October 2023

Happy Halloween Kristi,

You may have noticed our team was out of the office for part of October travelling between the Chamber Conference in Calgary and leading a group of travellers visiting Tuscany. We are back full-time in the office now and wanted to recognize some of the things that happened while we were away.

October was Small Business Month. We are proud to have so many thriving small businesses in our membership that we get to support not just through October but 365 days a year. We also want to take a moment to recognize the new Manitoba government which was elected on October 3rd. We look forward to working with many new and returning faces from both sides of the house in the coming months.

Looking to November, we have several fantastic opportunities left in 2023 to grow your business and make new connections. The first is this Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. for free coffee and to meet with fellow members. This event is free and all are welcome (bring your interns and less experienced team members to test out their skills).


Welcome New Members:

Important Reminders:

  • The deadline to Register for Ireland is December 8th, only 5 rooms remain
  • Watch your mailbox for our Fall 2023 copy of The West Winnipeg Business Review

Upcoming Events:

Info & Registration

Member Poll:

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Chamber News

Canadian Chamber News
Manitoba Chamber News

Happening at The Chamber

CCEC Board welcomes Kristi for another term as Secretary-Treasurer

The Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada (CCEC) is the one and only organization dedicated to serving the interests of executives involved in the management of Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade across Canada.

Unlocking the Power of Internships

By Lara Thompsond

Sitting at the window of The Chamber is George, a small potted plant that was a dying little stump months ago. “Speak kindly, George needs love” is a printed sign on the flowerpot, the final effort of The Chamber to resuscitate a dying plant. Today, it proudly sits in the middle of other potted plants. George incredibly sprung back to life and blossomed ever so lovely because of the continuous nurturing and consistent interaction by Chamber staff and members, and the community. 

Read Full Article Here


AKINS Business Centre

Akins Business Centre was presented with the Business of the Year for the West Winnipeg Business Improvement Zone by Mayor Gillingham. this is an incredible honour and we couldn't be more proud to have the AKINS team in our membership.

Only 5 Rooms Remain!

The Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce |
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