7, 2025), at Belmont Country Club. Are you a golfer? If so, I'd like to hear from you! Stay tuned for more information…
Lastly, I can’t let this day go by without thanking all of the amazing nurses in our lives. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for your selflessness, and for your dedication to help those in need. Here is a picture of my all-time favorite nurse—my maternal grandmother. She was the only nurse anesthetist in her town in the 1940’s. She was incredibly intelligent and had a great love for people. She was compassionate, encouraging, and was a devout follower of Christ. Every once in a while, I smell her perfume or the sweet smell of gardenias wafting through the air. I miss her dearly, and I miss her sweet spirit, but her legacy lives on through my family. Thank you, nurses. You are a Godsend.
In His service,