Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

March 1, 2024

Dear friends, 

I am grateful for all those who joined together for last Sunday’s service, “Housed and Unhoused: Reflections on the Spaces Between Us.” The UUSS community has expressed a deep commitment to witnessing, advocating with, and serving people experiencing homelessness. I want to highlight some of the ways you can get involved with UUSS efforts on this front: 

Mercy Pedalers: “Mercy Pedalers are bicyclers and tricyclers reaching out to men and women experiencing homelessness on the streets. It is a ministry of presence and action.” Find the Mercy Pedalers cart in the Welcome Hall most Sundays at UUSS to learn more and get involved. 

Loaves and Fishes: “The largest homeless service provider in Sacramento, dedicated to providing warm meals, survival supplies and services for nearly 1,000 adults & children daily. Loaves & Fishes recognizes each person’s dignity, nourishing not just the physical needs of those who seek services, but also their human need for acceptance, respect, and friendship.” UUSS crews meet weekly. Contact Larry Shaw to sign up at loavesandfishes@uuss.org

Sandwich Brigade: “Join the team to make lunches for the homeless. To date, we have provided approximately 10,000 meals to our community. Volunteers each make 10 lunches (PBJ sandwich, a fruit, a cookie or granola bar, water) and bring them to UUSS on 2nd or 3rd Wednesday by 10am." If you’re interested, email Sally Wilkins sandwiches@uuss.org

Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together) empowers ordinary people to identify and change the conditions that create economic and racial injustice through shared faith values. UUSS currently works with SacACT in two focus areas: Climate Justice and Homelessness & Housing. For Homelessness & Housing there are three working groups:

  • The Policy and Campaigns group advocates for affordable housing and prevention of homelessness.
  • The Implementation and Accountability group is working to hold the City and County of Sacramento to their obligations and commitments to provide affordable housing and services for the unhoused.
  • The Dignity group works with others in the community to advocate for the provision of basic human needs for the unhoused such as potable water and toilets.

Come join us! Reach out to Meg Gunderson for more information.

I drew extensively on the following resources for some of my writing in last week’s service. The following reports provide a comprehensive and data-driven outline of the current crisis. 

In faith,


Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS

Face masks are available but not required.

Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

(Closed Captioning available on Zoom)

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Fellowship afterwards in the Welcome Hall and for 22 minutes on Zoom

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our March Soul Matters Theme is


Here's the link to the Soul Matters materials

Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth meditation in the meadow (March 3)

2nd Sunday - Note new time:

Justice & Equity conversation is after church (11:50)!

3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi (March 17)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism (March 24) with Rosemary Dodd in the Fahs Room.

Sunday, March 10, we will be gathering for a a Newcomer Orientation and Tour.

Join us then or on the second Sunday of any month, right after the service, in the Welcome Hall.

Sunday, March 3, 10:30: You Are Welcome... Here?

Guest Minister Angeline C. Jackson, preaching, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associate Karen Sparrow, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva


Our Unitarian Universalist congregations often stand as beacons of inclusivity in a world that regularly emphasizes differences. Yet, the question lingers: How can we ensure that our welcome extends genuinely to everyone who accepts our invitation to visit us? Join us for a thoughtful exploration of this question as we delve into ways of creating truly inclusive spaces within our Unitarian Universalist communities.


Guest minister Angeline Jackson is the former Executive Director and co-founder of Quality of Citizenship Jamaica, an organization for lesbian and bisexual women. She has received multiple awards for her work and is a recognized international expert in the field of LGBTQ+ education. She is the author of Funny Gyal: My Fight Against Homophobia in Jamaica. (We have it in the UUSS Bookstore!) An entrepreneurial minister, Angeline has an MBA and is also a graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological School, a UU seminary.


Before the service, you are invited to light a candle of Joy, Sorrow, or Hope and fill out a card for a minister to receive and (if you indicate) to mention in the spoken prayers.

Sunday, March 10, 10:30:

Lavishly Flung Forth: The Ecology of Generosity

Rev. Vail Weller, guest preacher, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associate Dawn Huebner, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva


How might we enrich our relationship with the natural world and the communities that form and nourish us, while also deepening our understanding of ourselves as stewards?


A Pittsburgh, PA, native and lifelong Unitarian Universalist, Vail Weller has served our faith since 1998. She’s served congregations in West Virginia, Michigan, and most recently San Mateo, where she lives. She has served the Unitarian Universalist Association as Congregational Giving Director and is now Senior Philanthropic Advisor.


 Note: Spring Forward! Set clocks ahead one hour or you’ll be late!

At 11:50 a.m.: Justice & Equity Conversation in the Fahs Classroom (new time!) 

At 11:50 a.m.: Newcomers’ Orientation & Tour (meet at the Welcome Table).

Sunday, March 19, 10:30:

Your One Wild and Precious Life

A Circle Service led by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones with Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associate Celia, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, and UUSS folks from age 8 to 92! Altar design by Molly Stuart.


Join us for this favorite annual service. Congregants from every decade of age will present their two-minute answers in response to this question from a poem by the late Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Contact Rev. Roger soon if you want to participate.

After-service Conversation

in a UUSS Zoom Breakout Room

Members and friends who attend a service by Zoom may enjoy the chance to get acquainted after the service concludes, and may reflect on a question related to the service theme. We have expanded just the length of the conversation to 22 minutes.  (Apologies for a technical problem on February 25!). Let us know if this added time enables everyone to take a turn to speak.  (Please remember to speak briefly and listen attentively so all may be included.) We added Zoom to our services during the pandemic lockdown four years ago, and now we are grateful that between 30 and 50 computers are connected to our services (though not everyone chooses to hang around afterwards). Thank you for staying connected.

Joys and Sorrows in Our Congregation

Dick Taylor

In Loving Memory: A memorial service and reception to honor our longtime member Dick Taylor will take place at UUSS at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 8. Memorial contributions to honor Dick may be made to Loaves and Fishes, Sacramento Peace Action, or UUSS.

Healing wishes: Pete Martineau is home after 8 days in the hospital for a procedure on a heart valve. He says it was successful and he can breathe again. We send prayers to Pete for new energy and strength.  

Healing wishes: Mary and Morgan Maclachlan are holding Mary’s sister Nancy in their hearts. Nancy had a stroke 9 days ago and has been in the ICU in Columbia, South Carolina. We send prayers for healing to Nancy and strength to her and her family. 

If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, let us know at this link. Make sure to tell us you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call from one of the ministers. Come early this Sunday and light a candle up front and fill out a prayer card for the ministers.

Join us in Religious Education!

Click here to read this week's RE/Family Ministry Email

Childcare--The Nursery (Rm. 11) welcomes infants 6m+ through age 5. Staff supervise child-led play in a fun and friendly nursery filled with toys and games. Snacks are offered. Access through the main entrance. Please contact Crystal with questions.

Soul Kids -- K-5th grade. Please join us this Sunday, March 3rd as we introduce a new Soul Matters theme: the Gift of Transformation! We will have a short story and check-in, and Renee Scott Femenella will help us grow a garden of spring flowers from our gathered artistic energy. Please start in service!

Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) -- Grades 9-12.

Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday, during service in Room 12, throughout the regular RE year. The next SHYG meeting is this Sunday, March 3rd. Join Theo and Dirk for connection and conversation! Please start in service.

Other engaging activities for children, youth and families are available and information can be found in the email linked above! There's always a lot happening in RE!

Our RE Coordinator Crystal Fountain has weekly office hours and is available by email too.

Whether by the cup after service or by the bag in your own home, you can enjoy coffee created just for UUSS:

Chalice Blend! Its beans are grown by women-owned cooperatives in Latin America and roasted and blended by a family-run cafe in Oakland. Fresh beans are sold for $13 a bag in the Sunday Bookstore -- or stop in at the Office any weekday. Enjoy!

Nominating Committee: In the best of all worlds our UUSS community leadership reflects the diversity of our congregation: our talents, our viewpoints, our experience. Interested in helping us cast a wider net and sharing your talents, viewpoints, and experience in a leadership role? The Nominating Committee will be available after service March 10 to answer your questions about leadership opportunities available this year and beyond! Stop by our table after the service. Or send us your questions: Nominating@UUSS.org

What's Happening?

For a listing of all events this week and coming up

check out our Weekly Calendar/Bluesheet.

Saturday Stitchers and Crafters - TOMORROW, Saturday,

March 2, 10 am-Noon, in the Fahs Classroom. Bring sewing, coloring, beading, knitting, or any other portable craft and join us! Contact: stitchers@uuss.org

Crone Connection: A group for wise older women March 8, 10 a.m. We meet once a month to explore our strengths and wisdom as elders, share our stories, support and inspire each other, and laugh. Structured workshop format with monthly topics of interest. This group is open to any woman who identifies as an elder.

Group is open and new members are welcome. Meets the second Friday of every month in the library at UUSS.

Contact Marla Jensen at croneconnection@uuss.org for more information.

Card Making: Create greeting cards of all types. Saturday, March 16, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. in the Fahs Room with Instructor Jan Larsson. Please sign up by Sunday, Feb. 10th at the Connections table or email adultenrichment@uuss.org. Asking $5 to cover materials, and extra donations are welcome to support UUSS programs. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

Our Work for Justice

March's Community Partner is

Wellspring Women's Center

Registration Now Open!

April 19-20 online and in Denver!

Elevate your Unitarian Universalist experience by immersing yourself in the Pacific Western Regional Assembly. This is a community of individuals like you, from dozens of UU congregations--online or in person!

Friday evening kicks off with a compelling conversation between our new UUA president, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, and the president of the United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson – both remarkable women of color dedicated to justice work.

Saturday includes workshops, conversational gatherings, and a pivotal Transitions Update. On Sunday, local congregations open their doors for special Earth Day worship for all ages.

Registration for Regional Assembly is open! Reach out to Rev. Sarah Schurr at sschurr@uua.org if you have questions you would like for us to give to Rev. Dr. Sofía and Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia.

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Rosemary: Schedule an appointment with ministerial intern Rosemary Dodd: rosemary@uuss.org. Her days off are Friday-Saturday, and her study day is Monday. Rev. Lucy Bunch is on sabbatical through May 31.

Our office staff members (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our part-time staff have hours that vary (some of them serve UUSS only on Sundays), so please call the office if you have a question or need to be in touch with them. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesday nights at 7:00.

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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