Daily Lenten Offering

The heavens are telling your glory, O God; and the firmament proclaims your handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.

—Psalm 19:1-2

Creator God, your love is on display. Settle my heart and open my mind to pay attention, to notice, to wonder. What unexpected surprise can you show me today? What assumption might be upended by your glory? Amen

Yesterday was a lot of learning! Today we put that insight and wisdom into practice. In the podcast and the video, we learned about the power of listening. What better way to be a curious person than to do some research?


Is there a local/global issue or current event that you wished you knew more about? Take some time to research it, and record what you discover. Make sure you check out multiple sources and viewpoints for a better-rounded understanding!

Bias in the News

Impartial journalism is an impossible ideal. That is, at least, according to Julie Mastrine. “Unbiased news doesn’t exist. Everyone has a bias: everyday people and journalists. And that’s OK,” Mastrine said. But it’s not OK for news organizations to hide those biases, she said.

Read more about the complexity of bias, methodology, and transparency in the news in this article Should you trust media bias charts?

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