Sale ends TOMORROW at midnight!

Register your staff with a special sale!!!

Hurry and save on the 45-Hour School Age or the 45-Hour Infant/Toddler!

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only $250 when you register 5+ of your staff!


the 45-Hour School Age Methods and Materials starting on Saturday, February 11th


the 45-Hour Infant/Toddler Methods and Materials starting on Thursday, February 22nd

How can I register my staff?

Taking advantage of this offer, simply save a payment method on your Group Admin profile and then email us what class you want to register them for and a list of names and email address.

Click here to add a payment method
Click here to contact us

We then do the work for you! Once registered, your teachers will be sent their Zoom links via email. You can track their progress in your Group Admin, and access their certificates once they're done.

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Article Heading

Need your staff to get their annual training done? Register them for the 2-Hour Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Early Childhood class on February 20th @ 7:30 p.m., and get 2 hours in Professionalism!

(Psst--did you know that we have a discount off for this class? Discount is added at checkout.)

Register here

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