The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

January 31, 2023

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Worship Service

You, Here, Now

Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Parisa Parsa

Beginning the monthly theme of Justice and Equity, we reflect on Leo Tolstoy's famous story of The Three Questions as we explore what our obligations are to justice making, and how we know the next right thing to do.

Share Joys and Sorrows


By Rev. Parisa Parsa

“A faith that is not the sister of justice is bound to bring people to grief.”

The words of James Luther Adams, one of the foremost Unitarian theologians of the Twentieth Century, have served as a mantra, a challenge and a comfort throughout my career in ministry. On the surface, there is the reminder that if our faith does not call forth action from us, it is small and self-centered, closing us off from others and compounding our own suffering. Any faith worth its salt demands its adherents act to make the world better, more hospitable, more equitable and yes, more just.  

Adams goes on, though, to talk about the fact that we can’t have a sense of what justice is or should look like without a deep commitment to our own spiritual growth. Seeking justice without groundedness in the humility of the spiritual life also ends badly: our sense of our own righteousness is not rooted in compassion and relationship and becomes fixed and unyielding.

We’re living in a time when the pressure to know what is just and take a stand is strong. There is so much to be outraged about, and so many strong opinions about what is the right thing to do. Our grief at the suffering in the world, the injustice wrought in our name, can only help us find the path forward if we sit with its fullness together, in faith. 

FUUSN has the opportunity to be a place where we can reckon with each other and with the many competing ideas and values in the world. We can offer space to discern how our faith calls us to act. And we know the multiplicity of our faith and the diversity of our viewpoints may mean we take different actions. 

As we explore the theme of justice and equity in worship this month, I hope we can find space among us to reflect on how our values, our faith, and our commitments are calling us. I hope we can name the places where we feel conflicted and confused, and support each other in living in the gray area as much as we might wish for crisp clarity. 

Worship Theme for February

Our current Unitarian Universalist principles include ‘justice, equity and compassion in human relations’ and justice and equity continue to be central in the new values statement proposed for our Association. How do we define and come to realize justice and equity up close, from a distance, and in this life? When are we called to action, to witness, or to solidarity?

Journal Reflection/Prompts

As you go about your day, consider the ways that you see justice defined. What are the assumptions you bring to what justice should and could look like? Do others see it that way?

Think of a time in your life when you experienced justice unfolding. What did it feel like? How did you know it was just?

Have you ever felt at odds with what others thought to be just or equitable? What did emotions did that bring up in you? What actions did you take or choose not to take as a result?

In Memoriam

Last Sunday, we had an opportunity to remember loved ones, friends and members of our community who have passed but who are still with us in spirit. We also hold in our hearts the memory of the following FUUSN members who died in January of this year and of years past.

Eleanor "Ellie" Mamber - 2024

Dan Bancroft - 2023

Judy Zacek - 2021

Barbara Krause - 2020

Kay Sachs - 2020

Betsey Williams - 2017

Holly Zeeb - 2016

Lynda Farago - 2010

Matt Holland - 2010

Helen Levy - 2009

Upcoming Events This Week


Feb. 2, 6pm: Zoom Vespers

Feb. 3, 10am: Band Rehearsal

Feb. 3, 5:30pm: Services Auction

Feb 4, 11:30am: Alternative Coffee Hour

Feb. 4, 11:30am: Reparations Task Force Meeting

Feb. 4, 11:30am: Band Rehearsal

Feb. 4, 3pm: Plant-Based Eating Club - Instant Pot Meals (sold out)

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Wed., 7:30pm: Choir Practice

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

RE This Week

This Month: Exploration of Racial Justice and the 8th Principle

Feb. 4, 4pm: 4th-6th Grade OWL

Alternative Coffee Hour

Feb. 4

After you grab your coffee, feel free to join a small group (7 or 8) of fellow FUUSNites to discuss topics arising from the service. Just come to the Member Services table and you will be assigned to a group and meeting room at random. The groups will start at 11:40 and end at 12:15. All are welcome.

Racial Justice and Reparations Task Force

Please join us for our next monthly meeting on Sunday, February 4th, in one of the basement classrooms.


So plan to be there on Saturday evening, February 3rd in the Parish Hall. Doors open and dinner will be served at 5:30pm and the Auction starts at 6:30pm. 

Since our theme is Mardi Gras, feel free to dress in festive clothes. Nothing is too silly. No need to RSVP. Just show up. 

You get dinner, beverages, and have FUN all for a measly entry fee of $10 bucks. And you get free childcare if you need it. 

We will be accepting payment with credit or debit cards. But please bring a little cash for the entry fee and purchase of raffle tickets. 

While there is no requirement to bid, you will have the opportunity to bid on some cool stuff like vacation home weekends and gourmet dinners prepared by some of our best FUUSN chefs. What many successful bidders have done at previous auctions is planned with friends to bid together on vacation home weekends. You end up with an enjoyable weekend at a very reasonable cost. 

For your planning purposes, if you want to see in advance what services we will be offering, below is a link to the FUUSN website where you can see the catalogs.

We hope to see you there. And please bring an appropriate joke with you to share with the crowd. 

Silent Auction Catalog
Voice Auction Catalog

Volunteer Opportunities

Make Desserts for the Lasagne Valentines Luncheon

We have a few volunteer opportunities coming up in February for our Lasagne Valentines Luncheon we are putting on for the First Parish in Waltham unhoused community on Saturday February 10th with the Youth Group and other youth at FUUSN, a FABULOUS multi-generational event for FUUSN.  We are seeking people to make a dessert for the event!  Easy peasy, you can do this at home! Cook a dozen cookies, bake a cake, or supply brownies or another delicious dessert to be dropped at FUUSN either Friday, Feb 9th or by 10am Saturday Feb 10th. Sign Up Here.

Host a Dinner for 7 on February 24

This is a great opportunity to have dinner with 7-8 people in your home. Host provides the main course and guests are assigned various side dishes.

Sign up to host here. Questions? Contact Lynne Karlson.

Support Eastern Service Workers Association of Dorchester

Members of FUUSN's Social Action have been supporting the Eastern Service Workers Association of Dorchesterwhich helps citizens with advocacy to get their electricity & heating back on, collect due wages, prevent evictions, and provides some discount medical/dental services, food and clothing.  The Super Bowl Sunday Tamale Benefit supports ESWA’s Winter Survival Campaign! You can help by ordering tamales, collecting orders from your friends, or even helping to make tamales. If you have extra winter coats, hats, gloves or small heaters, these would also be welcomed. Contact Eileen Kurkoski to help.

Ongoing Signups Reminder

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website.

Save the Date


Come and hear the wonderful musicians of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in concert on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 2pm in the FUUSN Sanctuary. This concert is a fundraiser for the UU Urban Ministry. You’ll hear classical chamber music by renowned pianist Lois Shapiro, as well as performances by Paul Antonucci and Debra Minard. Of course our intrepid FUUSN Band will be rocking the house. Come and enjoy the fantastic array of musical styles and moods: classical works, bluegrass tunes, jazz and more. And we’ll continue our tradition of Cookies at Intermission!

The concert is free and open to the public. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the UU Urban Ministry (

UU Urban Ministry Presentation - Feb. 13

The UU Urban Ministry is presenting the next session of Community Conversations on Restorative Homeownership via Zoom, and in person at the UUUM, on Tuesday February 13.

Community Conversations: Restorative Homeownership | UUUM - Boston, MA 

Racial Justice and Reparations Task Force

Please mark your calendars:

  • Rev Kevin Peterson of the New Democracy Coalition and the Faneuil Hall renaming project will be in the pulpit at FUUSN Sunday Feb. 18th for our weekly worship service. Reception and discussion after the service in the Alliance Room at 11:30.
  • The Carl McCargo reparations presentation that was cancelled due to the January storm will take place after service in the Alliance Room on Sunday, March 24th.

Bible Study for Unitarian Universalists - Begins Feb. 21

In this six-session series, we will explore especially the stories in Genesis that appear in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We'll begin with an conversation about what the Bible means for Unitarian Universalists, as well as how to engage the texts and translations, and then dive into the stories together. No previous experience with reading the Bible is necessary, just a curiosity and willingness to engage!

Meets every Wednesday at 6pm, Feb. 21 - Mar. 27. We will offer a simple supper with each session. Register here.

Over 60s Presentation - Feb. 25th

Marty Lowenthal, Common Sense Mindfulness in Challenging Times - based in the Buddhist tradition which emphasizes how to be present, engaged and live in a challenging world with consciousness, love and compassion in everyday and spiritual life.

Read More

FUUSN Authors Expo - March 17th

Have you written a book, manuscript, pamphlet, or any other publication? On March 17th during coffee hour after the service, FUUSN writers of all kinds will display copies of their work at a long table and talk with anyone interested. The format will be simple: bring a copy of your work; place it on the table, and answer questions from anyone interested during coffee hour. Half a dozen members have expressed interest, and we expect many more. If you think you might want to participate, contact Curt Lamb.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton |

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