
What has God been up to through our youth?

Youth is undefeated at beach retreat. Being young and having that tireless energy helps you thrive during this special weekend. You run, cheer, tug on ropes, stay up late, wake up early, and come up with funny skits, all in the span of three days. It has to be one of the most packed and most fun traditions here at Hayes Barton. You always walk away full of memories--and tired from everything you put into it. Even when adults and students get frustrated or exhausted, I don't believe there are ever any bad beach retreats.

This year's retreat, which took place last weekend, had the theme “through the fire.” Our youth leadership team picked it before UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) one Sunday night. Those brainstorming sessions are usually a mix of serious and silly. This time was no exception. One student said that “through the fire” could be an opportunity to talk about how God guides us through change and hardship. Another student enthusiastically said we should walk across coals! We chose the former. No coals were walked across during this retreat, unless you count watching NC State in sadness as they lost in the final four.

In Isaiah 43, God says we will not be “burned” or “consumed” by fire. God tells us not to fear. God will always be with us. That means no fire can separate us from God. It’s hard to believe that, sometimes, especially if you’re currently in hard circumstances. Beach retreat can heighten the good and the bad in our lives. It takes a lot to be present, and it takes every one of us to make it go. I’m blessed to tell you that at this beach retreat, youth is still undefeated and God is still guiding us through our fires.

Go Lavender Legends! Go Blue Flames! Go Orange Flame Throwers! Go Emerald Enforcers! Go Nautical Navy Night Ninjas!

Your Youth Director,

Chris Varnson


If you're wondering if you should: you should

Scattered to Serve is TOMORROW! It's not too late to sign up for one of our service projects, all centered on affordable housing. The day will begin with worship in the sanctuary at 7:30 a.m., followed by a Chick-fil-A breakfast courtesy of Dave Butts. Then, project teams will scatter out into the community and tackle jobs--like landscaping, cooking, and cleaning--suitable for all ages and abilities. Click here to join the cool crowd and hang out with us tomorrow. Any questions, email Lindsey Nugent, our Director of Outreach & Fellowship, at lnugent@hbumc.org.

If you've been waiting for a sign, this is it! Let the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the diversity of our community and the many ways you can learn from those who are different from you.

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This Sunday, we welcome you to hear stories of how people encountered God in a new way during their Scattered to Serve projects from the day before. Come to Casper Holroyd Hall at 10:00 for a joint Sunday School as we reflect on the joy of the previous day.

As always, join us for traditional worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 (including communion) or 11:00, or come to Casper Holroyd Hall at 9:00 for contemporary worship with the LightHouse band. Childcare is available for infants through four-year-olds from 8:45-12:00: click here to sign up. Can't make it in person? You'll be with us in spirit; livestream is available at 9 and 11.

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This Sunday starts our next new members class!

Have you been worshiping with us for a spell--long enough to feel a new joy springing up within you? Are you ready to go deeper in faith and relationship? RSVP for the upcoming three-session new member class. Each class will offer a unique angle on our shared life, so plan to attend all sessions. Email Amy Piland at apiland@hbumc.org to get your name on the books!

Sunday, April 14 - Exploring Membership Class 1 (10-11 a.m.) 

Wednesday, April 17 - Exploring Membership Class 2 (6:30-7:30 p.m.)

Wednesday, April 24 - Exploring Membership Class 3 (6:30-7:30 p.m.)

Sunday, April 28 - New members join at 11:00 at Worship in the Park (Dix Park)

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Volunteer for VBS

Vacation Bible School is four days of intense joy for kids and adults alike. Every year we welcome families from the outskirts of our community and offer them glimpses into the story of God's people. Share your gifts with the team and volunteer your time for June 17-20. Click here to sign up. We can't do it without you!

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Author visits United Methodist Men this Tuesday

Join the men of Hayes Barton as we listen to author Jerry Barker share the fascinating history of our own Mountains-to-Sea Trail. Connecting the trail to the Indigenous history of western North Carolina, the long military presence near the Carolina coast, and more, Barker offers a new way to understand and appreciate not only the natural beauty of North Carolina, but also its people and history. Come hear his compelling tale this Tuesday, April 16 from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner is included; RSVP by emailing rwhite@hbumc.org.

Native plants display

On Easter, our Creation Care Team set up a display of native plants that would later beautify the grounds of our church. To learn more about the surprising importance of this ministry, click here. Thank you to our hardworking Creation Care Team for serving as witnesses to the church, always turning our attention to the glories of God's creation--and teaching us to steward it well.

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Creation Care tips for April,

courtesy of our own Bobbi Mullins

This year’s Earth Day focus is Planet vs. Plastic. For a few days keep a tally of all the single-use plastic you encounter. Become hyper-aware of plastic bags, excess packaging, water bottles, disposable cutlery, straws, and cups that litter your life before they stay in landfills or oceans for eons. Share your count with at least one other person. Awareness is the first step to positive change.

Approach this Earth Day—and every day—with gratitude. Our Creator God has gifted us with an amazing planet—not wrapped in plastic. Our faithful response is to cherish and care for this treasure.

For more tips, click here.

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