July 21, 2023

Parshas Devarim

Shabbas Chazon

Candle lighting: 8:09pm

Maariv Motzei Shabbos: 9:04pm

Shabbos Ends: 9:09pm


4:30 pm-Beis HaMedrash, Daf HaYomi , Maggid Shiur Rabbi Zevi Isseroff

5:50 pm-Beis HaMedrash, Topic: 3 weeks, 9 days, Churban, Magid Shiur Dr Isiah Florence, followed by Pirkei Avos, Perek 2 , Magid Shiur Baruch Florence

Minyan upstairs will start this week BRACHOT ברכות 9:10

HUDU הודו 9:15


Full Season Davening Schedule

July 26-27, 2023

Zmanim, Davening Schedule

Wednesday Evening

8:23pm, Fast Begins at Sunset: 

8:10pm, Mincha, upstairs shul

8:25pm, Maariv followed by Eicha


8:00am Beis HaMedrash, Shacharis followed by Kinos

9:00am Upstairs shul, Shacharis followed by Kinos.

There will be an explanatory Kinos reading following the 9:00am Shacharis coordinated by Doron Simon that will take place in the Beis HaMedrash.

2:00pm, Mincha

8:00pm, Mincha

8:35pm, Maariv

Fast Ends-8:54 pm. Calculated as Sun Azimuth -6 degrees.(Medium sized stars)

Please note: You will find many varying times for ending the fast on Zmanim websites. They all follow various Rabbinic Opinions. If you are ill or having difficulty in fasting, please contact Zevi directly, 516-655-5836, for alternate times.


If anyone would like to have their own BBQ during the 9 days, feel free to come hear Josh Grauberd and Naftalee Zomberg make a Siyum on Masechet Gitten this Sunday at 2:30pm in the O circle.

Josh Slommicki will be making a siyum on Sunday evening outside P6, at 5:30pm. All are welcome to come by and listen. A mezonot snack of cookies will be served so that everyone attending can be included and partake in the siyum.

This Week's Enhancers

Suzanne Semel and Family

in honor of the Yartzeit of

Moshe Semel

Beloved Husband of Suzanne

Father of

Chanie Derdik

Baila Steinman


Gitel Leibler

and their families

Founding Member of

Beaver Lake Estates

may his neshama have an aliya


Milikhov, Gekht & Beylin Families

in honor of the Yartzeit of

Tyla bas Avraham

may her neshama have an aliyah


the Berman Family

in memory of their

mother and grandmother

Mrs. Judy Berman

יהודית בת יצחק מנשה ז״ל

may her memory be blessed


David and Vera Rosenberg

commemorating the Yahrzeit

of David’s Mother

Yocheved bas Meshulem Feish

may her memory be blessed

To enhance a kiddush or

to sponsor a L'Chaim

please contact Moishy at 917-434-5999

Or Click Here

Saturday night, Jul 22, 2023

in the Casino


for all Shareholders


The Music of Pumpidisa

July 29 in the Casino


Pumpidisa is not only a band, but it's an experience & lifestyle.

Compiled exclusively of young energy.

Click to see the entire season's entertainment lineup

Beaver Lake Participates

Chesed 24/7 Caring Constantly in Hospitals

Being in the hospital is always challenging - but on Shabbos, it's hardest of all. Patients feel lonely and vulnerable, and miss the joys of home and family.

Chesed 24/7 transforms the hospital experience, on Shabbos and every day. We bring Shabbos into hospital rooms, by sending a box of Shabbos essentials - LED candles, a Kiddush cup, grape juice; even a table cloth and challah cover. The Shabbos Box gives patients a taste of home. It lifts their spirits and allows them to celebrate. The box is just one thing we do for patients. 

Chesed 24/7 delivers fresh kosher meals to patients, operates hospitality rooms in 21 hospitals, and provides a full range of services, from hospital liaisons to pomegranate juice deliveries, and much more. 

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Chesed 24/7 is Constantly Caring.

This year we are unable to do a ladies event so our day camp will be packing Shabbos boxes for this incredible organization and we are forwarding a link so that everyone can donate to this most worthy cause! If you would prefer, a check can be dropped off by Naomi Gonter's house, P-18.

May we always be on the giving end of Chesed.

Chesed 24/7

How do you go from this........

to this.......

The Weber family

Each day Tzipora, often with her mother, Miriam's help, and occasionally her father, Heshy's help, creates this amazing transformation. Thank you Weber family.

The Borscht Belt Museum is getting ready to open in 2025. It is a Museum that will be dedicated to preserving the Borscht Belt era. 

This summer the museum is opening a special pop-up exhibit called “Vacationland! Catskills Resort Culture 1900 - 1980”. Our very own Beaver Laker, Amy Zide, is a docent this summer each Wednesday from 12 - 3pm. Amy is very excited to greet all of you and show you around the exhibit. There is also a special oral history project happening at the museum this summer. A recording booth has been set up to collect stories and unique memories from the resort era time period. 

Pictured below are a group of Beaver Lakers being guided around the museum by Amy (center).

To sign up for the oral history recording booth project, click here: 

borscht belt museum oral-history-project

Any more questions, contact Amy Zide at 917 991 6505. You can also follow Amy on her adventures through the Catskills on her Instagram page - Amyinthecatskills

Borsht Belt Museum

Family Picture Day is Sunday, July 30, and Bunk Picture Day/Family Picture Day is Monday, July 31. This year our photographer will be the very talented @risikohn_photography!

The sign up sheet will go out at 12pm this Tuesday.

Please do not double book sessions! Appointments start at around 3pm on Sunday and Family Sessions on Monday will start at 1pm.

If the people in your family photo will also be in Beaver Lake on Monday please book your appointment for Monday as there are limited Sunday slots.

This year the sign up sheet also allows you to order your bunk photos in advance. Just list your bunks and send electronic payment or pay on picture day directly. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sori Levine


Monday, July 24

Please place your blue recycling bins

outside your home

no earlier than

8am Monday morning

please check the flyer on our website for which items are recyclable

Recycling Flyer

A New Trivia Quiz

Starting this week, we will begin a weekly trivia quiz.

It is exclusively on Beaver Lake history. It can be one or more questions.

I will start it this week and hope that YOU will enjoy finding obscure details and submit your questions in each of the next Bulletins throughout the summer.

How many acres were purchased in the original sale to Beaver Lake?

The answer is hidden in this issue of the Bulletin.

Thank you to all the photographers who participate in the

Summer photo contest. All winners get a free ice cream cone.

Please submit your photos by Wednesday noon, to


this week's winner is:

Lauren Weissman

Any future bulletin suggestions or comments? Please reach out to
Roz Wiesel
189 Southwoods Drive
Monticello, NY 12701
Connect With Us: BL Instagram