December, 2024

Serving Our Community

Road District: 847-381-7793

Township Office: 847-381-1924

Assessor's Office: 847-381-1120

Supervisor Christopher Karam

A special thank you to members of our community who stepped up and delivered significant amounts of product to our food pantry. As a result of your efforts, we supplied over 40 families with Thanksgiving dinners, and are well-supplied for the full holiday season. The Youth Advisory Council of the Barrington Community Foundation always comes through in a major way.

Barrington’s finest were not about to let the youngsters outdo them. Thanks to the Barrington Police and Fire Departments for collecting nearly 4,000 pounds of food last week. Truly extraordinary! You are making meaningful differences in our neighbors’ lives, and it is much appreciated.

A special thanks to the following for donating to the Cuba Township Food Pantry.

  • Barrington D220 STEM Teacher Tim Maguire and his 8th grade NJHS students.
  • Buzz and Emily Snyder (BASA leaders).
  • Realtor Cassie Hillinger, Keller Williams.
  • Jamie Scheppman, Lake Barrington Shores HOA, and LBS residents.
  • Barrington D220 Science & Life Skills Teacher Laura Turngren and her sophomore class.
  • The Sanfilippo Foundation and Greg Leifel for the tremendous donation.
  • Alyssa Pazdan, Rosanna Pratt, and Erika Mathis on behalf of Barrington Countryside Elementary and Kids Feeding Kids Foundation.

Lake Barrington's 2nd annual Thanks-Gifting food drive kicked off last week, with many local businesses collecting. You can check out their website for a list of companies collecting locally.

This month we remember December 7th - the date which will live in infamy – when 2,403 US personnel were killed and an additional 1,178 wounded in Pearl Harbor. We remain committed to supporting families of deceased military and first responders with our annual Independence Day charitable run. We will release the 2025 date next month.

Many local taxing bodies will approve their levies and budgets over the next couple of months. We estimate no change to our General Township levy request and an approximate 3% increase in our Road District levy from last year. This will likely be the third year in a row where we have not asked the public for an increase in property tax funding for the General Town operations. The increase in Road District funding will be used primarily to address rising health insurance costs.

That special night when Mary gave birth to Jesus, the shepherds were startled by light so bright it turned the night into daylight. The frightened shepherds were comforted by an angel saying: “Fear not for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior; which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger" (Luke 2:11-12). Then a larger group of angels appeared and sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, and goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:14). Let us all bring tidings of great joy, pray for peace and goodwill this holiday season.

The first night of Hanukkah is on Christmas Day this year. In the past century, both holidays were celebrated on the same day in 2005, 1959, and 1921. It will happen next in 2035.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

Chris Karam

Township Services

****Appointments for services are REQUIRED****

Passport Services

Passport Applications: Passport processing takes 2-3 weeks for expedited processing and 6-8 weeks for standard processing. Expedited processing is an additional $60 per passport. Passport appointments are required - call 847-381-1924 to schedule an appointment. To check the status of your passport, click here.

Visit's renewal page if you want to renew an adult passport.

Food Pantry

The Tuesday food pantry continues weekly, by appointment only, from 10 AM to 1 PM. If you need food assistance, please email or call 847-381-1924.

Below is a list of needed items:

  • Toilet Paper and Paper Towels
  • 32 oz bottles of liquid laundry detergent
  • Canned chicken, salmon, spam, and tuna
  • Canned meals including chili (mild), stew, and pork & beans
  • Canned soups including vegetable, chicken noodle, and any chunky soups
  • Brown or white rice
  • Boxed seasoned rice or noodles
  • Tomato sauce
  • Pasta
  • Peanut butter
  • Strawberry or cherry jam

Visit the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Online Portal for Reduced Fare and Ride Free Customers

The RTA'S Fare Programs Online is a web-based online customer portal that allows residents with disabilities and seniors to apply for, replace, and renew Reduced Fare and Ride Free Permits. It's quick and easy to use - go to

Metra Access Pilot Program

Metra Access is a pilot program running through July 31, 2025, providing a reduced fare on all Metra lines and zones for individuals enrolled in the SNAP program who live within the RTA six-county region (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties). To apply, you will need a SNAP eligibility letter, a government-issued ID, and a 2" photo of yourself. You may apply at

Cuba and Barrington Township PACE Service

The Pace program is subsidized by Cuba and Barrington Townships, as well as the Villages of Barrington, Lake Barrington, North Barrington, South Barrington, and Tower Lakes.

The service is available to seniors and disabled persons, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM. The fares are $2.00 each way. Advanced reservations required. Call 1-800-451-4599, Monday - Friday, from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

For additional assistance, call Pace customer service at 800-606-1282, option 2.

Ride Lake County - PACE Service

Seniors aged 60+ and people with disabilities interested in using Ride Lake County are encouraged to register by calling the Pace Call Center at 1-800-201-6446.

Registering early for Ride Lake County will allow riders to schedule trips. Seniors must provide their date of birth at registration, and individuals with disabilities must provide their RTA Reduced Fare Permit number at registration. Learn more

Utility Assistance Programs Begin - Appointments Required

Applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program begin Tuesday, October 2, 2024. View income guidelines (above) and required documentation for applicants. Call 847-381-1924 to make an appointment.


  • Proof of income from all household members for the 30 days prior to the date of application.
  • Most recent, original utility bills.
  • Proof of Social Security numbers for all household members.
  • Applicant Identification (Driver's License or State ID)

Clerk Heidi M Shannon

Cuba Township's Monthly Meeting is set for Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 6:00 PM at the Cuba Township Office, 28000 W Cuba Road in Barrington. Members of the public are welcome. Click here for the Agenda.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!


Heidi Shannon

Assessor Nicole E. Knapik, CIAO

Dear Neighbors,

Tax Relief Exemptions

Remember to file for your 2024 qualifying exemptions if you purchased your home last year. If you purchased your home this year, the first day to file your exemptions is January 2, 2025. If you need help filing, please schedule an appointment by calling 847-381-1120. Below is a list of the most common exemptions. Visit our Tax Relief page for more information.

Filing for exemptions is quick and easy through Lake County's Smartfile E-Filing Portal. If you can't file online, you may contact our office at or 847-381-1120 to schedule an appointment.

General Homestead Exemption (GHE)

If you purchased a residence in Cuba Township in 2023 and it is your principal residence, you may be eligible for the General Homestead Exemption (GHE). The GHE for 2024 is $8,000.

Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption (SHE)

If you or your spouse turn 65 at any time in 2024, and your property is your principal residence, you may be eligible for the Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption. The SHE for 2024 is $8,000. There is no income requirement and no annual renewal.

Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption (SCAFHE)

Homeowners 65 or older with an income of $65,000 or less may qualify for the Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze. Beginning January 2022, proof of income must be filed along with Senior Freeze applications. You must own the property as your principal residence for two consecutive years (January 1). If you currently receive the Senior Freeze, the Lake County Assessor's Office mailed reminder letters in March 2024. The SCAFHE must be filed annually to ensure income eligibility.

Homestead Exemption for Persons with Disabilities (HEPD)

This exemption may be claimed in addition to the General Homestead Exemption and the Senior Homestead Exemption, if applicable. Applicants must be disabled under the Federal Social Security Act and supply evidence of disability, in addition to completing the PTAX-343 Application for Homestead Exemption for Persons with Disabilities and PTAX-343-A Physician's Statement.

Standard Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities

You may claim this exemption in addition to the General Homestead Exemption and the Senior Homestead Exemption. Disabled veterans qualify if they have at least 30% and up to 100% service-connected disability. Evidence of disability is required along with the completed PTAX-342 Application for Homestead Exemption and PTAX-342-A Annual Verification of Eligibility.

We are here to serve you!

Nicole E. Knapik, CIAO

Highway Commissioner Thomas J Podgorski

For the latest updates on roads, please follow us on Facebook!

The Cuba Township Road District operates 24/7 during inclement weather. Call us if the matter concerns falling trees blocking roads. 

Please get in touch with your utility company for power outages.

"Light Up" Cuba Township

Days are getting shorter and we want our residents safe when walking, running, and cycling. We highly recommend reflective gear and bike/running lights, so you will "light up" as motorists pass you by.

Mailbox Check

Be sure to check your mailbox post before the snow begins. Most mailboxes knocked over during a snow event are commonly due to weak bases.

Firewood Friday December Dates

December dates are Friday, December 6, and December 20. Pick-up begins at 7:30 AM

and ends at 2:30 PM or sooner if supply runs out. Firewood pick-up is subject to cancellation due to weather conditions. If you have a tag, bring it to the pickup. If you do not have a tag, contact Sue at 847-381-7793 and register your name and address.

Mulch Delivery

Mulch is available for delivery to Cuba Township residents ONLY, for a delivery charge of $125.00 per truckload. Email Sue at or call 847-381-7793 to schedule your delivery.

Self-Serve Mulch

Self-serve mulch is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The mulch pile is next to the textile recycling bin in the same lot as the road salt.

Driveway Alert for Unincorporated Homeowners

If you are a homeowner in unincorporated Lake County and planning to put in a new driveway over an existing culvert, contact the Cuba Township Road District to inspect the culvert.

Instruction for Trees or Limbs Touching Utility Lines or Power Outages

If you have issues with trees or limbs touching utility lines, contact the utility company directly. The Township cannot trim trees or limbs within 10 feet of utility lines.

If trees are blocking the road, dial 911.

Need to report a pothole?

  • Lake County roads - (847) 377-7400 or visit the LCDOT site.
  • Unincorporated Cuba Township Roads - 847-381-7793

The Road District does not offer recycling. Visit LRS Recycling, Wauconda Recycling, or the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County.

Join us - Eliminate Textile and Shoe Landfill Waste

Clothing and Textile and Reuse-A-Shoe Drop-Off Location – SWALCO Partnership

Did you know clothing is now the fastest growing waste in the US waste stream today? Join us in dropping off used clothing, linens, and shoes at the Cuba Township Textile, and Reuse-A-Shoe drop-off locations in partnership with SWALCO.

Clothing, textile, and shoe recycling is a full-circle program, diverting your new and gently used donations from landfills.


Unacceptable Items:

  • Wet, odorous, or moldy items
  • Nylons and Pantyhose
  • Fabric Scraps
  • Craft Scraps (yarns, threads & other craft materials)
  • Pillows
  • Sleeping Bags
  • Mattresses
  • Rugs
  • Carpet
  • Cushions
  • Foam furniture and foam mats
  • Large Luggage
  • Electric Blankets & Mattress Pads
  • Non-Fabric Household Linens: Vinyl Shower Curtains, tablecloths, furniture covers, etc.


Dress boots, hiking boots, and rain boots are accepted. NO WINTER BOOTS ALLOWED. Shoes in any condition, from new or gently used, to those that are worn, will be accepted. And, the great news is that 95% or more of all the materials collected will be recycled or reused.

Before dropping off your shoes, please tie the laces of each pair together; if they are sandals or have no laces, please place a rubber band on the pair to keep the shoes together.

UNACCEPTABLE ITEMS include Roller Blades, Ice Skates, and Winter Boots.

Homebound and need a State ID?

The Homebound State ID program is a service program for older adults, bedridden individuals and people with disabilities who are unable to leave their homes to obtain a state ID card from a Secretary of State facility. The card may be used for identification purposes in the same way as a standard driver’s license is used for identification.

Certain documents are required to obtain the card. Once an applicant submits the information via our web form below, we will determine eligibility and the documents required to complete the transaction. For assistance to help determine if you or your loved one qualifies for this service, call 312-814-3121.

Quick Links

Veterans Assistance Commission of Lake County

The Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC) promotes the welfare of honorably discharged veterans of military service and their families. The VAC acts as a central service office for all veteran organizations and has general oversight of the distribution of emergency assistance to military veterans and their families.

Types of Assistance

  • Assistance with rental and mortgage payments.
  • Utility payment assistance.
  • Emergency medical care is provided to any member of the Veteran’s
  • immediate family who qualifies. Medical care includes hospital payments,
  • outpatient care provided by Lake County clinics, and emergency dental, and vision
  • care.
  • Job service assistance.
  • Food, clothing, and other supplies at Midwest Veterans Closet.
  •  Proper burial for indigent veterans.

For more information, please visit their website:

Facebook: or call 847.377.3344

How to Dispose of Batteries - Home Depot

Home Depot offers recycling of batteries at their Call2Recylce site located at the Home Depot, 670 S Rand Rd in Lake Zurich.

Click here for a review of how to dispose of batteries and how to recycle batteries. It includes information on single-use batteries and rechargeable batteries. 

Not all batteries are accepted at Home Depot. Please click here and confirm your batteries will be accepted.

Cork Recycling Now Available

Cork recycling is now available at the following location:

REAL ID goes into effect on May 7, 2025

For Illinois residents who fly domestically, the federal government extended the deadline to May 7, 2025, which requires you to use a valid US Passport or obtain a REAL ID from the Illinois Secretary of State's Office. Take time to know your options. For information on other types of identification accepted by TSA, Please visit the TSA website.

To see what documents you need to apply for a REAL ID, visit the REAL ID Interactive Checklist. Come prepared and be patient when visiting a Driver Services Facility.

All Driver Services facilities are issuing REAL IDs, with the exception of mobile units and express facilities. To find the nearest facility, visit Facility Finder.

Job Center of Lake County offers a host of services including:

  • Resource Library
  • "Who's Hiring" list
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Opportunities
  • Free online webinars

Visit the Job Center's website for more information.
The Barrington Career Center offers resources including:

  • Job search skills training
  • Coaching
  • Career transition services
  • Compassionate support

Visit the Barrington Career Center for more information.

Community Partner Information

County Board Commissioners
Illinois State Legislators
Cuba Township| Website