RI Seafood Fishing Microgrant Program is now live!

Attention Fishermen and Seafood Businesses!

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM), and RI Seafood, is accepting grant applications for the Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program. Applications will be accepted from February 26 to March 22.

The Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program is a pilot grant program that will provide competitive small grants to seafood businesses and commercial fishermen to bolster their efforts in the commercial fishing industry. Eligible applicants include seafood businesses such as dealers, processors, commercial fishermen, and for-hire fishermen.

The purpose of this grant is to allow fishermen to focus their efforts on expanding their landings and build their businesses from the decline experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This can include grants for technology updates, equipment purchases, safety equipment or training for new staff, and other expenses that would otherwise prevent fishermen from furthering their business.

RI Seafood and the Seafood Marketing Collaborative is hosting a help session webinar for the FY 2024 RI Seafood Commercial Fishing Microgrant Program on March 18 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. This webinar will also be filmed for individuals that cannot attend and provided upon request. We will provide an overview of the grant program, have the Department of Administration available for troubleshooting and system questions, and provide guidance on next steps for applicants. Below is the Zoom link.


For additional questions, contact Molly Moran-Ogren, Chair of the Seafood Marketing Collaborative at or Jordyn Kastlunger, Fisheries Marketing Specialist, at

Apply at:

Seafood Seasonality

As the seasons change, so do the species being landed in the Ocean State.

Find weekly landing data on our website!

Weekly Landing Data

RI Seafood at the Seafood Expo North America

After spending three whirlwind days at the Seafood Expo North America (SENA), we are both proud and excited to announce that the RI Seafood team completed our inaugural year at the largest seafood show in North America! Thank you again to RI Commerce for their leadership and partnership in helping to make this happen. Without their help Rhode Island businesses would not be at the international seafood table.

Thank you to all of our amazing friends and partners that came by to support us, and represented the State of Rhode Island.

During the show, we had the privilege of engaging with thousands of people, and talking about our 89 partners, hand out our seasonal cookbooks, and spread information about the abundance and variety of seafood in the Ocean State. Find more from SENA by following us on Facebook and Instagram.

We look forward to seeing you all at more events in 2024!

Local Seafood Finder

#FindYourFresh at these locations and 80+ places and spaces throughout the Ocean State at!

Recipe of the month!

Fish Stew

Photo by Andrew Moran Photography

Quahog Week 2024: Mayday, Mayday!

Keep Clam and Quahog on!

Our 8th Annual Quahog Week will take place May 11th to 18th!

Seafood venues can join the fun at

RI Seafood is seeking seasonal interns!

Seasonal policy interns for RI Seafood will be responsible for tabling at events and at the Port of Galilee on the weekends to educate the public on the importance of consuming and buying local seafood. Interns will be expected to work between 25 – 30 hours per week but could vary. Typical event coverage is in the evenings and on weekends. Seasonal interns will be expected to work a full time schedule the week of Quahog Week in mid-May. Interns will also be responsible for managing the public materials, information, obtaining emails for the RI Seafood monthly newsletter, and talking with the public about where to find the best (and local) seafood. This position will be open from April to the end of July. 

Send resumes and questions to SMC Chair Molly Moran-Ogren at

Learn more here

Upcoming events

March 29: Oyster Pop-up at Dune Bro.

March 31: Marine Fisheries Council Meeting

6 PM

URI Bay Campus, South Ferry Road

Corless Auditorium

Narragansett, RI

May 11-18: 8th Annual Quahog Week

Save the date and join us for another week of shellebration

* Projections are based off monthly landing reports from the Division of Marine Fisheries from 2023. Data is subject to the Rule of Three, which requires that all data points be aggregated to include at minimum, three harvesters, three vessels, and three dealers to be considered non-confidential.*


Fisheries Marketing Specialist

RI Seafood Marketing Collaborative Website

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