March 9, 2024 - Sweet Leaf! Magical Monarda...

Introducing - Sweet Leaf! - Monarda fistulosa

Just yesterday afternoon a gentleman popped into the shop to pick up another bottle of Mondarda fistulosa, otherwise known as Sweet Leaf (not to be confused with Stevia), Wild Bergamot, Eastern Bergamot, and Bee Balm. I'm sure many of you recognize it from the photo above. Very common.

(The wondrous thing about very common plants is that they are more often than not chock full of very uncommon abilities when it comes to improving health. You have to know about them and how to use them, though!)

Anyway, I had previously advised this gentleman to try Mondarda for his ears, and yesterday he said after a few weeks he felt them start to pop and clear. I don't recall exactly his original complaint. However, during yesterday's conversation I mentioned that I most commonly recommend it for tinnitus. His eyes popped, and he said something to the effect that that problem has been lessening for him!

I then went on to mention that Monarda fistulosa is also used for urinary tract issues, Candida overgrowth/vaginitis, as well as vertigo and Meniere's disease. When I mentioned vertigo, his eyes popped again! He said when descending stairs he used to hold onto the railing because of a sense of imbalance, but he hasn't been having to do that lately!

Then, I mentioned that Monarda is said to enhance one's appreciation of the beauty in art, music, etc., and he felt that was something he could testify regarding, as well.

Others in the shop at that time were listening and wanted to learn more, so it was at that very moment I decided right that Monarda fistulosa would be my topic today!

STORY TIME! The best way for me to tell you about this remarkable plant is to read to you directly from master herbalist Matthew Wood's excellent resource The Book of Herbal Wisdom. I have attended many of his classes over the years, and he is an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes to herbal medicine. I know you will be intrigued with what I have to share with you, straight from "the horse's mouth!" Please join me...

Live on ZOOM today March 9, at NOON (EST)!

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The Book of Herbal Wisdom

Hailed as a “classic” by leading herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, this botanical compendium provides a wide-ranging history of herbalism and useful guidance for healing with herbs


Matthew Wood is one of the United States’ most renowned herbalists and the author of Seven Herbs: Plants as Healers, a watershed book in teaching herbal healing as a part of total wellness. With The Book of Herbal Wisdom, he continues and expands this study, creating a must-read guide for anyone who works in the natural health field or is interested in self-healing with herbs.

Matthew Wood Bio

I am including here a copy of the chapter on Monarda fistulosa I am reading on the program today.

Enjoy this wonderful information!

Read Here

Want to give Sweet Leaf a try?

Free 1-oz Bottle of Monarda Fistulosa!

With any online order $20 or more from now through next Friday, March 15.

You will need to add a 1 oz bottle ($12) of Monarda fistulosa to your cart. Then, simply use the promo code:

SWEET4ME on checkout!

For instore use, simply let us know as you are checking out. We will not automatically add to online or instore orders unless you let us know you would like a bottle.

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