February 8 - 29 Shevat
Was dedicated by
Rivka & Malcolm Greenberg & Family
Wendy & Marc Herman & Family
Joddie & Eric Pelofsky & Family
Sarah Schapiro & Family
in memory of
Carolyn Dupre z"l
beloved mother of David Feiler, mother-in-law of Regina Feiler
and grandmother of Alyza (RKYHS ’21), Marissa (RKYHS ’21), and Michaela (RKYHS ’23) Feiler.
May today's learning serve as an aliyah for her neshomah.
February 6 - 27 Shevat
Was sponsored by
Paula & Joseph Peikes
Gail & Mitchell Novick
in memory of Bernice Edelcreek
Rifka bat Pesach z"l
beloved grandmother of
Vitah Peikes Yankovich (JKHA ’02) and Rafi Yankovich (JKHA '01/RKYHS '05), Daniel Peikes (JKHA '15/RKYHS '19), Rutie Peikes z"l, Eli Novick (JKHA '17/RKYHS '21), Roey Novick (JKHA '18/RKYHS '22)
and Tali Novick (JKHA '19).
May today's learning serve as an aliyah for her neshomah.
February 5 - 26 Shevat
Was dedicated by
Meyer Reichman
in loving memory of his father
Chaim Reichman
Ezekial Chaim ben Yoseph z"l
grandfather of Yonit Sinnreich (JKHA '92)
and Chaim Reichman (JKHA '99)
and great-grandfather of Ethan (JKHA '18/RKYHS '22)
and Noah (11th Grade) Sinnreich
and Naomi (4th Grade) and Dahlia (1st Grade) Reichman
in commemoration of his yahrzeit.
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We Invite You to Dedicate Our Children's Torah Learning at JKHA/RKYHS
If you are interested in sponsoring a Day of Learning, contact Aly Greenstein: agreenstein@jkha.org or (862) 437-8001