February 2024



You don't want to miss this! Tickets on sale now.

January Wrap-Up

We're going to do things a little differently this year. You will still be able to get info regarding area Republican club meetings on our website and social media, but this year, we want to focus on more than information. We want to focus on ACTION. We need to be a Party of action that stands unapologetically on our Platform. Each of us needs strategies to learn and implement, and we're going to give those to you. (See the tip below.)


The State GOP held its winter meeting January 26th-27th. Delegates, elected officials and citizens gathered for two days of learning, fellowship, and the election of the state's National Committeeman and Committeewoman. Mark Kahrs was re-elected, and Wendy Bingesser was elected to replace outgoing committeewoman Kim Borchers. Good luck to them. We ask that they both hold fast to our platform, LISTEN to the people, and demand fiscal responsibility and transparency from our new RNC Chair when he/she is announced.


The deadline to register to vote in the March 19th Kansas Presidential Preference Primary is February 20th.

A 17-year-old who will be 18 years old on or before March 19th can register to vote.


Are you registered to vote AT YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS?

If you have moved, it is imperative that you register with your new address to help maintain the integrity of our voter rolls.


We want to welcome the new JoCo Young Republican Chair, Kevin White! You can meet Kevin at the JCYR meeting on Tuesday, February 13th, at 7:00 PM at the JCRP office.


Here's that tip we promised.

Find out what your legislators are working on each day here.


Back to the Beginning

The Republican Party was founded on March 20th, 1854. This March, the JCRP wants to celebrate the GOP's 170th birthday with you by bringing the PARTY to the Grand Ol' Party and the FUN to fundraising!

Our event on March 8th will feature a national speaker that you will not want to miss. We also have a surprise guest coming, and no boring dinner here! Leadership Institute will provide grassroots volunteer training from 1-4 in the afternoon. Grab some dinner, change your clothes and come back to enjoy the speakers. Then move to the After Party to enjoy music, silent and live auction items, and games from other area Republican clubs. It will be an event you won't want to miss. So, get your fancy party clothes ready and purchase tickets below! It's going to be grand!

(Sponsor opportunities available.)


Elephant Club members, please take note: A separate invitation to the March 8th JCRP event, A Grand Ol' Party, will be emailed to members. To receive your 10% club discount, you must purchase tickets through that invitation.


Each ticket to A Grand Ol' Party comes with free grassroots volunteer training from the Leadership Institute!

Will you attend the Leadership Institute training?


Overland Park Convention Center


03/08/24 1:00pm - 03/08/24 4:00pm US/Central
For grassroots volunteers!
I'll Be There
I Can't Make It

If you'd like to attend the Leadership Institute training but do not plan to purchase a ticket to the JCRP fundraising event, the cost will be $50.

Attend grassroots training only

The Elephant Club invitation for the February luncheon is out and posted on our Facebook page. You can reserve your seat below:

Reserve Your Seat >>

JCRP does not allow the recording of its programs without permission.

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