E-Spirit Weekly Newsletter | February 27, 2024 | |
Registration for Synod Assembly is Now Open
Synod Assembly is May 31- June 2, 2024
At this year's Synod Assembly, we will conduct crucial elections for various positions within our synod, including the synod treasurer, representatives to attend the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in August 2025, members of the Synod Council, and other key synod positions. We are also honored to have Rev. Dr. Rafael Malpica as a guest speaker, who will share insights on Paul's dream and call to reach those he didn't expect. Our Churchwide representative, Maryn Olson, Director of LDR, will report on the ELCA. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn about the impactful work being done by our ministry areas and agencies. Workshops will be offered on Saturday afternoon, providing valuable learning experiences for attendees. As part of our commitment to serving our community, we will be collecting food and toiletries for the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect, engage, and contribute to the collective mission of our synod. See you there!
Quick Links:
Registration: Early bird deadline is May 8.
Hotel: Group rate is $149/night. Reserve your room today!
Agenda: Get an overview of Synod Assembly activities.
Service Project: This year, we'll be serving the Orlando Union Rescue Mission.
Nominations: We ask your help in identifying nominees to fill these important positions.
Workshops: Find descriptions on this year's exciting workshops.
Resolutions & Memorials: All Memorials & Resolutions must be submitted by May 1, 2024 to be reviewed and prepared to be brought to the assembly floor.
It's Time to Submit Your Annual Reports
These reports are another point of connection between your congregation and the Bishop's Office. They help us track categories like attendance, baptisms, expenses, mission support, and more. They also help us plan programs and events to best support the ministries of the congregations throughout our synod.
Annual Parochial Reports (January-December 2023)
Deadline to file online with the ELCA’s Office of the Secretary by March 1, 2024.
Annual Rostered Leader’s Report to the Bishop
- To be submitted by March 1, 2024. All ordained ministers rostered in the Florida-Bahamas Synod under call, on leave from call, on disability, or retired, must file a report.
Go to https://fbsynod.com/forms-2/ and click on the “Annual Rostered Leader Report” link. Select and download the report that corresponds to your roster status and save it to your computer. Upon completion of report, save again, and attach to an email message to ileanas@fbsynod.org.
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Open House for Rev. Khader El-Yateem at Synod House on March 6
Join us for an open house at the Synod House on Wednesday, March 6, from 3-5 p.m., as we bid farewell and wish Godspeed to Rev. Khader El-Yateem. All are welcome to stop by, sign his guestbook, and extend their best wishes. Light refreshments will be served. Don't miss this opportunity to show your appreciation and support!
RSVP with your name here if you are planning to attend.
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DEM Positions Now Open
The Florida-Bahamas Synod is actively seeking two dynamic individuals to fill the role of Director for Evangelical Mission. This is a unique opportunity to lead and inspire congregations in their mission outreach efforts, fostering growth and connection within our diverse communities. Click the links below to apply:
Applications for DEM positions will close March 1.
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Ordinations and Installations
Rev. Lucas McSurley will be installed as Pastor of Lamb of God Lutheran Episcopal Adventure in Fort Myers on Wednesday, March 13, at 6 p.m., with Bishop Pedro Suárez and Bishop Doug Scharf officiating.
Rev. David Lillejord will be installed as Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Naples on April 7, 11:00 a.m. with Bishop Pedro Suárez presiding.
Rev. Rebecca Craig will be installed as Pastor of Crossroad Lutheran Church in Fleming Island on May 18, 11:00 a.m. with Bishop Pedro Suárez presiding.
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Synod Council Summaries
Summaries of the Synod Council meetings will now be available on the website. Click here to view the Florida-Bahamas Synod Council Highlights from September and November 2023.
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Weekly Prayer Focus: Lent | O God, by the passion of your blessed Son you made an instrument of shameful death to be for us the means of life. Grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ that we may gladly suffer shame and loss for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, now and forever. Amen.
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Vision to Action 2024 Grant Season Has Begun
3...2...1..blast off! The 2024 Vision to Action (v2A) Grant Season has begun and the website is available to view! V2AGrants.org is chock-full of information to guide you through the grant process.
V2A was launched in 2023 as the granting program of the Florida-Bahamas Synod to fund innovative, new ministries focused on intentional evangelism and growing new faith communities. It's back in 2024 with a total of up to $600K to grant to qualifying congregations and organizations. Many of the guidelines are similar to 2023, though there are some important additions and enhancements:
ALL applicants (no exceptions!) are required to have a representative attend a virtual Introductory Workshop. The first one is this Thursday, February 29 at 2 p.m., and there are further options throughout March and April. Sign up TODAY by clicking here.
Along with developing your own project, this year V2A is offering two "packaged grant ideas" with the basic outline, timeline and budget provided. Learn more about the different project development options here.
- As in 2023, all congregations must have made a commitment to Mission Support and be making progress on it, and must also be current on annual ELCA Trend Reports. In addition in 2024, congregations must have representation at the Synod Assembly and Conference on Ministry.
Read the website carefully including FAQs; be sure to click on the various helpful links to how-to guides, sample applications, explanations and more. 2024 promises to be a year of innovation, excitement and growth. You are invited to catch the vision and be part of it!
Our preparedness and response teams are still in their planning stages. Don’t get too detailed at this point. As we gather information, we may need to change the parameters of what we want to accomplish. Later in the process, we can return and refine our goals and objectives. We have already done our risk assessment, but what other information do we need?
What are the congregation’s assets, including human? Do we have any special vulnerabilities? Do we have any community partners that we can include? Does our local government provide any resources we can utilize? Are there building repairs that need to be done to make sure it is safe and in good repair?
Next week we will talk about our congregational assets.
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Steadfast/Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel
Lent is a season of reflection, repentance and purification, as we journey deeper in our relationship with God. Christ’s love invites us to speak out against the violence of the world and our complicity towards it. This Lent, join the Just Love team as we confront the trauma and terror in Palestine and Israel and accompany our siblings calling for a lasting peace rooted in the justice and love of God. Learn more: https://youtu.be/YssbcGD1cU4?si=GRqpGFksPckS4dje
Click here to sign up to receive these devotions via email.
Reformation, Lakeland Featured for To-Go Ashes
On Ash Wednesday, Tampa Bay News Channel 8 paid a visit to Reformation Lutheran Church in Lakeland to feature their drive-through ashes. Watch the video here.
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May 31 - June 2: Synod Assembly, Embassy Suites, Orlando Lake Buena Vista South
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September 16-18: Conference on Ministry, Mission Inn, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida.
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September 21: School of Lay Ministry Annual Retreat and Graduation Worship, Mandarin Lutheran Church, Jacksonville
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