California Region

Mission Advancement Egram

February 29, 2024

One Heart. One Hope. One Mission. 


...thank you for being part of our great story!

Dear Friends,

Our celebration of the centennial of the Sisters of Notre Dame continues! The article below highlights our booth at the Religious Education Congress of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We decided on this venture as a way to celebrate God's goodness and provident care in these past 100 years. The thousands of individuals entrusted to our care--in schools, parishes, spiritual formation, health care, eldercare, social outreach--both locally and globally--have been part of our great story.

Early in 1924, plans were initiated for the presence and ministries of the SNDs in Southern California. Since then, all of the living or deceased SNDs have been deeply grateful for the privilege of journeying with you. We renew our commitment as we carry you, as our spiritual daughters and sons, in our hearts and in our prayers everyday.

Blessings always,

Sr. Lisa Megaffin, S.N.D.

Director of Mission Advancement Services


Celebrating the SND California Centennial

at the Religious Education Congress

From February 16 through 18, the SNDs hosted a booth at the Religious Education Congress of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Approximately 16,000 attendees came from across the United States and foreign countries. The sisters were able to visit with former students, colleagues and friends, sharing literature, prayer cards and photo opportunities with St. Julie or St. Julie's sunflowers. In addition, more than 300 special prayer intentions were collected and these are being included in the daily prayers of the SNDs of the California region.

Tomatoes a-plenty from a much-needed greenhouse in Tanzania

A recent grant from the Hilton Fund for Sisters provided the necessary resources to construct an underground water storage system and a greenhouse for cultivation of food at the Aloysia House in Kiomboi, Tanzania. The 30 residents of Aloysia House are among the most vulnerable people in Tanzania: they are children who have either lost their parents to HIV/AIDS or have been removed from their homes for another reason.

During the rainy season, the ground was becoming water-logged and flooding the orphanage, bringing sharp debris, animals, insects, and water-borne diseases into the sleeping areas. When the water collects, it breeds mosquitos and spreads malaria. Soil erosion has further damaged the land and contributed to an unsafe environment. In the dry season, the sisters struggle to secure enough water for cleaning, cooking, and sanitation. By collecting the water during the rainy season, it can be stored and then used to cultivate healthier food for the children--an abundance of tomatoes! Sr. Esther Kavumba expresses her gratitude in a recent email: “Thank you! Working with the children helps them to learn and brings a lot of joy. The children are very happy to work especially in the green house. Each time we enjoy the fruits of the green house and the clean water we remember you and the entire Hilton Team, offering special prayers for you."

The SND USA Mission Advancement staff in California provided grant writing assistance to the East African Sisters. Thank you to all of the donors and partners who have provided life-changing educational and social services in East Africa for more than 25 years. 

CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS with one heart, one hope, one mission

If the date is underlined, click the date for more information. 

Thursday, March 14, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Holy Cross Church, Moorpark

How are the Spiritual Works of Mercy Essential in our World Today?

presented by Sr. Val Roxburgh

Friday, March 15, Noon to 1:00 p.m.

St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Whittier

Jesus, I Surrender Myself to You,

You Take Care of Everything

presented by Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz

Saturday, March 16, 8:00 a.m.

Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles


Join the South Central LAMP LA Big 5K Team at Dodger Stadium on Saturday, March 16 for a fun, three-mile run/walk through Elysian Park! South Central LAMP, a partner ministry of the SNDs, provides a supportive, nurturing environment for economically poor women and their families. LAMP'S programs empower women and their families to reach their full potential, build self-esteem, utilize resources, and strengthen mutual interdependent relations. Learn more!

Sunday, March 24, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Hyatt Regency Westlake

Many Mansions Bowls of Hope

Join us as we address homelessness and housing insecurity. Engage with the community, savor warm and comforting food, and learn how you could be part of the solution. Many Mansions, a partner ministry of the SNDs, provides quality, affordable rental housing in Southern California and services that encourage the residents to thrive. Residents include families of very low-income, seniors, veterans, disabled individuals, and those who were homeless. Learn more!

Many Mansions will be reopening its General Affordable Housing Waitlist on Friday, March 1, 2024 at 8 a.m. Applications will be accepted through Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 4 p.m. Learn more!

SNDUSA Website

SND USA Magazine, Fall, 2023

SND 2022 Impact Report, California Region