December 2024



Local Working Group

Register to Attend and Have Your Voice Heard!

Thursday, January 30, 4:00pm-6:00pm

Join the Ocean County Soil Conservation District and Natural Resources Conservation Service's 2025 Local Working Group. OCSCD and NRCS request your participation in our Local Working Group to identify important natural resource issues, concerns and opportunities in Ocean County. OCSCD seeks to gather your input to help direct technical and financial resources for locally led conservation programs, initiatives and efforts. A report of findings will be offered to all participants.

Your insights and input are valuable. Additional Local Working Group information can be found in the USDA-NRCS Local Working Groups Fact Sheet. We hope you will join us on Thursday, January 30, 4pm-6pm, at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County, 1623 Whitesville Road, Toms River, 08755. Click below to register. For questions, contact Download and share this Flyer with others!


Barnegat Bay

Environmental Educators Roundtable

Save the Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025


The Barnegat Bay Environmental Educators Roundtable Steering Committee is seeking Workshop Presenters for our 28th Annual Barnegat Bay Environmental Educators Roundtable which will be held on Wednesday, April 16 in Ocean County. Please complete the Call for Presenters Form.

Each year environmental organizations, agencies and groups from around the watershed come together to provide this much anticipated Teachers Professional Development event. This year's theme is: Our Precious Natural Resources: Considering Conservation, Climate and Community. The Environmental Educators Roundtable features an Open House, Light Dinner, Workshops, Keynote, Dessert and Door Prizes.

We hope you will join us! Visit our website to view past Environmental Educators Roundtable events. For more information contact Becky Laboy, Education Outreach Coordinator, OCSCD.

Call for Presenters Form

2025 New Jersey Envirothon

$100 Grant Available to Registered Schools!

REGISTER your Ocean County school for the 2025 NJ Envirothon and apply to receive a $100 grant to defray costs! (See grant details on the NJ Envirothon Team Grants webpage.)

The NJ Envirothon is a hands-on natural resources problem-solving competition for high school students. On May 17, teams of five students representing high schools from around the state convene for a day-long event, with honors, prizes, and scholarships at stake. Guided by a local teacher or parent, students prepare for the competition by using online study guides and can view or attend in-person training workshops provided by natural resource professionals from the various sponsoring organizations.

For the 2025 competition, Ocean County Soil Conservation District is offering a $100 grant to the first 5 Ocean County schools to register for the NJ Envirothon. For more details, please visit the NJ Envirothon Team Grants webpage. Print the 2025 brochure to share with school administrators and others who may be interested in registering their school to participate.

NJ Envirothon Website


Fall Festival

Celebrating Common Grounds!

OCSCD was a proud sponsor of the 2024 Fall Festival, hosted by Common Grounds Community Garden at the John F. Patrick Sports Complex on Saturday, November 3. Erosion Control Specialist, Brittany Moore, and Education Coordinator, Becky Laboy shared information with the public about one of our local partner projects, the Lakewood Township Stormwater Basins Retrofit Project, featuring our Self Guided Tour Map. In addition, OCSCD engaged kids with a fun and educational soil craft that introduced them to soil's colorful horizons. Visit our blog to learn more about this event and other public outreach programs!

Read our Blog!


Celebrate World Soil Day on December 5!

Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage

World Soil Day (WSD) is held annually on December 5 as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.

The theme for this year is Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage, which underscores the importance of accurate soil data and information in supporting informed decision making on sustainable soil management.

Celebrate World Soil Day at home, at school or at work! Dig into our latest blog post for a list of resources that offer information, as well as fun activities you can do today, or any day, to engage, educate, and appreciate soils. (We are living on planet EARTH, after all!) Happy World Soil Day!

Read our Blog!

Visit our website:

In 2024 Ocean County Soil Conservation District celebrates our 72nd year. We remain committed to building and sustaining a conservation legacy by working with our partners and constituents to conserve, protect and restore our soil, water and natural resources by providing technical assistance, implementing restoration projects, and most importantly through education.

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