Daily Lenten Offering

Jesus came to the disciples in the garden and found them sleeping. “Could you not stay awake with me one hour? Stay awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial.”

—Matthew 26:40-41

Jesus, I do not want to betray you, but I am tempted by my own greed. I do not want to deny you, but I am tempted by my own fear. I do not want to abandon you, but I am tired and the weight of the world is too much. Forgive me again, even as you do this for me and for all people. Amen.

In this episode of The Moth Radio Hour, stories of moving through discomfort—grief, revisiting painful history, stepping outside our safe spaces—and how it shapes us. Hosted by Moth Senior Director Meg Bowles.

Sitting with Spirit

Brigette Jones is determined to become a tour guide at Belle Meade Plantation. (Starting at 35:45)

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