For the week ending April 28, 2024

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Acts 8:26-40

I received Christian baptism in my late thirties after growing up in the Mormon tradition. I had read the scriptures and heard of Jesus but didn't understand. Yet, many "Philips" came alongside me, proclaiming the good news. My friend Bridget talked with me about what Jesus meant to her. Tim, from California, created a conversation blog between evangelicals and Mormons; I stumbled upon it and found community. And Kathryn, an Old Testament professor at Luther Seminary, listened to the Mormon in her classes wrestle through difficult passages and questions; it was she who baptized me.

Each one heeded the Holy Spirit's whisper, "Go over to this person and join her." Ultimately, my joy at knowing Jesus was so full that I could only declare, "What is to prevent me from being baptized?"

Who in your life needs the same loving friendship, patient listening, and wise proclamation of the gospel? Where is the Spirit nudging you to go?

Holy Spirit, direct us to the people you are preparing us to reach with the good news of Jesus. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home please contact the church office: 805-983-0612

Click here to view this weeks bulletin

April Birthdays

✝ Healing for Michael Caplinger as he broke his wrist.

✝ Bruce & Karin Wilcox, their daughter Adrienne died while at home. Pray for Karin, Bruce, Sara, Brianna, and the whole family. May they be comforted in their grief.

✝ Health concerns: Gail Tenbus recovering from surgery; Karin Wilcox; Michael and Brenda Caplinger; Tami Cobb receiving chemotherapy; Debi Owens, battling cancer (Robin F. friend); Gordon Henry (friend of Bruce Wilcox & Karin Wilcox); Lewis Johnson Montana State Trooper (Robin T's relative).

✝ For peace in war-ravaged places; public servants that they work for the good of all people; those seeking employment, adequate housing, and other important needs.

We are restarting our prayer list each quarter. This helps us to remove prayer concerns that are no longer needed.

If you want to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office or

Pastor Nancy

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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