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Cicily Palms

Senior Administrative Coordinator,

Learning Resource Center

When did you join UTHealth Houston? What brought you here? 

I started on August 16, 2000. Originally from India, I was new to Houston through Connecticut, where I studied computer sciences in college. One of our family friends was working at Baylor College of Medicine, and I started working there as part-time personal computer support in their Learning Resource Center. I learned that other institutions around the Texas Medical Center, such as the UT Health Science Center in Houston, had a full-time position available. I met the LRC director, Karim Marani, a very kind and compassionate person, and he offered me a position.



Tell us about your work history here. 

The circulation desk at UTHealth LRC was open from 7 a.m. – midnight. I worked the second shift, from 2 p.m. to midnight. My job was supporting students in the computer lab and maintaining study space, equipment, and resources. Working with students is my passion.

Twenty-four years ago, we recorded lectures on VHS tape. We did not have the proper technology to make copies of these videos. Later, we moved to a new location (MSB G200) to accommodate the growing number of students. Technology also changed from VHS to CD to DVD and eventually to digital technology and video streaming. From a few desktop computers to more than 150, students went from paper tests to using laptops. The changes in technology allowed me to learn new ways to support students.

When my co-worker retired in 2018, I was asked to take over some of her duties. My position title changed from Systems and Application Specialist I to Senior Administrative Coordinator.


 What are you most proud of accomplishing?   

McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) is huge. With 10,000 square feet of study space and a modern student lounge, all for almost 1,000 students with backpacks, laptops, and portable devices, LRC is one place in the medical school students call home. We play a parental role to ensure they are safe, secure, happy, and equipped with the latest technology to achieve their goals. The recently renovated LRC is our students' dream come true. I am proud to be part of the modernization project. I am happy seeing students accomplish their goals and proudly walk out of this place. Many graduates come back to see us years later, telling us how LRC staff played a significant role in their education. That is an accomplishment for us.

Working with students is rewarding. I have seen tremendous growth over the years. I feel humbled to be part of the changes. Medical school is tough, and most need emotional support, motivation, encouragement, and constant reminders that they are competent and can do it. At every step of their journey, we are with them.

I owe my longevity at UTHealth Houston’s Learning Resource Center to outstanding individuals who have supported me and motivated me to grow and acquire new skills. I could not have achieved what I have without the nurturing environment UTHealth provides. 


What do you enjoy most about your work?  

I was a teacher before, and I loved students. When I came here, I applied for a job in an educational setting, knowing I could use my full potential. Working with students is my dream job, and most importantly, working for UTHealth Houston is the cherry on top. I feel happy when I see students’ accomplishments.


Why have you stayed? 

I feel privileged to be working at UTHealth, and with a new cohort of students each year, I feel rejuvenated seeing their energies and excitement at being in a thriving environment. UTHealth community is friendly, helpful, respectful, and supportive. The staff benefits are great. I am so happy to be here.

The LRC staff are great; my boss, Mr. Karim Marani, is a fantastic mentor. He is a visionary educator. He generously shares his knowledge and wisdom. His nurturing and compassion make me feel so blessed and lucky.


When you are not at work, how do you spend your time? 

I love gardening, reading, and organizing my house when I am not at work. My neighborhood is ancient, and many people have lost their spouses. I go around to check up on them. I volunteer in my church. Recently, I started taking piano classes. Practicing piano is joyful and relaxing.

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