Message from the Executive Director

Summer is a time of abundance—abundant heat, overflowing vegetables in gardens and farmers markets, and for many, more time spent with family and friends. Summer also tends to offer fewer opportunities to connect with colleagues. We at RTCC recognize this—and are committed to providing opportunities for us to connect as a cleantech ecosystem.

To this end, last week we were excited to offer our Maximizing Federal Funding in the Cleantech Industry Spotlight event and relaunch the RTCC Advisory Council. On July 27, we’re thrilled to be hosting a Cleantech Catalyst networking event focused on Transmission: The Backbone of Clean Energy with the Duke University Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Soon, you’ll be hearing from us with details about an August 15 program that you won’t want to miss.

Whether it’s at one of our events, through discussions about potential collaborations with your company or organization, or simply reaching out to learn more about RTCC, we are eager to engage in a summer of abundance with you!  

- Dr. Deb Wojcik


Maximizing Federal Funding Opportunities in the Cleantech Industry

Thank you to everyone who attended our event, Maximizing Federal Funding Opportunities in the Cleantech Industry!

One thing is certain - there are funding opportunities available for everyone through the IRA and IIJA, including short-term opportunities and long-term funding mechanisms to address critical infrastructure challenges.

Thank you as well to everyone who contributed to the success of this event, including our expert speakers:

RTCC Relaunches Advisory Council

We are excited to announce the official relaunch of RTCC's Advisory Council!

The Advisory Council brings together leaders to help support RTCC's mission to accelerate the growth and leadership of the cleantech economy. The Advisory Council is comprised of representatives from our Board, Leadership Members, Professional Service Members.

Thank you to everyone who attended our kickoff meeting. We appreciate your commitment to our cleantech ecosystem and cannot wait to continue building on the momentum gained from last week!

Stay tuned for more information about the Advisory Council along with RTCC's Action Committees. Our Action Committees will be open to all members and our strategic partners.


RTCC Cleantech Catalyst: Transmission: The Backbone of Clean Energy

Thursday, July 27

5:00 - 7:00 P.M.

GRUB Durham

Transmission will play an important role in the success of the clean energy transition. From electric vehicle charging to offshore wind, strategic investments in transmission infrastructure are required to meet growing demands and integrate expanding renewable energy sources into the grid.  

North Carolina is home to several companies that are working to create resilient and reliable transmission. Join us for “spark talks” about their latest developments in transmission. Plus, following these brief presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with our speakers and network with other participants. 

The event will feature Gary Rackliffe, VP Market Development and Innovation at Hitachi Energy with more speakers announced soon!

Learn more and register

Thank you to our event partner:

2023 Cleantech Innovation Awards

The Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster is excited to announce our 2023 Cleantech Innovation Awards!

These awards recognize the people, organizations, and initiatives driving cleantech innovation, creative deployment solutions, and workforce development in our region and throughout North Carolina.

Nominations and registration for the awards ceremony at SAS Institute will open August 1.

Visit the 2023 Cleantech Innovation Award page to learn about the awards, become a sponsor, and more!

Thank you to our Host Sponsor, SAS! Interested in becoming a sponsor? Visit our website or contact Emmit Owens for more information!

2023 Regional Skills Analysis Survey

The quality of our current and future workforce is increasingly seen as the most important factor in our region’s economic growth and vitality. To address this and improve the employment pipeline, we are partnering with regional workforce and economic development groups to better understand skills gaps and employer needs. 

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your participation, there will be weekly prize drawings for gift cards to local favorites. You will also be entered to win a grand prize of $1,000 to the Umstead Hotel and Spa.

Take the survey

Cash in on Clean Energy Tour

Thursday, July 20

12:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Charlotte, N.C.

On July 20th, America Is All In and Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles will be hosting an in-person workshop in Charlotte, N.C. to support implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Industry experts will lead an interactive workshop focused on IRA tax incentives and federal funding opportunities. The event will include breakout sessions to answer questions based on your organization's unique needs and priorities. The workshop is designed for professionals who work in the public, non-profit, and private sectors and are interested in federal clean energy incentives.

This event is part of the America Is All In Cash in on Clean Energy Tour that will include stops in cities around the country. 

RSVP now


Have you considered joining RTCC?

RTCC delivers value to your organization through three strategic priority areas: Business Development and Collaboration, Education and Talent, and Innovation.

Our tiered membership structure is based on the type and size of your organization. Plus, membership benefits are open to all employees.

Learn more about the benefits of membership on our website or reach out to RTCC Membership Recruitment & Retention Manager Emmit Owens for more information.


Partnering with Utilities for a Resilient Energy Future

Tom Deitrich - President and CEO, Itron

In an interview with Public Utilities Fortnightly, Itron president and CEO, Tom Deitrich shares what’s top of mind for Itron moving forward as we continue to innovate, provide guidance and remove barriers to transforming the traditional power grid.

Read more


Durham Clean Energy Firm NET Power Set To Go Public After Merger - WRAL TechWire

Toyota To Invest $2.1B More in NC Factory, Upping Total to $5.9B - WRAL TechWire

Durham-Based Leyline Capital Backs New NC Energy Storage Company - WRAL TechWire

Taking Charge: Tesla Drives NC’s Shift to EVs - Winston-Salem Journal

Energy Facts: Impact of the Investing in America Agenda on North Carolina - U.S. Department of Energy

Duke Energy Changed Security Reviews of Critical Assets Following December Substation Attacks - Utility Dive

Conventional Generation Outages Set a Record in 2022: NERC - Utility Dive

6 Lessons From Transportation Electrification’s Past To Guide Its Future - Utility Dive

U.S. Distributed Energy Resource Market To Almost Double by 2027 - Wood Mackenzie

Energy Transition in the Americas: Three Key Questions - Wood Mackenzie

The Remarkable Upsurge in U.S. Clean Energy Manufacturing, in Charts - Canary Media


Ten Years of Success in Electrifying Marine Vessels

World’s Most Remote Robot Automates Amazon Reforestation Project

ABB Strengthens Smart Home Technology Portfolio With Acquisition of Eve Systems

HIRING Scientist - Power Electronics

Duke Energy Awards $250,000 in Grant Funds To Support Economic Development in North Carolina

Her Job? Upgrading Hydro Stations for Years of Clean Energy

She’s Making a Difference in the Communities We Serve

HIRING Senior Engineer – Carolinas Transmission Operational Technology

Nicholas Institute, Partners Launch Information Portal for Electric Transportation Opportunities in Southeast

Duke Launches Heat Policy Innovation Hub to Safeguard Communities

Accepting Abstracts for Energy Data Analytics Lightning Talks Through July 21

3 Steps for Unclogging the Transmission Bottleneck in the U.S.

Cutting Costs for Large Offshore Wind Farms

HIRING Engineering Specialist - Batteries & Power Conversion Systems

Bracing for Impact: The EPA's Electric Vehicle Regulations on the Grid

A Closer Look at Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier

Partnering with Utilities for a Resilient Energy Future

Beyond Traditional Meters: How Ultrasonic Technology is Reshaping the Energy Industry

HIRING Electrical CAD Designer (Microgrid/Power Distribution Systems)

HIRING Project Development Engineer (Microgrid Focus)

Why Static Metrology Is Important In A Modern Era

Xylem’s Next-generation Ultrasonic Water Meter Helps Transform Customer Service for North American Utilities

Digital Water Saves Millions for Communities, According to Leading Utilities

Improving Demand Response Programs and Power Loss Detection to Minimize Disruptions and Increase Reliability

From U.S. Marine Corps to UNC-Chapel Hill, Walton Brings Drone Expertise to Environmental Research

Digital Resource Helps Community Planners Prep for Natural Disasters

Transitioning to Summer Load Management

49 ElectriCities Members Recognized for Excellent Safety Records in 2022

HIRING Product Development Specialist

EPA Recognizes Two North Carolina Winners of the ‘Pollution Prevention Works: A Storytelling Challenge for Students’

EPA Finalizes New Renewable Fuel Standards To Strengthen U.S. Energy Security, Support U.S. Rural Economy, and Expand Production of Low-Carbon Fuels

N.C. Co-ops Help Empower Students to “Ignite Their Spark” at 4-H Citizenship North Carolina Focus

HIRING Communications Specialist

Advanced Energy Project Credit Concept Paper Applications Are Now Open

Highlighting Key Economic Development Actions from Across the U.S.

HIRING Global Energy And Natural Resources Industry Strategist

HIRING Application Engineer

HIRING Senior Marketing Coordinator

ScottMadden Releases 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

Utility Themes: Strategies and Spending

Resilient Renewable Energy to Diminish Disaster Impacts on Communities Project Kicks Off

Everything You Need to Know About Electric Vehicles & Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Incentives in North Carolina

35 Years of NCCETC: Clean Transportation Program Propels Technologies & Public Education

RIoT Announces Druid Agriculture as RAP XIV Wilson Cohort Pitch Event Winner

Solarize the Triangle Is Reopened for 2023 Registrations

HIRING Sustainability Analyst

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