E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | December 10, 2024 | |
As we journey through this Advent season, the Just Love team of the Florida-Bahamas Synod is pleased to offer "The Advent of Peace: Reflections and Prayers in a Time of Distress." We hope this devotional will bring unity, hope, and healing during these challenging times.
This year, marked by a devastating hurricane season, a divisive national election, and ongoing conflicts, calls us to work for peace and justice for all of God’s children and healing for God’s creation.
The devotions draw inspiration from the Gospel of Luke, especially Zechariah’s Benedictus, and the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor who resisted the Nazi regime.
We thank Revs. Paul Gibson, Gabriel Morgan, Derek Hoven, and Chuck Miller for their reflections. Each devotion includes hymn suggestions and a YouTube link for an additional song.
Download the devotional and join us in this season of reflection and prayer.
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Respite in the Wilderness for Rostered Ministers and Church Professionals – Program
January 16 -18, 2025 (Thursday morning through Saturday morning)
A gift from NovusWay to rostered ministers and church professionals. Enjoy a retreat of rest and renewal through prayer and study as we prepare for the busy season of Lent. Join Assistant to the Bishop Rev. Dr. Derek Hoven in a journey through the texts for Lent. With room for introverts and extroverts, we will dwell in the Lenten lectionary and work on themes, frameworks, and creative possibilities for Sunday and mid-week worship opportunities. To register, click here or call 828-209-6301. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Sue Mendenhall at 727-415-9887.
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Save the Dates
Synod Assembly: June 12-14, 2025 | Embassy Suites, Kissimmee
Conference on Ministry: September 29-October 1, 2025 | Mission Resort & Club, Howey-In-The-Hills
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Important Reminder for Congregations
We kindly remind all congregations in our synod to use their individual federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) for all documents and official filings. It is crucial that each congregation has its own EIN and does not use the ELCA’s EIN. This ensures proper identification and compliance with federal regulations. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
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Has your congregation made the 2022 constitutional updates?
At the Churchwide Assembly in August of 2022, amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations were adopted and mandated to be incorporated into each congregation’s constitution. Those amendments, as well as the updated Model Constitution can be found here.
Once the constitution has been updated, please send it to Linda Rosche at: lindalou6451@gmail.com. A detailed review will be done, and Linda will get back to you if any corrections need to be made. Once complete and reviewed by Synod Council, it will be on file at the Synod office. If you have any questions, Linda can be reached at the above email address.
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Just Love Apology
At the 2024 Conference on Ministry, the Just Love team hosted an evening devotion calling rostered leaders to grace-filled civic engagement. Accountability is an important practice of Just Love.
The state of Florida led the nation in lynchings during Jim Crow. Evangelical Lutherans must learn the history where they live. A burning cross should make Floridians uncomfortable because it led to innumerable murders by segregationists. As theologians of the cross we understand the cross is foremost an instrument of tortuous execution. We proclaim the innocence of Jesus and all who were hung on it.
Despite a meaningful evening of reconnecting to God and one another, the Just Love team used a sending ritual that inadvertently created an image that has been a symbol of hate and racialized violence for decades. We invited rostered ministers to light a candle and place them in sand-filled crevices in a large wooden cross, remembering that we are called to be salt of the earth and light to the world. However, when 100+ people placed lit candles in the cross-shaped container, in some digital images it appeared as if the cross was burning. This is radically in opposition to the intent of the devotion or the work of the team. And yet, good intentions cannot negate pain and harm.
In the light of Christ, lynching and crucifixion can never be justified. We are horrified that the light of the cross we sought to illumine appeared, from afar, like a burning cross, a symbol of one of the darkest periods in our state's history.
We are deeply sorry and vow to continue to take responsibility when we cause harm in our justice work and commit to doing better. The Just Love team is committed to planning a synod pilgrimage in 2025 to sites for the struggle of civil rights so that we can be vigilant in the call to manifest beloved community in our midst.
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Blue Christmas Winter Solstice Worship Service presented by the Center of Addiction & Faith
Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024, 7-8 p.m. CT
In the midst of this long, dark season when much of nature seems dead and lifeless, we look for the light of hope. "A light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it." And yet, sometimes the light of hope can seem pretty dim and the darkness very real. We offer this virtual candlelight service designed for those who may not be feeling the happiness and joy that this season calls for. For some of us, the Christmas season is more than difficult. We gather to acknowledge the pain you may be feeling and to plead for help and hope and light from out of the darkness. Click here to register for the service.
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Luther Springs 2025 Summer Camp Registration NOW OPEN
Register between December 1, 2024 and February 15, 2025 to receive $30 off.
Luther Springs offers a place set apart where children in grades 1-12 can unplug from technology for a week, experience exciting adventures, get inspired by nature, and grow in faith!
Our on-site programs are a great experience for that first-time camper or the camper that isn’t quite as adventurous as others. For those thrill seeking children in grades 6-12 we offer special “Outdoor Adventure Programs” where kids can challenge themselves with new adventures like zip lining, horseback riding and more. A week of camp is an investment that will impact the life of your child for years to come! Details and registration here.
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Advent Lessons and Carols with Santa Lucia Procession at Prince of Peace, Largo
Sunday, December 15, 7 p.m.
All are invited to come, to sing and hear lessons and carols for Advent showing the development of the loving purposes of God as seen through the windows and words of scripture. At 6:40 p.m., a Baroque ensemble will offer music for recorder, cello, and harpsichord. Tickets are not required. The service features a variety of choral anthems and readings from the Bible. In addition, we will sing congregational carols and hear music for flute, handbells, and kokle, a Latvian stringed instrument. We will then hear and see the ancient legend of Santa Lucia told in tableau. Join us afterwards for a reception in the Parish Hall.
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Experience Christmas Joy at Trinity, St. Pete
Saturday, December 21, 1 p.m.
Trinity, St. Petersburg, is presenting “Christmas Joy!” a concert of music for organ, piano, and choir on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at 1 pm. The program includes compositions and arrangements by Benjamin M. Culli and Mark Hayes. Admission is free. Donations to fund the church’s music programs are welcomed!
Opportunity for organist/director of music
St. Peter, Ft. Myers Beach has an immediate opening for an organist/director of music. This is a part-time position. The organist/director of music will play the organ and lead the choir on Sundays for one service. This also includes one day a week choir practice. This is a total of 4-5 hours per week.
Hourly pay starting at $20 per hour, depending on experience.
Please contact St. Peter ELCA, Fort Myers Beach at 239-463-4251 or email at stpeterfmb@gmail.com for more information.
Christmas Joy
In her Christmas message, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that the message of Christmas is joy, not happiness. Joy given by God is deep, and strong, and unshakeable. Watch the video here.
June 12-14, 2025: Synod Assembly, Embassy Suites, Kissimmee
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September 20, 2025: School of Lay Ministry Graduation Retreat & Worship, New Life Lutheran Church, Sarasota
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September 29-October 1, 2025: Conference on Ministry, Mission Resort & Club, Howey-In-The-Hills
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