DCCA Meetings Resume: Chairman Mendelson is Featured Speaker
Monday, October 4
7:30 PM

Following the traditional summer break, DCCA will kick off October with a membership meeting. Given current concerns with the Delta variant, we are opting to continue by webinar so that all DCCA members feel comfortable attending the meetings.

In addition to our featured speaker, DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson, we will be sharing neighborhood updates on activity around 17th Street redesign, the Masonic Temple development, gardening, ongoing ABRA work and more.

DCCA monthly meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the first Monday of the month. DCCA members will be sent an invite to register.

Not a member? Click here to join - annual memberships start as low $15.
Logan Circle Paints the Streets
Saturday, September 18
11 AM - 4 PM
Sidewalk of 14th & R Street NW

Join the Logan Circle Community Association in its official launch of "Let's Paint the Streets." Artists, predominantly young emerging creatives, are transforming 20 utility boxes into the artistic masterpieces you have recently seen popping up around the neighborhood. 

Mayor Bowser and Council member Pinto will be present for the launch, along with food vendors and entertainment!
Crab Feast on the Potomac
Saturday, September 18
12 PM - 3 PM
3700 Water Street NW

Join the DC Preservation League and the Capital Pride Alliance for their annual Crab Feast at the historic Washington Canoe Club on the banks of the beautiful Potomac River.

Tickets are $75 and include: crabs, shrimp, corn on the cob, hot dogs, beer from DC Brau Brewing Company, wine, soda, ice cream, and more! Canoes and paddle boards will be available for adventures on the water. All participants must provide proof of vaccination.

Click here for tickets and more information
Art All Night
Saturday & Sunday, September 24-25

Art All Night is an event filled with fine art, music, and discovery that will take place in 16 neighborhoods around DC, including 12 sites in Dupont Circle at embassies, art galleries and more.

To learn more about the event click here.
Vintage 202
DC Public Service Commission announced the addition of a new area code for DC.

The District of Columbia has used the 202 area code since 1947 and it has become synonymous with city pride, but projections show the District will run out of new phone numbers during the third quarter of 2022. To solve this problem, the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) has assigned a new area code to the Washington region: 771

Click here to read the announcement.
Origins of the English Basement and Pedestrian Malls
Bloomberg's CityLab takes an interesting look at the areas once used by wealthy homeowners for kitchens, guest rooms or coat closets for parties and examines how English Basements of Washington, D.C., Came Into Their Own.

Click here to read.

Some may be interested to scroll further down the linked page to read Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Pedestrian Mall a piece about the car-free shopping streets that swept many U.S. cities in the 1960s and ’70s and how the few examples that survived could be models for today’s “open streets.”
Hispanic Heritage Month: DC Mural Tour
Take the DC Latino Street Murals Virtual Tour to learn about murals you have passed or pondered over the years and discover new spots to visit.

The event is part of the Smithsonian's Latino Center's Hispanic Heritage Month programming.
Interactive Word Play
10 AM - 5 PM

Have you found your way to Planet Word? The museum opened in 2020 and is bright, fun, modern celebration of the written word. From language to music to charades and puns you will not leave without a smile...especially after a visit to the magical library. Pro tip - take the docent's advice and start at the top floor and work your way down (elevator friendly).. and plan to hit the gift shop for unique literary themed treats!

Admission is free with a suggested $15 donation to support the museum’s mission-driven programs, exhibits, and educational outreach.

Visit the website to reserve a time or drop by 925 13th Street, NW for walk-up passes on the half hour of every hour starting at 10:30am.
North Dupont Transportation Walk with CM Pinto
Friday, October 1
3:00 - 5:00 PM

Join Councilmember Pinto and representatives from the DDOT for a North Dupont Circle-focused walk and discussion. The walk will span just over 1 mile and listening sessions will be held along the way to hear directly from residents about their safety concerns.

Click here to RSVP and learn the estimated walking tour schedule and stops:
Citizens to speak in Congress about Vision of a Better America
October 4-8

A Dupont neighbor and DCCA member has helped create a citizens conference that will be held in Congress in October.

Nonpartisan citizens, from across the country, will describe challenges they are working on, and their views of an ideal future for our country that will address the challenges. 

A limited number of free tickets to attend in person; the conference will also be live-streamed. Click here to visit the website which gives bios, photos, and more information. 
Grand Re-Opening of the MLK Library
Saturday, September 25th

Last year, when the library renovation was completed, there was limited attendance for the opening, and all were restricted to the lobby. The Grand Re-Opening will be fully open to the public. There will be an array of activities -- many out-of-doors -- including Art All Night and The Library Friends will join the celebration with a used book sale out front under the loggia.
DC Circulator Fares to be Reinstated
This morning DDOT announced that by order of the DC Council the fares on the DC Circulator will be reinstated effective October 1, 2021. 
The Mayor’s FY 2022 budget proposal set aside $6.5 million in funding for free DC Circulator service. After deliberation, the Council rejected the zero-fare policy funding, requiring DDOT to reinstate the one-dollar fare on October 1, the beginning of FY 2021.
Local Newslinks of Note
No, The Lime Green Water In Rock Creek Park Isn’t Radioactive - LINK

Capital Bikeshare changing their fee structure starting Oct 1 - LINK 

Capital PRIDE Community Calendar - LINK

What We Know About The Right-Wing Rally Planned For Sept. 18

Historic Dupont hotel sold, to be converted into senior living - LINK

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