Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

April 5, 2024

Dear UUSS,

I became a member of my home congregation when I was 15, and began pledging once I had a regular income in my early twenties. I also pledge to my Boston UU community each year, which I started attending in college and still attend online. These are my two spiritual homes, which nourish me from afar. It is a joy to renew my pledge to them annually. Each month when I get a confirmation email that my donations have gone through, I get a little ping of connection to both of these communities. 

My pledges to these organizations have never been large– my income has not allowed that. I calculate a percentage of my income which is sustainable for me to donate, and honestly assess if I am able to raise the dollar amount I contribute each year. Some years I can, and some I cannot. Despite the math, pledging is a spiritual practice for me. By giving away some of my income to my faith communities, I trust that our collective organizations can do more with it than I can alone. I put my faith into my people, into all of us. My small gift feels multiplied in this, and my support keeps the communities which have sustained me well-resourced and able to serve our shared mission.


P.S.--The UUSS pledge drive takes place April 7-21. This is how we fund the operating budget for the 2024-25 budget year. Your generous giving sustains our mission.

Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS

Face masks are available but not required.

Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

(Closed Captioning available on Zoom)

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Fellowship afterwards in the Welcome Hall and for 22 minutes on Zoom

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our Soul Matters Theme for April is


Here's the link to the Soul Matters materials

Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth meditation in the meadow (April 7)

2nd Sunday - Note new time: Justice & Equity conversation is after the service (April 14 @11:45)!

3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi (April 21)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism:

UUs and Social Justice in the Fahs Classroom on April 28.

Sunday, April 14, we will be gathering for a a Newcomer Orientation and Tour.

Join us then or on the second Sunday of any month, right after the service, in the Welcome Hall.

Sunday, April 7, 10:30am

No Laughing Matter: Committed, Loving, Generous!

Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associate Karen Sparrow, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva.

As much as we like having fun at UUSS, and as playful as today’s preacher likes to be, supporting our vitality as a congregation is not something to laugh at (very much). With candles of joy and sorrow, favorite music by our favorite choir, and a special message, we reflect on the serious (and joyful) meaning of what we do here. Today we launch our two-week pledge drive to support our staff and sustain our mission. Join us after service to get a treat (and a pledge form).

Labyrinth meditation in the meadow at 9:30. Come early to the service to light Candles of Joy & Sorrow and fill out a prayer card for the ministers (or submit it by Friday at this link).  

Sunday, April 14, 10:30am

Potluck Theology: Stone Soup for the UU Soul

Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, preaching, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Courtney O’Neil, Religious Education Coordinator Crystal Fountain, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva.

I have experienced a lot of food-based metaphors for UU community and theology, including the Stone Soup story complete with actual soup, and an original play about a “UU Diner.” Today, I will explore a “potluck theology,” where we each show up with our gifts, yet build a community of mutual accountability and nourishment.

The time for all ages will feature a live enactment of Stone Soup, a classic story about


Newcomers’ Orientation to UUSS with tour of campus starts 10-15 minutes after service, ending at 1:00. Look for other newcomers and guide Sandra Navarro at the Welcome Table.

Sunday, April 21, 10:30am

Bowing to the Spirits of Nature:

Let’s Visit a Shinto Shrine

A Circle Service for All Ages led by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones with Religious Education Coordinator Crystal Fountain, Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associates Celia Buckley and Andy Cramer, music by the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, altar design by Terrie Taylor.

Dating back at least 2,500 years, Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan. In this ritual-based tradition, people honor and pray to kami, which are divine spirits within the land and landscapes of Japan’s islands. With slides from his travels, Roger will introduce Shinto. In a ritual today, we will post our wishes, blessings or hopes to reflect the hanging of wooden plaques (called ema) at a shrine.

After-service Conversation

in a UUSS Zoom Breakout Room

Members and friends who attend a service by Zoom may enjoy the chance to get acquainted after the service concludes, and may reflect on a question related to the service theme-- for 22 minutes. Please speak briefly and listen so that all may be included.

      Committed, Loving, Generous

2024-2025 Pledge Drive ~ April 7 to April 21


The pledge drive starts this weekend. If everyone responds with a pledge, we can wrap it up in two weeks! Committed, Loving, Generous—that is what we strive to be as a congregation. We depend on commitments of financial support to fund our budget, compensate our staff, maintain our buildings and grounds, and support the outreach of the larger UU movement. We ask each household to make a written pledge of the financial support for the coming year. Please submit a new pledge each year,

even if you have an automatic withdrawal for your current pledge.

This year our goal is to raise wages and salaries for UUSS staff and ministers to meet the minimum compensation levels recommended by the UUA. Our staff and ministers deserve fair and equitable compensation for their dedication and talent. We need to increase our annual budget by at least 15% to meet this goal. To this end, we will be asking each of you to increase your pledge this year.

Thank you for your commitment, love, and generosity - Your Stewardship Team

Solar Project Success

Given the solar eclipse on April 8, we're happy to give you a progress report on fundraising for solar Panels here at UUSS. Our goal was to raise $40,000 from donations for half of the $80,000 cost of the project. Thanks to more than 100 gifts, we have raised $48,000!  

In other words, we have eclipsed our solar goal!

Thank you to all donors! 

Thanks also to our Solar Sisters and other fundraising volunteers for all of your service. The dedication ceremony and celebration will be July 21. Donations are still coming in, and every gift helps to defray the cost of this bold, bright project: www.uuss.org/donate or send a check to UUSS with "Solar" in the memo line.

Joys and Sorrows in Our Congregation

If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, let us know at this link. Make sure to tell us you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call from one of the ministers. Come early this Sunday and light a candle up front and fill out a prayer card for the ministers.

We extend our condolences to our staff member Krystal Gollaher (Administrative and Facilities Manager) on the death of her mother, Malissa (Missy) Gollaher, on March 29, after a rapid decline from cancer. Missy was 57. She leaves behind Krystal, a son and two other daughters, plus 7 grandchildren. You may leave or send notes or cards of condolences to Krystal at the UUSS address.

Join us in Religious Education!

Click here to read this week's RE/Family Ministry Email

Childcare--The Nursery (Rm. 11) welcomes infants 6 months through age 5. Staff supervise child-led play in a fun and friendly nursery filled with toys and games. Snacks are offered. Access through the main entrance. Please contact Crystal with questions.

Soul Kids -- K-5th grade. Meets every Sunday, except for when there is an all-ages Circle Service. Join us this Sunday, April 7 to light the chalice, check in with friends--older and new--and share a story and creative hands-on exploration of the Soul Matter's theme: The Gift of Interdependence!

Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) -- Grades 9-12.

Meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday, during service in Room 12, throughout the regular RE year. The next SHYG meeting is this Sunday, April 7. Join Theo for conversation and connection!

Other engaging activities for children, youth and families are available and information can be found in the email linked above!

There's always a lot happening in RE!

RE Coordinator Crystal Fountain has weekly office hours and is available by email too.

Whether after service or in your own home, you

can enjoy coffee created just for UUSS: Chalice Blend! 

Beans are grown by women-owned cooperatives in Latin America and roasted and blended by a café in Oakland. Fresh beans sold for $15 a bag in the Sunday Bookstore or in the Office weekdays.

What's Happening?

For a listing of all events this week and coming up

check out our Weekly Calendar/Bluesheet.

Blossoms & Bushes - UUSS Campus April 8, 11:00am. 

Deadhead, weed & trim plants in front of our building and the succulent-cactus garden. Join us! --Glory Wicklund

Ukulele Strum-Along - Fahs Room April 8, 2:00pm. Everyone is welcome. Beginners are encouraged to come at 1:30 for help getting started. We welcome brand-new players, and we supply the music and have ukes to lend. Contact: ukes@uuss.org

People of Color Caucus at UUSS 2nd & 4th Thursdays this spring: April 11, May 9 - 6:00 to 7:30 pm on Zoom. April 25, May 23 - 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in person @UUSS (Fahs Room). Do you self-identify as a person of color, or of mixed racial heritage? Join us for conversation and connection. Questions? Contact multi@uuss.org

Crone Connection: A group for wise older women April 12, 10 a.m. We meet once a month to explore our strengths and wisdom as elders, share our stories, support and inspire each other, and laugh. Structured workshop format with monthly topics of interest. This group is open to any woman who identifies as an elder. Group is open and new members are welcome. Meets the second Friday of every month in the Welcome Hall at UUSS.

Contact Marla Jensen at croneconnection@uuss.org for more information.

Camp Registration Now Open All Ages Camp is June 28-30 

Come to All Ages Camp to fly free and get grounded.

Camp in your tent, park in your RV, or reserve a room with beds - dorm style or single-family. Availability is on a first-registered/first served basis so make your plans early! Structured camp activities plus time to goof off.

Saturday pot-luck dinner, campfire singing, hiking, s’mores, Sunday pancake breakfast, outdoor worship-- don’t miss it! 

An hour up I-80, in Alta, CA. Spend time together in nature! Enjoy a wonderful community event in the forest with families and UUSS people of all ages! 

To learn more about our annual camp outing, visit UUSS.org/camp.

Ready to sign up? Click the blue 'Register Here' button!

Our Work for Justice

Our April Community Partner is NorCal Resist

Registration for Regional Assembly is open! April 19-20 online and in Denver.

Elevate your Unitarian Universalist experience by immersing yourself in the Pacific Western Regional Assembly. This is a community of individuals like you, from dozens of UU congregations--online or in person!

Door Openers--How They Work!

We have new automatic openers and closers at our main entrance doors and the doors between the Welcome Hall and Covered Patio. (In addition to the existing ones for the large restrooms.) In this picture, see the vertical black panel to the side of the door? Tap it with a hand, knee, foot, etc. and wait while the door opens for you!

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone.

Rosemary: Schedule an appointment with ministerial intern Rosemary Dodd: rosemary@uuss.org, or at this link. Her days off are Friday-Saturday, and her study day is Monday. Rev. Lucy Bunch is on sabbatical through May 31.

Our office staff members (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our part-time staff have hours that vary (some of them serve UUSS only on Sundays), so please call the office if you have a question or need to be in touch with them. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesday nights at 7:00.

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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