A community of learners over 50

April, 2024 | Vol 4, No.6


A Multitude Of Reasons To Celebrate And Cherish

Greetings and warm wishes to each and every one of you as we step into the vibrant month of April! I am thrilled to share that there are beautiful opportunities ahead for our organization, and I am honored to be on this mission alongside you all. 

This month, we have a multitude of reasons to celebrate and cherish. We will be honoring our invaluable volunteers, expanding our visibility in the community, participating in the esteemed USF Giving Week Campaign, and most importantly, celebrating each and every one of our cherished members at our Member Appreciation Picnic (Please see details below).

One important note: As we attempt to conserve our resources, the upcoming Summer Catalog will be somewhat smaller than the traditional 25-page book. But it will still be packed with the important information you need to fully enjoy OLLI.

Championing Causes

In my ongoing commitment to championing the causes that enhance our network, I have had the pleasure of attending several enriching events. From the inaugural USF Bulls Family Fest to the enlightening Synapse Summit, from the inspiring Meals on Wheels Partner Breakfast to the launch of our partnership with Aston Gardens and meeting General Frank McKenzie at the USF Global and National Security Institute Conference, each experience has reinforced the importance of collaboration and community.

As we move forward, let us continue to march ahead - TOGETHER! Your unwavering support and dedication are the driving forces behind our success, and I am immensely grateful for each and every one of you.

Here's to a month filled with growth, gratitude, and boundless possibilities!

The attached photo is a collage of some of the people I've seen at events: Dr. Eric Eisenberg, Gen. Frank McKenzie, and Bessie Skoures, associate vice president at USF World.


Apr. 26 - OLLI Membership Appreciation Picnic

May 8 - OLLI Summer Open House

May 14 - Newcomer Luncheon


OLLI Membership Appreciation Picnic!

All OLLI members are cordially invited!

When: Fri., Apr. 26, at 11 a.m.

Where: Al Lopez Park,

Shelters 303, 304, 305, 306

             4810 N. Himes Ave.

             Tampa, FL

Join us for food, games, and fun!

RSVP by Apr. 12 

Call Charise 813-974-5848 

You’re Invited!

A new Open House is coming up, and you and your friends are cordially invited to attend.

Mark your calendar for the OLLI-USF Summer Open House on Wednesday, May 8, at 10 a.m., at Centro Asturiano de Tampa, 1913 N, Nebraska Ave., in Tampa.

If you're new to OLLI, you're also invited to a special Newcomer Gathering at 9 a.m.

Join us for coffee, conversation, and presentations by OLLI Instructors on our upcoming classes and programs. Meet our SIG leaders and learn about fun-filled activities and social gatherings in store for OLLI members.

A Special Guest Speaker

Our keynote speaker will be Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Daniel Ruth who is the USF Honors College visiting professor of professional practice and a member of the Tampa Bay Times editorial board. In his inimitable presentation, he will give an assessment of the contemporary political, cultural, and social landscape.

The Summer Open House is the perfect event and opportunity to introduce you and your friends to OLLI-USF. And it’s free.

For information and to register, visit or call 813-974-5848. Please make sure to register specifically for the Newcomer Gathering if you're also planning to attend that event.


And the Help Continues

OLLI’s support of the USF Feed-a-Bull Pantry kicked into gear last September with the Food, Glorious Food! SIG collecting food donations at their first in-person meeting since the pandemic. Since then, several other SIGs have followed with collections at their in-person meetings and programs.

In addition, OLLI Director Veronica Maxwell invited members to bring non-perishable food donations to the holiday gathering in December, which resulted in a huge donation of non-perishable food items, gift cards, and cash.

Pictured is a student volunteer at the Feed-a-Bull pantry unloading a sizeable collection from Food, Glorious Food! SIG members who participated in The Olive Grove Tour in Brooksville on March 1. See the related story below.

The Operatunity SIG has been consistently collecting donations at their in-person meetings and recently dropped off a much-needed load of supplies for the pantry.

The student volunteers are always very thankful for the donations and repeatedly tell us how much they appreciate OLLI’s assistance and efforts on their behalf.  Their gratitude is heartwarming. 

Donations to the Feed-a-Bull Pantry help alleviate hunger and food insecurity among enrolled USF students needing supplemental assistance.

Click here to learn more about the Feed-a-Bull pantry and ways you can help.


Do Olive Trees Grow In Florida?

You Bet!

A group of 35 Food, Glorious Food! members and guests enjoyed a visit on Mar. 1 to The Olive Grove, an organic olive farm in Brooksville.

Dede Davis, who owns The Olive Grove with her husband, Cambren, gave a presentation on growing olives in Florida and how they are processed. The group also learned how to cure olives and create infused olive oils, and they sampled several varieties of olive oil with Dede’s delicious olive bread for dipping.

Lunchtime included olive leaf tea, a buffet meal featuring a variety of olive-themed dishes, and sangria. Shopping in The Olive Grove store after lunch was a must for this group.

Several members stayed later for workshops on creating clay pots for burning olive oil and developing bonsai trees. It was a fun and interesting day!

Taking in the Local Sights

Members of the Shutterbugs SIG met at the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts in downtown Tampa on March 2 to enjoy the many exhibits and opportunities to utilize their street photography skills.

Street photography is their theme for spring, and the Shutterbugs are taking advantage of the many opportunities to practice their skills in the Tampa Bay area.

-- Photos by Bruce Himelman     

Celebrating March Birthdays

The Breakfast Station in Land o’ Lakes was the setting for the March meeting of Conviviality and Celebrations. 

Twenty-four OLLI members and guests enjoyed delicious food, generous portions and friendly service and celebrated two group members by singing Happy Birthday to them.  

The group meets monthly at various restaurants in the Tampa Bay area to celebrate and recognize birthdays and other special occasions. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, Apr. 19, at 1 p.m., at Luis’s Garden Grill, 4502 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa.


All OLLI members and guests are invited to join in the fun. Email Kat Hanscom for further information.

-- Photos by Kat Hanscom

Almuerzo Delicioso de Hablemos!

The Pal Campo restaurant, with authentic food directly from la Isla de Encanto (The Isle of Enchantment - Puerto Rico) hosted the Spanish-speaking Hablemos SIG on March 19. The group enjoyed un almuerzo delicioso (a delicious lunch).

Around the table, conversing in Spanish (mostly) the group also ordered their meals in Spanish, including empanadas (stuffed turnovers), asopao de camarones (a thick shrimp soup), tostones (fried green plantains), pechuga jibara (breaded chicken breast with a piquant sour cream sauce), frituras surtidas (assorted types of fritters) and many other tasty dishes.

The Hablemos SIG is for OLLI members who wish to improve their conversational Spanish and help each other while doing so. In addition to the SIG's twice-monthly conversational meetings, future lunches at other local Spanish/Latin American-themed eateries are planned in the coming months.

-- Michael Hayes

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

What better way to end a class on the Beatles: following the class titled It Was 60 Years Ago Today - the Fab Four in 1964, class attendees took a field trip on Feb. 18 that included lunch in Dunedin and a visit to the Penny Lane Beatles Museum, the only Beatles museum in Tampa Bay.


Class members enjoyed seeing the Fab Four memorabilia and recalled where they were when Beatlemania erupted in America in February 1964. 

On display were Beatles posters, marionettes, rugs, chewing gum, gold records, and buttons as well as Sgt. Pepper outfits, and Paul’s autographed bass guitar. It was a nostalgic visit back to the days when we were all so much younger, younger than today.

The four-week Beatles class led by Instructor Michael Hayes will be repeated in the summer, starting Thursday June 6, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at Allegro Hyde Park. A similar field trip is planned after this class is over. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

-- Michael Hayes

Outdoors SIG Paddlers Enjoy a Tranquility Adventure

The Weeki Wachee Springs State Park was the perfect location for the recent Outdoors SIG Paddlers’ kayak adventure.

The tranquil, crystal-clear water of the Weeki Wachee River takes your breath away with its unspoiled natural beauty.

Along the route wildlife was in abundance, including a nesting pair of American Bald Eagles.

Interested in joining the next adventure? Email SIG co-leaders, Diane and Donna, at

-- Diane White

-- Photo by Nancy Shivers


Caring for the Caregiver to Provide Better Care

The USF College of Behavioral & Community Science School of Aging invites you to attend their free upcoming conference.

Presented by:

Center for Hospice,

Palliative Care and End of Life Studies

Florida Policy Exchange Center on Aging

Friday, April 12, 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

USF Embassy Suites Hotel,

705 Spectrum Blvd, Tampa, FL

Click here for registration information and to view the flyer.


Meet the Development Committee Chair:

A Conversation With Kevin Chittim


Kevin Chittim is a man of ideas.


Coming up with ideas and putting them into action is how he spent the bulk of his career in the laser and optics industry. It’s how, over his career, he applied his unique talents to community boards, the Great Books of Tampa Council and the Florida Business Incubator.

So when he joined OLLI-USF eight years ago, he began applying those strengths to his work as an OLLI volunteer.

Many OLLI members know Kevin as the longtime teacher of the Great Books courses. He’s also been an active member of OLLI’s Board of Advisors, having served as a member at large, vice chair, chair of the Nominating Committee, and member of the Finance, Marketing, and Program Planning committees.

Now, Kevin is bringing new ideas to OLLI’s Development Committee, hoping to not just sustain our organization but to meet the Board of Advisors’ vision of something even bigger and better: more members, a greater variety of programs and activities, more engagement with the community, and enhancement of our facilities.

And with the help of other OLLI members, Kevin has set strategies in motion to make this happen.

Why OLLI Needs Money

OLLI needs funds to support ongoing expenses, including staff salaries, administrative fees to USF, the rental of classroom space, publication of our catalog, Open Houses each semester, the Holiday Party, classroom scholarships, and numerous social events.

About 20 percent of OLLI’s income comes from donations, but the level of giving has declined since

the COVID-19 emergency, Kevin

says. “We need to reinvigorate our annual giving in order to fund our aspirations for expanded offerings,” he says.

For that reason, Kevin and fellow Development Committee members are working to raise the level of donations by appealing directly to our nearly 1,400 members.

They're also looking at several new initiatives to raise money for OLLI-USF.

New Approaches To Fundraising

OLLI-USF began in 2005 with a series of gifts and endowments from the Bernard Osher Foundation. The interest generated from this source provides about one-third of our organization’s income. Membership dues and class fees bring another third, with the final third from donations, sponsorships and some support from USF.

Under Kevin’s leadership, the Development Committee is now seeking new ways to further increase OLLI’s income.

Several committee members are now working on obtaining grants from charitable organizations to finance our programs.

Other members, led by OLLI Director Veronica Maxwell, have successfully garnered sponsorships from local companies and civic organizations to underwrite OLLI activities. Veronica and Kevin expect to expand this effort in coming months.

The committee has also started encouraging members to support OLLI in bequests, endowments, wills and other means of support. “People who make legacy donations love OLLI and want to see it thrive for the long haul,” says Kevin, who invites members to contact him to discuss the seven or eight legacy giving options.

What it all boils down to, Kevin says, is that there’s one fundamental way to raise money: “You have to ask people, and you have to ask in some forthright manner. Even with people you know very well, this can be somewhat uncomfortable,” he says.

Kevin looks to other OLLIs around the country to show what can

happen with a strong fundraising

effort. OLLI chapters at Florida

Atlantic University and the University of North Carolina at Asheville, which received huge one-time donations to build and expand their facilities, are examples of what can happen with major, unexpected gifts. But the strongest fundraising programs rely on many smaller donations from lots of members, he says.

What Else Is Needed

For our OLLI, Kevin envisions more classroom space that is also more accessible, more functional offices for staff, and areas for members to gather and socialize.

“We want our members to be able to say, ‘I’m going to OLLI today because my friends will be there, it’s an attractive welcoming spot for a chat, easy parking, some refreshments and enjoyable times outside the classroom,’” Kevin says.

All this takes money, however. As chair of the Development Committee, Kevin is hoping to

raise enough to bring these dreams to fruition.

“Big dreams,” he says. “But it’s certainly possible if we can engage more folks in the annual fund, sponsorships, endowments and legacy gifts.”

There are several ways to donate to OLLI-USF. You can click here; you can contact Registrar Charise Dixie at or call her at 813-974-5848; or you contact Kevin at 727-234-8654 or 

--Sandy Buckley


Early Birds vs. Night Owls

Last month our Just For Fun Poll asked members if they were more like Early Birds or Night Owls. With 80-plus responses, 62 percent of the responders were Early Birds, leaving 38 percent as Night Owls. Quite a wingspan between the two.

It would be interesting to find out if Early Birds are more likely to desire morning OLLI classes vs. Night Owls hooting for afternoon classes. So let's run a Just For Fun poll to see how many members prefer morning classes vs afternoon classes. 

--Pat Dodge

Do you have a preference in time for OLLI classes?
No Preference


OLLI-USF Newcomers. It’s All About You!

Newcomer Luncheon

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, Noon

Brunchies, 14366 N. Dale Mabry Blvd, Tampa

Getting to know members is an OLLI priority. One way we do that is by hosting periodic lunches at a local restaurant. If you’re new to OLLI (less than six months a member), plan to join OLLI Membership Committee members for a lively, informal, Dutch treat (separate checks) gathering at Brunchies on May 14.

Come tell us your story. Where are you from? How did you hear about OLLI? What prompted your interest in joining? What has been your experience so far? What are your hopes for your first-year membership?

What questions do you have? Are there any subjects you’re passionate about learning more about? Or is there a subject you would love to teach at OLLI? Let us know how we can make this first year an exciting, fulfilling and fun one.


To attend, RSVP Sally Ordway by May 3. at 813-351-0974 or email her here.


We Want Your Feedback

The Membership Committee welcomes all members' input. Let us know how we can be of service to you. Ideas, suggestions, gentle gripes? Your voice counts.

Email Pam Tyler or text her  at 575-779-1382. 

--Pam Tyler

The Membership Committee has an article each month introducing a new OLLI member. Congratulations and welcome to OLLI’s newest member.

Introducing Connie Bladon

Connie is the director of community outreach for Advent Health Wesley Chapel. She has earned certificates as a fundraising executive and senior investment advisor.

In spite of working full time (a few more years), Connie has found time for OLLI. She especially enjoys history classes taught by her friend, Ron Weaver. Connie had heard about OLLI for many years from her mother, Connie Farnsworth, who taught at St. John’s Episcopal School for 27 years.  They both consider learning a lifelong activity.

Connie also supports her community in her volunteer work. She is a board member and past president of the Rotary Club of New Tampa, a board member of the North Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce, and treasurer for the Gulfcoast North Area Health Education Center, and she’s on the Pasco Leadership Council for Metropolitan Ministries.

Connie grew up in western Massachusetts and moved to Florida after college. One of her passions is health and wellness, going to the gym and averaging 10 miles a day walking in her Tampa Palms neighborhood, often accompanied by her Humane Society Plott Hound dog named Gronk.

Connie also enjoys traveling and getting to know people from different cultures. A couple of her favorite trips were to Ecuador and Norway. Her Ecuador trip included the Andes, the Amazon (where canoes were needed to get to the hotel, and the local children traveled to school by boat), and staying on the Galapagos Islands, which was a dream come true! In Norway on the Flam Railway from Bergen to Oslo, she was able to stop in Al, allowing her to take pictures of the village from which her Norwegian ancestors emigrated.

-- Shirley Herring

-- Photo, Connie Bladon


Congratulations and welcome to our newest volunteers who attended the Volunteer Information Session on March 22.

Top row: Suzette Murphee and Volunteer Engagement Committee member Diane Russell; Bottom row: Greg Pennington and Volunteer Engagement Committee member Kathy Palmer.

-- Diane Russell


OLLI Travel Presents Christmas on the Danube Dec. 2-10

Early December in Vienna: The first glimmer of sunlight arrives to start your first full day in one of the world’s great cities. Your shuffle to the hotel room door is rewarded by a copy of Kronen Zeitung, the local newspaper, and – wait, what’s this? – a mesh bag of candies and nuts.

The treats are a gift from St. Nichols, delivered as he makes his way across the land every Dec. 6, sorting out the well-behaved from the naughty and leaving the naughty to deal with his companion, the grotesque and fearsome Krampus, the half-demon/half-goat creature who punishes the misbehaving.

Their legends are just a part of the fabulous Christmas season along the Danube, which you’re invited to sample as part of an OLLI-sponsored Christmas on the Danube river cruise in December! 

Your adventure starts in the Austrian capital, home of Mozart and Strauss, modern-day headquarters of OPEC, and one of the great Christmas Market cities in the world. You’ll definitely want to spend some time at the sprawling Town Hall Market, sampling the baked goods and the punsch – guaranteed to keep you warm on a chilly evening.

The Christkindlmarkt at the Vienna Town Hall is a dazzling display of holiday gifts, breads, pastries, hand-crafted ornaments and specialties, and more than one place to refill your mug of punsch.

But there’s more ahead on OLLI’s Christmas on the Danube cruise as you meander upriver aboard the MS Amadeus Brilliant, through the Wachau Valley to the historic Benedictine Abbey at Melk, on to the cobblestone streets of the fairytale city of Passau, and onward again to Regensburg, one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Germany with a charming downtown Christmas market. 

 As your week unfolds, you’ll tour Nuremberg, where Germany’s oldest Christmas market provides a welcoming site, contrasting sharply with haunting reminders from the Nazi era found nearby. After Nuremberg, you’ll experience two highlights of the region known as Germany’s Romantic Road – Rothenberg and Wurzburg – before saying Auf Wiedersehen and returning to Tampa.

OLLI’s Christmas on the Danube tour takes place December 2-10 in conjunction with Collette Travel. To make your reservation or find out more about this holiday special, call Collette at (800)-852-5655 and refer to Booking # 1170376.  


This month we share the story of how Christine Basch became an OLLI member and how the German Conversation SIG got started.

Bringing German To OLLI Members

After I retired in 2009, I moved from Miami to Tampa at the urging of my daughter who worked at Tampa General Hospital. Being a stranger in a city I knew nothing about, without social connections, and with time on my hands, I began to explore my new environment. I wondered how I would keep myself busy and engaged.

Coming across an ad about continuing education, I stopped at the OLLI-USF office to inquire about technology classes. There, I met Joseph McAuliffe who promptly signed me up as a member.

In 2010, I attended several technology courses, Spanish classes and social functions and enjoyed the camaraderie that made me feel accepted. In fall 2011, I came across a message from the OLLI office seeking an assistant to the German language instructor. It was for beginners' classes, parts 1, 2 and 3, each course eight weeks long. With German as my native language and having little opportunity to speak it, I jumped at the chance. 

A Long-Term Engagement At OLLI

When the German instructor could not continue teaching the remainder of the courses, the students begged me to continue teaching them, although I told them I had no previous teaching experience. And so I became the designated instructor. That was the beginning of my long-term engagement with German at OLLI.

From then on, I taught German language classes every year, and happily, my teaching skills continued to improve.

During that time, the favored travel destination was Europe. However, no one can acquire command of a language with two eight-week courses per year. And since most travelers desire to converse with locals when visiting foreign countries, I developed a special German program designed for travelers.

The program included basic word groups and phrases, lessons on asking questions and understanding possible responses, ordering food, pronunciation etc. We practiced basic conversations, translating from English into German, with role playing in class. My students responded favorably and excitedly reported coming home from their trips. For several years, all that happened in a traditional classroom setting.

How The OLLI German Conversation SIG Began

2018 was the year when SIGs became popular. In May 2018. we met with then OLLI Director Ara Rogers for approval of our own German Special Interest Group, later renamed Shared Interest Group. After receiving the green light, we started meeting at public libraries twice a month. As these sessions required somewhat advanced skills of the German language, some of the lesser knowledgeable students were left behind. So I continued teaching classes as well.

Unfortunately, my last German course in March 2020 was canceled right after the first session due to COVID-19. Since we could not meet in person anymore, we revived our German SIG via Zoom. That has been a convenient alternative for us to this date.

One advantage to our particular SIG is that we can include people who don’t live in our area, as long as they are OLLI-USF members. We enjoy the opportunity to practice conversation and improve our speaking skills. Our motto is, if you don’t use it, you lose it! We try to physically meet once a year, although it is a hardship for some members.

I believe that OLLI offers something special for everyone and enriches your life and social connections tremendously. You never have to be bored or isolated as OLLI provides so many learning opportunities and social functions that bring people together. Regardless of what you are interested in, dive in and explore the many things OLLI has to offer. You’ll stay engaged for the rest of your life and feel the power of togetherness!

It certainly worked for me!

-- Christine Basch

SIGnificant EVENTS FOR APRIL, 2024

Nancy Baily-Williamson, SIG Liaison

For more information on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Several of the SIGs meet on Zoom; others are meeting in person and are organizing group outings and events. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.

Community of Readers and Writers

We meet via Zoom for discussion and special events. We offer group feedback with experienced readers to support your writing. Our private Facebook site is a resource for storytelling, memoir, and writing tips.

Email your interest to

China SIG

For more information about the China SIG, please email Nancy Stuart.

Food, Glorious Food!

Mon., Apr. 8, at 1 p.m., on Zoom. Dalia Colon, arts and travel journalist, host of the Zest Podcast, and co-host of WEDU Arts Plus, will discuss her new cookbook, The Florida Vegetarian, and do a cooking demonstration using a recipe from the book. To learn more about FGF or to join the SIG, contact Sandy Buckley.

Games SIGs

Online Games:

We will not be meeting in April. Our next meeting will be on Thurs., May 9, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the Zoom link and more information.

Board Games:

Thurs., Apr. 18, at 11 a.m., at Jan Kaminis Platt Library, 3910 S. Manhattan Ave. Come join us for 90 minutes of fun and collegiality. Learn to play new games or play the games we all grew up playing. Contact Robyn Cheung for more information, or just come to the meeting.

German Conversation

Tues., Apr. 9 and 23. For more information, contact Christine Basch.

Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG

Zoom meeting: Tues., Apr. 2 and 16. All levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Email for more information.

Ici on parle français!

Mon., Apr. 1 and 15. For an invitation, contact Lise Bérubé.


Local Culture SIG

Do you enjoy attending plays and concerts, historical tours, art museums and the like? Do that and more with fellow OLLI members while you discover what our local culture has to offer. For more information, contact Greg Pennington.

Let’s have more fun together! 


Mon., Apr. 22, at 10 a.m., at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa (UUCT). Madame Butterfly's plot and possible Pinellas Opera League interaction with Operatunity will be discussed. Feed a Bull Pantry donations are appreciated. For more information about this SIG, contact Kathryn Alyson.

OLLI Outdoors

The SIG is about getting outdoors, making connections, and having FUN!

Thurs., Apr. 4 - Orlando wetlands

Thurs., Apr. 11 - Group hike

Wed., Apr. 17 - Visit to a nesting colony with an Audubon guide

Fri., Apr. 26 - Zoom meeting on native plants and history.

Kayaking and bike riding events are also available. Email Donna and Diane at for details about these events.

Politics SIG

The Politics SIG provides a forum for discussion and informal debate on topics related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy. The P-SIG complements and promotes OLLI-USF classes on political science and history and is an adjunct to our weekly Saturday Social, which covers current events of political interest. The next P-SIG meeting will be held on Wed., Apr. 10, at 1 p.m., at Compton Park and via Zoom. For more information, please contact Rich Kennedy.

Self-Hypnotherapy SIG

Wed., Apr. 10 and 24, at 10 a.m., on Zoom. Email Anne Haywood for more information.


Wed., Apr. 17, at 3 p.m. Tarpon Springs Sponge Docks and optional two-hour Sunset Cruise to Gulf. Stop-over for 30 minutes at island for shelling and photos.

Sat., Apr. 20. Ybor City Saturday Market and walk through Ybor City. We'll meet at 10 a.m. Parking around the market available. Optional lunch at Columbia Restaurant within walking distance at 12:30 p.m. Please email Rich Edwards or Jean Nixon for more information.

Talking Movies

Fri., Apr. 19, at 1:30 p.m. Watch a movie and then get together on Zoom and talk about it. Movie to be determined. For more information, contact Arlene Zimney.

Write Time for Poets

No meeting in April. For more information about this SIG, email Cath Mason.

Shutterbugs SIG Seeks New Leaders

OLLI members Rich Edwards and Jean Nixon have been coordinating events for the Shutterbugs SIG since mid-2021 and would like to take a breather. This group goes on photo outings to places like farmers markets, craft fairs, and many other venues in and around Tampa Bay. They also meet for presentations to help you improve your photos.

Rich and Jean are looking for some enthusiastic photographers to step up and take over this group.

If interested please contact Rich, Jean or SIG Liaison Nancy Baily-Williamson.

200 Meetings - And Climbing!

Congratulations to the Saturday Social for recently holding its 200th meeting. Led by Rich Kennedy, the group has met over Zoom every Saturday morning for the past four years to discuss current events and topics of personal interest. It's open to anyone who'd like to have stimulating conversations with a group of interested and interesting people. Email Rich Kennedy for a link to the weekly sessions.


Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know.

Send Us Your News

OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.

Send your article to to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Veronica Maxwell, and Kathy Palmer. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.

Visit us on the web here. Check us out on social media:
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