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Saturday, February 10th, 2024

Week 4

We’re more than halfway through the 2024 General Legislative Session, with four weeks down and three to go! I’ll share a few highlights from the week including how key funding requests fared during the appropriation subcommittee prioritization process, and highlight some new legislation that was recently released.


Appropriations subcommittees finished their work this week as they prioritized the hundreds of funding requests submitted for consideration. Those prioritized lists are now in the hands of the Executive Appropriations Committee (EAC), where they will receive final prioritization and a determination of funding. EAC will meet over the coming weeks, informed by updated revenue estimates which are generally anticipated to be released in late February, and determine the final funding available for appropriation.

Here is how some of WFRC funding priorities fared during subcommittee prioritization:

  • Power District Transportation Study ($500K): WFRC, in coordination with UDOT, UTA, Salt Lake City, and public and private sector partners would conduct this technical transportation analysis to identify roadway, transit, and trail approaches to activate and accommodate growth in the “power district”, which includes the proposed site of Major League Baseball. (This request was ranked on IGG’s internally funded list, a list “funded” with cuts/savings from other programs. This means it ranked highly.)

  • Market Capacity Analysis ($250K): Analysis to inform policy and infrastructure investment decision-making by evaluating how and where growth and development might unfold, aligning market demand with planned growth and infrastructure capacity. (Ranked 19/61 in BEDL)

  • 5600 West Side Express ($4M): This request would fill the funding gap for this critical transit project extending through 29 miles in four cities on the west side of Salt Lake County. (Ranked 14/18 in IGG)

We also are tracking a number of additional appropriations which you can find more information on, including their subcommittee rank, in our 2024 Appropriations Tracker.

Legislation You Should Know About

SB208, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Amendments (Harper): This bill makes changes to the HTRZ statute, notably increasing requirements for affordable housing in an HTRZ (from 10% to 12%), clarifying eligible stations for an HTRZ, enhancing the “but for” financial analysis, and addressing tax administration issues from the tax commission and local assessors. Senator Harper has indicated that he is still considering potential further modifications to the bill.

HB430, Local Government Transportation Services Amendments (Pierucci): This bill would require UTA to provide service in each city proportionate to the local option sales taxes generated in that city.

  • (On Monday of this week, Rep. Pierucci met with stakeholders, including WFRC, UTA, ULCT, and several city officials to pursue other possible approaches that would enable cities to propose innovative transit services within the regional system. This bill is still being discussed with the sponsor, and we anticipate seeing a substitute. This bill will be heard in committee on Monday afternoon 2/12)

HB335, State Grant Process Amendments (V. Peterson/Stevenson): This bill, in its latest form as was substituted in committee on Thursday morning, would establish new requirements and limitations on state agencies making grants to political subdivisions within first and second class from receiving state grants.

  • (This bill could negatively impact cities, counties, and other political subdivisions from receiving state funds to carry out important shared purposes and programs. WFRC’s position on this bill is still “oppose”, however, GOPB has been in continued discussions with the sponsor, reflecting the concerns of state agencies and other local government partners including WFRC. We hope to see additional changes to this bill made.)

HCR 11, Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the Importance of Cross Issue Growth Impacts (Bolinder/Cullimore): this resolution reflects the recommendation of the Unified Economic Opportunity Commission to encourage all levels of government, the private sector, and community partners to take into account all interrelated “growth impacts” (transportation, water, housing, economic development, etc.) when making funding or policy decisions.

  • (This bill passed out favorably in committee this week. WFRC testified in support.)

HB449, Pedestrian Safety and Facilities Act (Abbott): This bill includes bicyclist safety measures in the pedestrian safety act, clarifying that cities and counties can use their B&C motor fuel tax funding for both pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and also that both pedestrian and bicyclist safety should be considered in roadway planning. The bill was reported on in this story, Cyclist safety would be a formal part of Utah road planning under committee-approved bill.

  • (This bill passed out favorably in committee this week. WFRC testified in support.)

HB367, Local Government Fee Amendments (K. Peterson/Harper): This bill would set reasonable parameters around municipalities' ability to impose a Transportation Utility Fee (TUF). The TUF parameters would require adequate process and transparency in imposition, including public notifications. Representative Peterson did a great job examining the issues and engaging with stakeholders during the interim period on this issue, ultimately building a consensus approach supported by ULCT, the Taxpayers Association, and WFRC.

  • (This bill passed out unanimously in committee this week. WFRC testified in support.)

You can find additional information on other bills in the WFRC 2024 Bill Tracker.

The Week Ahead

At the start of next week, WFRC and our partners at the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) will be swapping out the marble hallways of the Utah State Capitol for those of the United States Capitol. WFRC leadership and staff will be attending the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) Conference of Regions in Washington DC, and will have the opportunity to meet with our peers around the county, federal agency representatives, and our Utah federal delegation to share information about Utah’s transportation planning efforts. Rest assured that we’ll have one ear on DC and one on the 2024 legislative session while away!

Only three weeks to go! Please feel free as always to get in touch with any questions or information.


Miranda Jones Cox

Government Affairs Manager

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