February 7, 2024
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Upcoming NJ ACTS, Rutgers, Princeton and NJIT Events | |
NJ ACTS Special Populations Core Seminar Series
The Changing Landscape in Access to Care for Children Hospitalized in Non-Children’s Hospitals and
the Resulting Impact to Care for Children in Rural Communities
Over the last 15 years the number of hospitals providing pediatric services has contracted substantially. Understanding these trends can inform strategic policy making and improve quality of care for children in rural communities.
February 27, 2024
12 pm - 1 pm
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Corrie McDaniel, DO FAAP
University of Washington
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Key Topics to Be Discussed:
- Challenges with paper-based and other antiquated solutions/processes
- Benefits of software solutions in clinical research
- Example site-focused software solutions, including CTMS, eSOURCE, eRegulatory and more
- How to transition from paper to software solutions
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Laura Simons, PhD
Stanford University
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Children's Specialized Hospital
Distinguished Lecture Series
Innovative Approaches for the Treatment
of Chronic Pain in Children
February 29, 2024
12 pm - 1:30 pm
Auditoriums 1& 2, Ground Floor
200 Somerset Street, New Brunswick
(& virtual option)
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Rutgers Conference for
Rising Stars in Graduate Research
All graduate students are invited to attend this conference is designed to provide an accessible and authentic scientific presentation platform for PhD students in research-based fields who have no or minimal prior conference experience. The conference will equip attendees with presentation and networking skills, as well as expectations and guidelines to prepare them for subsequent conferences outside of Rutgers. The schedule will include plenary talks, poster sessions, and platform talks from selected applicants.
Key benefits:
- Authentic and accessible conference experience
- Personal and professional development
- Résumé boost
- Robust networking opportunities
- Diverse speakers and research
We welcome and encourage faculty, postdoc, and senior graduate student participation to contribute as judges, participate in networking, and visit our array of vendors and lab suppliers!
Email: or Shawn Rumrill ( and Liisa Veerus (
March 7, 2024
9 am - 4 pm
Busch Campus Center
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Rutgers Health Anniversary Symposium
Uncovering Solutions to Health Inequities
Experts and advocates unite as we delve into crucial discussions on fostering equitable health care outcomes and how Rutgers can contribute to making the world well. The symposium includes speakers with question-and-answer sessions, a panel to discuss how we are addressing health equity at Rutgers, and an opportunity to network with your colleagues during breakfast and lunch.
March 20, 2024
10 am - 3 pm
College Avenue Student Center
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Read More and Register Here
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Big Ten Academic Alliance:
Women in Medicine and Biomedical Science Conference
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NJ ACTS Virtual Seminar on YouTube | |
Team Science Across the NJ ACTS Consortium
Virtual Seminar Series
The COVID States Project
The 50-state COVID-19 project was launched in March 2020 by a multi-university group of researchers with expertise in computational social science, network science, public opinion polling, epidemiology, public health, communication, and political science. This project relies on a broad interdisciplinary team to meet its aims to help practitioners and governments to make informed decisions and allocate resources more effectively.
Katherine Ognyanova, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication, Rutgers University
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Read about Sandy's role as the administrator of our CTSA grant, her experiences procuring supplies for the COVID Cohort studies during the pandemic and her experience working as a Seeing Eye puppy raiser.
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NCATS, NIH, and Federal News and Events | |
Collaboration Webinars from the
Hear from CTSA TIN experts on various trial-related topics to improve your project.
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RIC Social Media Outreach & Recruitment Toolkit:
In this webinar, the Vanderbilt Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC) Recruitment & Retention Materials Team will share their new Social Media Outreach & Recruitment Toolkit.
March 4, 2024
12 pm
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MUSIC Clinical Trialist Training Program (CTTP):
An innovative one-year educational program to develop new site investigators with limited prior experience leading clinical trials into multicenter site principal investigators with sustainable clinical research portfolios. The Program is offered by the Medical University of South Carolina.
March 20, 2024
12 pm
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NJ ACTS Publication Highlights
Differential Metabolism of Glycerol Based on Oral versus Intravenous Administration in Humans. Shah A, Wang Y, Wondisford FE. Metabolites. 2022 Sep 22;12(10):890. PMID: 36295792 PMCID: PMC9611849
Community- Versus Health Care Organization-Based Approaches to Expanding At-Home COVID-19 Testing in Black and Latino Communities, New Jersey, 2021. Barrett ES, Andrews TR, Roy J, Greenberg P, Ferrante JM, Horton DB, Gordon M, Rivera-Núñez Z, Pellerano MB, Tallia AF, Budolfson M, Georgopoulos P, Reed D, Lynn B, Rosati R, Castañeda M, Dixon F, Pernell C, Hill D, Jimenez ME, Blaser MJ, Panettieri R Jr, Hudson SV. Am J Public Health. 2022 Oct 20:e1-e5.
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Propelus I-Corps Online Program - This four-session Propelus program helps researchers explore the customer perspective to inform how a discovery or innovation can become the basis of a successful startup or venture. Apply HERE by March 12, 2024
Program dates: April 2, 5, 12 and 26
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Share your research through the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (JCTS) The Official Journal of ACTS and CR Forum JCTS is accepting manuscripts for upcoming thematic issues:
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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship - Notice NOT-OD-23-002, Release Date: November 18, 2023 | |
NIH Diversity Funding Opportunity - Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supplement - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - PA-23-189 | |
The National Institutes of Health's All of Us Research Program has expanded its data to include nearly a quarter million whole genome sequences for broad research use. Read more! | |
NJ ACTS is a partnership between Rutgers, NJIT and Princeton. NJ ACTS advances clinical and translational science to develop new therapies and treatments and improve population health. | |
This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science
89 French St., Suite 4211
New Brunswick, NJ
Copyright 2020 New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science, all rights reserved
UL1TR003017, KL2TR003018 and TL1TR003019
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