COLORADO GIVES DAY is December 5th

and Colorado Center for Aging in participating.

Don’t Wait; You Can Donate Now!

Donate to CCA - CLICK HERE

Zoom Link is in this email

View as Webpage

November 12, 2023

Our next meeting is Monday, November 13, 2023. Our meeting is from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. Our newsletter has moved to bi-monthly and will come out the Sunday before a Monday meeting.

At this meeting we will have two presenters:

  • Jarett Hughes, Jarett Hughes, Deputy Director of Policy and Research, Office of the Governor will join us at 9:30 and will review the budget and older adult related issues he is working on for the next session. 
  • After Jarett finishes then Dayton Romero, Mountain-Central Regional Program Manager, Senior Planet and Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP will talk to us about changing technology and its impact on older adults. He will share program information on how the OAT's (Older Adult Technology Services) Program can help educate older adults on technology and empower them to use technology in their daily lives.
  • As time allows, Rich Mauro will brief the group on our next steps, since the AAA funding request was not included in the budget. Rich and Jeanette will also preview preparations for the subcommittees and a legislative training.

Our next CCA Advocacy Committee meeting is on Monday, November 27th.

Questions about CCA Advocacy Committee

Jeanette Hensley - email - 303-249-5598

Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee

Rich Mauro - email - Direct: 303-480-6778

Co-Chair of CCA Advocacy Committee and Senior Policy and Legislative Analyst Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)

Zoom Link for Monday's Meeting

Topic: CCA: Advocacy Committee Meeting

9:30AM - 11:00AM/11:30AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 481 5119

NEW Passcode: CCA2023#

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+17193594580,,8814815119#,,,,*01201897# US

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Dial by your location

  +1 719 359 4580 US

  +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 881 481 5119

Passcode: 01201897

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News & Highlights from CCA & our Network

COLORADO GIVES DAY is December 5th

But Don’t Wait; You Can Donate Now

Your support for the Colorado Center for Aging is more crucial than ever. You can make a donation to CCA any time between now and December 5th. All donations made between now through December 5 qualify for prizes and incentives. Your generosity will help CCA continue to advocate statewide for the programs and services that help older adults thrive and age with dignity. CCA is the only nonpartisan, all volunteer organization working to raise the voices of older Coloradans. 

View our Colorado Gives Day Flyer - CLICK HERE

CCA Colorado Gives Day Web Page

Governor Polis Calls Special Session of 74th General Assembly, Urges Legislature to Put People Over Politics to Save Coloradans Money on Property Taxes

DENVER - "Coloradans are facing an extreme property tax increase – up to forty to fifty percent next year according to certain projections due to higher assessments. This will affect Coloradans from all corners of the state if the legislature does not take action. This is an immediate, statewide, and bipartisan concern ..." - READ MORE


Dental Advisory Committee Seats Available

The Colorado Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors (Senior Dental Program) has been very successful in promoting the health and welfare of Colorado’s low-income seniors by providing access to dental care to individuals age 60 and over who are not eligible for dental services under any other dental health care program, such as Health First Colorado or the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program, and does not have private dental insurance - HCPF is seeking a candidate to fill the seat of a "senior who is eligible for services under the program." If you know of an aging senior who is eligible for the Senior Dental Program and would like the opportunity to participate on the Dental Advisory Committee (DAC), please have them contact Chandra Vital at with the subject: Dental Advisory Committee Seat, or they may call 303-866-5506READ MORE


Leaving this news in as the survey is still Active

2023 Direct Care Worker Survey is now live!

Responses will be kept anonymous.

The survey will close on November 10th at 5:00PM MST

The 2023 Direct Care Worker Survey is live. There has been an exciting response with nearly 1100 completed responses and 58 of our 64 Colorado counties represented! We have a special ask: Do you know anyone in the following counties? We would love to hear from all of our Colorado counties.

  • Gilpin
  • Huerfano
  • Lake
  • Ouray
  • Rio Grande
  • San Miguel

We would like to note that the survey is being offered in several different languages (English, Spanish, French, and Russian) that survey takers can select within the link, and we encourage any and all direct care workers to take advantage. Please share the survey link within your networks near and far. HCPF wants to hear from direct care workers to continue our understanding of the level of satisfaction with their work!

Survey Link:

Leaving this news in as the call for participants is still Active

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

is looking for a few more adults 55+ to participate in

a qualitative research study about health equity. 

Are you 55 or older? We want to hear about your health and your experience as an older adult in Colorado. On behalf of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Corona Insights is looking for research participants to participate in focus groups or interviews. If you qualify and participate, you will be compensated $150 for your time. To see if you qualify for this research, please call Fieldwork and answer a few questions about yourself:

Primary: 720-931-2525

Secondary: 303-825-7788

View Flyer - CLICK HERE

Leaving this in from our last newsletter ...

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program (VITA/TCE) - Join us today and help make a difference in our community!

VITA/TCE seeks volunteers to support free tax preparation, to help individuals and families in our community maximize the refunds they are eligible for. By volunteering, you’ll contribute to the financial well-being of your community. Each year, valuable VITA/TCE volunteers make a significant impact by ensuring that funds are returned to our fellow community members. Last year, our dedicated volunteers returned millions of dollars in tax credits and refunds to low and moderate-income Coloradans. Ready to volunteer? Sign up today!



Colorado governor calls special session on property taxes

following failure of Proposition HH

"Gov. Jared Polis on Thursday called state lawmakers into a special legislative session to cut property tax rates and blunt the impact of large increases in home values on tax bills awaiting homeowners next year. The session will begin Friday, Nov. 17, and last at least three days. Polis’ announcement comes just two days after voters overwhelmingly rejected his preferred solution, the sprawling property tax relief and school funding measure known as Proposition HH. The initiative, authored by the governor’s office, was aimed at combating a 40% increase in property values that would cause a corresponding jump in property tax bills next year - READ MORE


Colorado voters reject Proposition HH, forcing governor and

legislature back to the property tax relief drawing board

"Colorado voters on Tuesday soundly rejected Proposition HH, a complicated tax and spending measure that would have provided hundreds of dollars in property tax relief each year for the typical homeowner, while reducing state taxpayers’ refunds and expanding state spending on schools ..." - READ MORE


Colorado voters approve sending millions more dollars to the state’s new universal preschool program

"Colorado voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed Proposition II, allowing the state to keep tens of millions of dollars collected through increased tobacco and nicotine taxes that it would have otherwise had to refund. That money will be used to bolster the state’s new expanded preschool program ..." - READ MORE


Payment Rates for Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services:

States’ Responses to Workforce Challenges

"Long-standing workforce challenges in Medicaid home- and community-based services (HCBS) were exacerbated by the pandemic and addressing them is the top priority for most state HCBS programs. New flexibilities combined with funding provided through the American Rescue Plan Act helped states enact new policies to address those issues during the pandemic, but many of those policies are ending and federal funding will expire. This issue brief describes states’ ongoing efforts to respond to the workforce crunch and how they pay HCBS workers, which are central challenges in ensuring that HCBS services are accessible to the 4 million Medicaid enrollees who use them. The data come from the 21st KFF survey of officials administering Medicaid HCBS programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, which states completed between May and August 2023. The survey was sent to each state official responsible for overseeing the administration of HCBS benefits (including home health, personal care, and waiver services for specific populations such as people with physical disabilities). All states except Florida responded to the 2023 survey, but response rates for certain questions were lower. Key takeaways include ... "- READ MORE


Interview with Elizabeth Garner - Colorado's State Demographer

Colorado’s population trends are on a collision course with the state’s housing shortage

"Colorado’s population trends are on a collision course with its housing shortage, according to state demographer Elizabeth Garner. The state’s population sits at 5.8 million and it’s expected to grow slowly in the next decades, reaching 7.5 million by 2050. What’s fueling the growth right now is an influx of young people, ages 22 to 37, who are coming to Colorado for jobs. But the biggest single segment of the population is older adults, many of whom remain in the homes where they raised their families ..." - READ MORE


Short-term rental owners show up in force to oppose Colorado lawmakers’ plan to tax their homes at a much higher rate

"Colorado lawmakers got an earful Tuesday from short-term rental owners on a proposal to classify many of their homes as commercial properties and impose a much higher tax rate. The legislation would roughly quadruple property taxes for tens of thousands of short-term rental homes in Colorado. It drew fiery testimony from more than 80 speakers at Tuesday’s hearing of the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning Tax Policy, which voted to advance the bill to the full legislature in January ..." - READ MORE



Colorado Center for Aging Events

More information to come about Colorado Center for Aging special events including advocacy training sessions.

December 5, 2023 - Tuesday

Colorado Gives Day is December 5th!

Early Giving opened Nov 1st!

Make a big impact in the lives of children and families in need this Colorado Gives Day. Early giving is open NOW! Every donation made between November 1st and December 5th can help Colorado Center for Aging and we need your financial support! All donations made between November 1 - December 5 qualify for prizes and incentives. 

View our Colorado Gives Day Flyer - CLICK HERE

Visit our Colorado Center for Aging Colorado Gives Day web page:

December 13, 2023 - Wednesday

Denver Job Fair December 13, 2023

Location: Embassy Suites by Hilton Denver

Address: 4444 North Havana Street, Denver, CO 80239

Are you looking for a job in the Denver area? If you are, then you need to register and attend this event. Best Hire Career Fairs has provided the best hiring events in the country for the last five years. What sets us apart from our competition is that we identify what employers are looking for and match them with the best candidates. If you're in the market for a new job or advancing your career, you will want to be at this event. Make sure you arrive early. Doors will open at 11 am, and the event will end at 2 pm.

Tech Resources

Cyber-Seniors provides FREE technology support and training for senior citizens

Founded in 2015 by the creators of the award-winning documentary film CYBER-SENIORS, this non-profit organization provides senior citizens with tech-training using an intergenerational, volunteer model.


CU Anschutz COAST-IT Program

The Multidisciplinary Center on Aging at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is actively reaching out to more older adults in the community for the COAST-IT (Connecting Older Adults and Students Through Inter-professional Telecare) program. Older adults will have the opportunity to engage with a student from either the CU Anschutz School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, or School of Dental Medicine programs to mentor the future generation of healthcare clinicians.

Contact Joanna Fitzgibbons at for more information

Denver Public Library Technology Classes & Workshops

From computer basics to digital privacy to applying for benefits online, Denver Public Library offers a variety of technology classes and workshops.


Senior Planet

If you’re a senior aged 60 and older, these live online classes are designed just for you! Learn about finance, wellness, fitness, computers and technology, and so much more. You will also find a real community of fellow life-long learners.


Library Services through Strong Library

Thanks to Denver voters, Freegal Music+, an ad-free, unlimited streaming platform, and Statista, an easy-to-use portal for integrating statistics and reports, are available to anybody with a DPL library card. These new services are made possible because of #StrongLibraryStrongDenver, supported by the DPL Fund. Learn more here:

CCA Advocacy Committee Summer-Fall Meetings 2023

We are going into our fall schedule where we will meet bi-monthly - twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our fall meetings will be from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. 

If you are not a member of Colorado Center for Aging - Join Today!

Not sure if you are a member? Send us an email - CLICK HERE

Join as an Individual - CLICK HERE
Join as a Supporting Organization - CLICK HERE
Donate to the Colorado Center for Aging - CLICK HERE

Colorado Center for Aging is a 501c3 non-profit organization,

born out of the roots of Colorado Senior Lobby (CSL) - LEARN MORE

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