30 Days Later: Community Gatherings of Grief and Connection

As we approach the 30 day mark after the horrific attacks in Israel on October 7th, we invite our community to come together, to grieve and reach towards each other. Marking shloshim in our tradition, the first month after death, allows us the chance to pause in the fog of grief to mourn those who were murdered on October 7th and all those who have been killed in the ensuing days of war. We will pray for the welfare and return of those who were taken captive and for an end to this violence. 

To mark shloshim, we offer the chance to gather - in person and on Zoom - to pause, sing, take stock and connect. In the coming days and weeks, we will create space to do brave sharing and learning, to move towards action. We pause this week to mark shloshim and hold the fullness of our grief.

Many of us at Shir Tikvah have personal connections to Israel and to Palestine, to Palestinians and to Israelis. There are those of us in this community who have dear ones who have been taken hostage, who have been murdered, who are still missing, who are in danger, who are displaced by war. Our grief space is open to the fullness of our community, to the depth of our own, honest mourning. Let us extend love and welcome to all mourners who choose into this space. May we turn to each other, with love and concern, and make space for each other’s grief. 

These gatherings are the first initiative of a group of Shir Tikvah members who have come together since October 7th to imagine how our community might build trust and connection through this terrible time. If you are interested in getting involved in this work, please reach out.

In-person gathering: Thursday, November 9th - 6pm (Shir Tikvah sanctuary)

Zoom gathering: Sunday, November 12th - 6pm (Zoom)

With sorrow and care,

The “Now More Than Ever” Organizing Team (Harry Adler, Ilona Brand, Tamar Ghidalia, Sophie Guterl, Kohennet Sharon Jaffe, Carin Mrotz, Ori Wasserburg), together with

Rabbi Arielle

Rabbi Joey

Rabbi Stiefel

Monday, October 6

6:00pm: Reading Hebrew for Beginners: Aleph Isn’t Tough

6:45pm: Chachamim Dinner at India Palace

Email here to RSVP. Learn more about the Chachamim Group here!

7:00pm: Shir Tikvah Fall 2023 Meditation Practice Group 

Shir Tikvah Library and on Zoom

Please join us for a meditation practice group at Shir Tikvah on Mondays this fall. For those who are not able to attend in person, we will be making it available, live, on Zoom as well. All are welcome, those with their own meditation practice as well as those new to meditation. The group will begin with a period of meditation, guidance provided as needed, followed by a reading which we will reflect upon. This will afford us the opportunity to sit together, support each other’s practice, and to get to know one another through heartfelt reflection.

Tuesday, November 7

10:00am - 1:00pm: Community Office Hours

7:00pm: Soulful Jewish Living

Wednesday, November 8

4:00pm - 7:00pm: Community Office Hours

4:30pm: JAMI 4th-7th Grades

6:00pm: JAMI T'filah for Students and Families

6:00pm: JAMI 4th-10th Grade

Various Times: B'Mitzvah Tutoring

Thursday, November 9

7:45am: Morning Minyan: In Person + on Zoom

12:00pm - 3:00pm: Community Office Hours

12:00pm: The Pillar of Prayer: Exploring prayer and contemplation through the Ba'al Shem Tov (Zoom)

Join Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg in a seven-week exploration of the Ba'al Shem Tov's teachings on prayer. Each week, we will dig into a piece of text, seeking to understand the foundations of hasidic approaches to prayer and to deepen and enrich our personal contemplative and prayerful practices. This course is open to learners of all levels. This course will meet exclusively on Zoom and will utilize AI captioning. All materials will be provided digitally in advance of the session.

6:00pm: 30 Days Later: Community Gatherings of Grief and Connection

At Shir Tikvah, see above

Chayei Sarah 5784

Friday, November 10

12:15pm: Torah Study with Gayle Zoffer

All are welcome to join this drop-in, free class; email here with questions!

6:30pm: Masks Recommended Kabbalat Shabbat Service: 

In PersonLivestream + Zoom

Led by Rabbi Joey, Steven Levy 65th birthday blessing, Steve Greenberg 70th birthday blessing and for reaching 10 years of sobriety and 10 year anniversary of Steve and Keith, Talia and Trey Domenick and family offering blessings

Saturday, November 11

10:30am: Shabbat Morning T’filah and the B'Mitzvah Service of Talia and Trey Domenick

Led by Talia and Trey Domenick, Rabbi Joey, Marilyn Weisberg, and Jonah Rothstein

Meet Talia and Trey Domenick

Trey & Talia go to Anthony Middle School in Minneapolis. While they are very different from each other, both have a love for basketball, soccer, and being active & outdoors, music including playing piano, and cooking. Trey likes to hang out with friends, skateboard & bike, and play video games. Talia enjoys going to concerts & plays, spending time with friends, and loves every dog she meets. Both have been working hard to prepare for their b'nai mitzvah and would like to thank their tutors, Marilyn & Jonah, Rabbis Joey & Arielle, Forrest, and all the Shir Tikvah teachers & aides over the years.

Donations can be made in honor to Animal Humane Society (Talia) or the Simpson House (Trey).

Sunday, November 12

9:30am: JAMI Pre-K - 7th Grades

11:00am: Havdalah

4:30pm: Living Deeply, Dying Well: Jewish End of Life Adult Education

6:00pm: 30 Days Later: Community Gatherings of Grief and Connection

On Zoom, see above

Monday, November 13

6:00pm: Reading Hebrew for Beginners: Aleph Isn’t Tough

7:30pm: Adults Embracing B’Mitzvah: Join Our Spring Cohort

Give to the Max 5784

Give to the Max early giving has begun for Minnesota nonprofits! Annually, Shir Tikvah relies on our community of generous and active donors like you to meet our fundraising budget for this season, and this Give to the Max our goal is to raise $30,000 in new, undesignated gifts

We each are called to meet this moment in unique and diverse ways. Below, we share Shir Tikvah’s areas of need this Give to the Max. It is especially crucial to maintain healthy, stable financial stewardship during uncertain and challenging seasons, to meet the moment and its demands well, to be unwavering in our community presence, and to be sustainable for our future generations. 

If you are ready and able to offer a donation to support our small but mighty Jewish organization, please do so here. All donors, no matter the amount they give, show a critical pledge of support for our community and Shir Tikvah’s future. We hope to see your name proudly listed.

Support Shir Tikvah Today
Share Your Shir Tikvah Story and Love
Caring committee.png

Caring Community

Who We Are

We are the Shir Tikvah congregants who deliver meals when you need support. We host shivas when you are in mourning. We send cards when you are ailing. We give rides to shul when you want to pray in-person but need transportation. We visit when you need companionship. We are congregants who care for each other. Consider becoming a Caring Community volunteer.

Need support? Contact Nikolina

Want to volunteer? Sign up here!

Upcoming Community Events

Please join NCJW MN and partners JFCS, JFS and JCRC for a critical conversation: "Gun Safety Solutions: A Minnesota Perspective through a Jewish Lens”

WHAT: Presentation by the Executive Director of Protect MN on the state of gun violence in Minnesota and their initiatives to address the crisis / Presentation by NCJW MN about their work on this issue and how concerned community members can get involved.

DATE: Wednesday, Nov.15, 2023

TIME: 6:30-8:30pm

PLACE: JFCS, 5905 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley. MN 55422

RSVP: Lori Weissman, NCJW MN Gun Safety Co-Chair, at lsw77@aol.com

Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

Tuesday, November 21, 11:00 am Central, Online

Shoulder to Shoulder is hosting a free online event "Addressing Islamophobia & Antisemitism Together: As a Jew, do I have to choose?

Our Coalition was intentionally established as a place for Christians, Jews, and others to work together to counter anti-Muslim discrimination. In this work, we often discuss how anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim discrimination are connected to each other in the United States. Yet, we still hear from our coalition members that for some in the Jewish community, there is a question about whether they have to choose between addressing discrimination and violence that targets Jews or the discrimination and violence that targets Muslims.

This conversation was planned back in June in response to those conversations and experiences. With recent events, this conversation is as important as ever. While this event is designed by, and for the Jewish community, it is an open space.

Addressing Islamophobia & Antisemitism Together: As a Jew, do I have to choose?

As a Jew, why should I care about anti-Muslim discrimination and Islamophobia while also facing anti-Jewish discrimination and Antisemitism myself? If we’re deep in the work of addressing the hate-fueled attacks on our own community, how can we and why should we also work to address hate-fueled attacks on Muslim communities as well? Where are the fault lines and what’s at stake in building Jewish-Muslim relationships here in the United States? How can we stay in conversation when things get rough and/or why even try?

Havdalah of Heartbreak and Hope: A Community Gathering of Prayer, Song, and Solidarity

Saturday, November 11 | 6:15 - 7:45 PM | Adath Jeshurun Congregation | RSVP Requested

Together with the MCA, MRA, JCRC, Minneapolis Jewish Federation, JFCS, and others, Adath will host a community-wide Havdalah ceremony, followed by activities of action, comfort, and counsel. We will come together during this turbulent time for Israel and American Jews, and contribute to a vision for a brighter future.

6:15pm Havdalah service

6:30pm Breakouts: Sacred song circle, Writing notes of encouragement to soldiers and letters to members of congress, and Processing Group with rabbinical chaplains

7:30pm Communal singing of HaTikvah

RSVP here.

Shir Tikvah | office@shirtikvahmn.org | shirtikvahmn.org

For lifecycle emergencies, call 612-787-2007

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