Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Important News for You
Get Your Tickets Now for the
2023 Business Awards Gala
Thursday, November 9, 2023 | Kitsap Conference Center
We are just 2 weeks away from the biggest night for businesses in Kitsap and tickets are moving fast! Be sure to get your tickets to reserve your place at the table for the 2023 Business Awards Gala. Join us as we celebrate the best of business in our region, with awards given out for best businesses, new business, hospitality and more. We'll also honor local businessman and civic leader, Steve Sego, with the Chamber's most prestigious award for service to Kitsap County.

Sponsorships are also still available; if your business wants to show its support for this year's gala, contact Tiffany at the Chamber for all the details. Program advertisements are available until Thursday, October 26th.
Chamber News
Check out and like the
Greater Kitsap Chamber Facebook pages!
October Chamber Luncheon
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Please join us as we present a panel of expert marketers to share with you their advice on how to successfully market your business, as well as answer your most pressing questions on how to win the marketing game. Brett Clark, Jimmi Cook, Maureen Jann, and Leah Thompson bring a combined 50+ years of marketing experience - you won't want to miss!
Grand Opening: The Coffee Oasis - Silverdale
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 12:00 pm
Grand Opening: NW Hopeful Horizons
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 3:00 pm
Chamber Celebrates Local Businesses with Grand Openings & Ribbon Cuttings
The Chamber was on hand as Trillium Employment Services celebrated 40 years in early October. The 16-member Kitsap Team hosted 1 of 5 celebrations across the state in honor of this milestone occasion. The Nerds treats provided at all 5 celebrations were gifted to Trillium by Nestle as the popular Willy Wonka candy was also celebrating their 40-year anniversary!
The Chamber was thrilled to help open Silverdale's newest apartment complex - Rivulet - with a ribbon cutting, along with developers Sound West Group, last week. SWG has been named a finalist for this year's Business of the Year for the Greater Kitsap Chamber Business Awards Gala. The construction team for Rivulet - Clark Construction Inc. - was also recognized as a finalist for Business of the Year.
The cold and rain couldn't keep the Chamber away as we celebrated the new ownership of The UPS Store - Silverdale. New owners Duncan Sinclair and Jamie Haywood hosted the event on Tuesday night to re-introduce their business to Central Kitsap. Sinclair also owns The UPS Store in Poulsbo.
Chamber Survey: Workforce Development
The Workforce Development Committee is interested in better understanding the workforce needs of local businesses in Kitsap County so that the Chamber is able to provide more tailored support. These are the first of a series of survey questions over the next month aimed at addressing this topic.
Please respond with regards to your business or organization.
What specific workforce development initiatives or programs would you like to see implemented in our region to support your business growth?
Please check all that apply.
Apprenticeship programs
On-the-job training
Continuing education opportunities
Soft-skills training (e.g., communication, teamwork)
Access to affordable healthcare benefits for employees
Other (please specify by emailing the Chamber using the button below)
Are there any particular skills or qualifications you find lacking in the local workforce that you believe could be addressed through training or education programs?
Please check all that apply
Technical or IT skills
Leadership and management skills
Customer service skills
Industry-specific certifications
Language proficiency
Other (please specify by emailing the Chamber using the button below)
*Survey questions are run for 2 weeks to capture all of our readers.
The Greater Kitsap Chamber is committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
AWB Assuming Management of Washington Chamber of Commerce Executives (WCCE)

On Jan. 1, AWB will assume management and operations of the Washington Chamber of Commerce Executives (WCCE). For more than 50 years, WCCE has been connecting chamber professionals to the information and resources they need to succeed through education, coordination and facilitation. AWB will manage WCCE through a contractual arrangement and will continue to provide high-quality professional development services and resources to its members and the statewide chamber community.

Bob Green is retiring this year after serving as WCCE’s executive director for the past 26 years. Prior to joining WCCE, Green served as executive director of the Enumclaw Chamber of Commerce from 1985 to 1990 and the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce from 1990 to 1997. AWB looks forward to the opportunity to serve our chamber partners in a new capacity and thanks Green for his hard work on behalf of the Washington chamber community.

AWB’s Dru Garson will serve as executive director of WCCE and provide staff support. To learn more about the organization, go to the WCCE website.  
Get the Most Out of Your Member Benefits
Insurance done differently. Our benefits partner BHT offers quality, cost-effective medical plans plus a whole lot more, including concierge level customer service and innovative cost-saving programs and resources.

Before you renew this year, be sure to benchmark your benefits with BHT – and learn how purchasing your benefits package through an Association Health Plan can benefit you.

Email to learn more and get a free quote. 
Renew your membership today to ensure your place as a Charter Member of the Greater Kitsap Chamber! Questions about when to renew or how to upgrade your membership? Contact Irene now!
Missed a previous edition of the Chamber's Community Connections?
View all the past issues on our website HERE.
Member News
New Members - Welcome to the Chamber!
Leadership Kitsap:
20 Under 40 Call for Nominations
Identify business leaders under the age of 40 (as of January 30th of the current award year) who are making an impact in business, philanthropy and/or in their local Kitsap County communities. Nominees should be top leaders in their organization or industry and demonstrate their commitment to the Kitsap community. Nominees must be 39 years or younger as of the awards ceremony date of the current award year to qualify.
Member Spotlight
Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home
& Memorial Park
Miller-Woodlawn consistently shows up for the community. From Military Appreciation Day to the Chamber's annual Education Carnival to the Armed Forces Day Parade, Miller-Woodlawn's team is a constant presence in our community, supporting veterans, students and families. We are honored to celebrate them this month as the Greater Kitsap Chamber's Member of the Month. Here's to 25 more years of partnership!

5505 Kitsap Way | Bremerton, WA 98312 | (360) 377-7648
Education Committee
Member Education & Training Resources
Featured Podcast: Beth Wolfe
What Does Productivity Look Like?
In this episode, we'll explore what productivity consists of, and uncover the differences between a highly productive and an extremely unproductive person. Also help you evaluate where you are right now in terms of productivity.
  • Learn the different signs of a productive person and an unproductive person
  • Learn 3 key types of the Art of Your Attention Management and uncover the times when you display each type
  • Learn 4 essential practices to protect your proactive attention times
  • Learn 4 key habits how to win at productivity
  • Identify areas you could work on to boost your productivity
WA Hospitality: Public Saftey Toolkit

In the last several years, the Washington Hospitality Association has been hearing from members that public safety is an issue that is on the rise. There have been increased incidents of vandalism, workplace violence and vagrancy.

In answer to this growing problem, the WHA has put together this toolkit with resources to help you before, during and after a crime.
BIPOC Business Forum
Tonight, October 25, 2023, 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Are you a BIPOC business owner looking to take your business to the next level? Accessing capital is a crucial step in your journey to growth and success. Join us on October 25th from 5-8pm as we dive deep into the world of capital access, offering you valuable insights, strategies, and connections that can make a significant difference in your business.

WHEN: October 25th, 5-8:00 pm
WHERE: Marvin Williams Center, 725 Park Avenue, Bremerton, WA

It’s FREE and all are welcome! Enjoy complimentary drinks and appetizers while networking and accessing resources. 
Small Business Cybersecurity Training Series
4-part Series Continues November 1, 2023
Small businesses are under cyber and data-breach attacks more than ever given the current climate. Cyber attacks happen every day, and for a small business they can be very costly and cripple business operations. Having your systems and information compromised is not only a direct threat to your confidential data, it can also ruin your relationships with customers and cause legal vulnerability. It is imperative to learn how to boost your cyber defense systems.
This four-part training series was developed to help small businesses be cyber safe. The series will be a combination of cybersecurity presentation, subject matter expert panel and Q&A. Join us and become cyber safe today!
Part 3: Systems
November 1 @ 1:30 pm
Part 4: Implementation
November 15 @ 1:30 pm
DOR: Business Tax Basics Workshop
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 10:00 am
Attend a free tax workshop to learn about your tax reporting responsibilities. We will discuss tax classifications, deductions, sales tax collection, and recordkeeping requirements. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions about taxes that apply specifically to your business.

This workshop will be held at the Department of Labor & Industries Office in Silverdale, located at 10049 Kitsap Mall Blvd NW, Suite 100.
Business News & Resources
Merchants Welcome Fed Plan to Consider Revising Debit Card Swipe Fee Regulation

The Fed announced last week that the Board will meet today to consider “proposed revisions to the Board’s debit interchange fee cap.” No other details were released.

Since 2011, banks with at least $10 billion in assets and follow rates set centrally by Visa and Mastercard have been allowed to charge no more than 21 cents per debit card transaction – plus 1 cent for fraud prevention and 0.05 percent of the transaction amount for fraud loss recovery. Banks can charge more if they set the fees themselves, but no major banks have. Smaller banks are exempt and can charge as much as they like.

In 2010, Congress passed legislation directing the Fed to adopt regulations requiring that debit card swipe fees – which averaged about 45 cents per transaction – be “reasonable” and “proportional” to banks’ costs. The Fed found that banks’ average cost to process debit transactions was about 8 cents but set the maximum at 21 cents under heavy lobbying by banks.

The 21-cent rate has remained in effect even though surveys conducted by the Fed every two years have shown that banks’ costs have fallen steadily since then and were at an average 3.9 cents as of 2019. A report on costs as of 2021 that was expected this past spring has yet to be released.

The swipe fee regulation and a related provision of the 2010 law giving merchants the right to choose which networks process debit transactions have saved merchants an estimated $9 billion a year, and studies show about 70% of the savings has been shared with consumers, largely by holding down price increases.

Debit card swipe fees cost merchants and their customers $34.4 billion in 2022, up 5 percent from 2021, according to the Nilson Report. When all types and brands of cards are included, credit and debit card swipe fees totaled $160.7 billion in 2022 and had more than doubled over the previous decade. The fees are most merchants’ highest operating cost after labor, driving up consumer prices and amounting to over $1,000 yearly for the average family.
AWB Fall Employer Survey Open Now

Temperature check: How do you rate the current economy? How healthy is your business? Share your views in AWB's latest employer survey. Our survey includes a wide range of questions about inflation, supply chain disruptions, energy costs, and other issues impacting Washington employers.

Policy focus: The 2024 legislative session is less than three months away. Let us know what you think are the most important public policy issues facing Washington state.

Your voice matters: Your answers to the survey will help us better serve you as an advocacy organization. We share data points with legislators and policymakers on what employers rank as the most important challenges and policy issues. Results from our summer survey are available online.

Take it now: The survey will remain open through Oct. 31.
Business Quick-Reads
Quick and interesting reads for employers, employees,
local leaders, and everyone in between!
Nonprofit News & Resources
The Greater Kitsap Chamber is proud to be one of only five Chambers statewide selected to partner with the Nonprofit Association of Washington (NAWA) to bring education and resources to nonprofits in Western Washington. Stay tuned to this section of our weekly newsletter for education, resources and more for our nonprofit community.
To learn more about NAWA, please visit their website here.
Advocacy Building Blocks: An Introduction
to Advocacy for Nonprofits
Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 10:00 am
Online Webinar

Cost: Free for Members of NAWA / $20 Not-yet-Members

Join NAWA’s Policy Director for a discussion about why policy and advocacy work is essential to achieving nonprofit missions. We’ll provide an overview of advocacy, lobbying and what you need to know to stay compliant with state and federal laws.
Greater Kitsap News
KPHD Continues 2023 Data Open Houses
Monday, October 30, 2023, 4:00 pm
County Parks Department Seeks Public Input
Public engagement to help shape County vision
As the Parks Department embarks on the second phase of public engagement to shape the future of our parks, recreation, and open spaces, your input is significant in this process.

At Kitsap County, we are committed to making the wonders of nature accessible to all corners of our community. This commitment is embodied in the Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan, also known as the PROS Plan. This forward-thinking blueprint will be instrumental in molding the future of our parks, ensuring an even more fulfilling environment for you, your loved ones, and future generations.

Your input is paramount in bringing this vision to life. We are currently conducting the PROS Plan Visioning Survey. This visioning tool survey is built to tell the county where opportunities and improvements need to occur and to gather insights on potential park enhancements across the entire county, not just within the existing parks.
Nominations Open for Human Rights Awards
The Kitsap County Council for Human Rights is accepting nominations for the 2023 Linda Gabriel Awards, which will be presented during a special meeting December 9, the Saturday after International Human Rights Day, observed around the world on December 10 each year.

To submit a nomination through the online form and view a complete list of past award recipients, visit the Council for Human Rights website at at

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, November 12.

The Linda Gabriel Human Rights Awards recognize significant contributions to human rights efforts in Kitsap County, in four categories: Youth, Adult, Organization, and Lifetime Achievement. The awards are named in honor of Linda Gabriel, a founder of the Council for Human Rights who passed away in 2014.

For more information, visit the Council for Human Rights website at or contact Rebecca Pirtle of the Kitsap County Commissioners' Office at
Community Information
Live Well Kitsap Community Hike
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 10:00 am
Poulsbo Chamber's 4th Annual Halloween Hunt
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 12:00 - 3:00 pm
Miller-Woodlawn Hosts Spooky Trunk-or-Treat
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Enjoy Daytime Trick-or-Treating in Port Gamble
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
25th Annual DBA Trick or Treat Street
Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 5:00 pm
Paul Linder Foundation Hosts Annual
"Paul's Bowl" Fundraiser
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Seaport Salon Hosts Holiday Shop & Win
Thursday, November 9, 2023, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Veterans Days: Honoring All Who Served
Saturday, November 11, 2023, 9:00 am
Masks & COVID Testing Kits Available
Free at the Greater Kitsap Chamber & Visitor Center
The Greater Kitsap Chamber still has some supplies available if your local business is in need of KN95 masks or COVID testing kits. Pick up your supply at both GKC locations today. Available while supplies last.
Tourism Information
KCMT Presents: Bye Bye Birdie
Final Weekend - October 27-29, 2023
The year is 1958, and the much-adored rock-and-roll idol – Conrad Birdie – has been drafted into the US Army! His songwriter and agent, Albert, and Albert’s secretary (and some-time girlfriend), Rosie, hatch a plan for a farewell performance to take place on The Ed Sullivan Show, which they hope will help sell Birdie’s new song “One Last Kiss,” and ultimately save Almaelou records from going under.

Friday Evenings
6:00 pm
Saturdays & Sundays
2:00 pm & 6:00 pm
Halloween Extravaganza
Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 6:00 pm
Presented by the Admiral Theatre:
Prom Date Mixtape Halloween Party
Friday, October 27, 2023, 8:00 pm
Prom Date Mixtape is the Ultimate Live 80s New Wave Experience!

Recently named “The Greatest 80s Tribute Band in the Pacific Northwest” by KOMO TV 4’s Seattle Refined, Prom Date Mixtape delivers the most authentic and energetic renditions of your favorite decade-defining new wave, pop, and rock tunes that you will ever hear.

Were you expecting big hair, crazy fashions, and larger-than-life personalities that practically fill a venue? Good, because we don’t shy away from emulating anything that made the 80s a golden era for live performance. Our act features male and female lead vocalists, live horns, dazzling lights, and custom visuals to transport our audience back to the time of lively discotheques.

As a dedicated 80s cover band, we have an intense love for classic pop and rock music and hope our passion for our craft shines through in every performance. We are not a joke band adorning ridiculous costumes and wigs -- in fact, we’re far from it. We’re totally serious about what we do, and we feel you’ll notice our conviction the moment we hit the stage.
A Flock of Seagulls
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 8:00 pm
A Flock of Seagulls with STRANGELOVE - The Depeche Mode Experience

One of the most infamous bands of the new wave era – exceptionally well known for their bizarrely teased haircuts and MTV’s heavy run of the video “I Ran” in the summer of ’82, A Flock of Seagulls joins Strangelove-The Depeche Mode Experience for an unforgettable blast-from-the-past concert event.
Save-the-Date: Roxy Battle of the Bands
Saturday, November 12, 2023, 7:00 pm
The ROXY proudly presents a battle of musical proportions!

Three bands will compete in November. One band from each night, based on crowd voting, will be selected to move forward to compete in the 2023 Battle of the Bands at the Roxy Theatre.

Bands will sell tickets to their preliminary night at $30 and will retain $10 per ticket.

Prizes include the opportunity for a paid gig to open for Spike and the Impalers on New Year's Eve at the Roxy.

The Roxy Theatre will provide professional sound and lighting for all competing bands. Please fill out the application and submit to be considered for the first annual Battle of the Bands.
Stay in the know with what's happening for events
in Central Kitsap by checking out and liking the
Contact Us
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for our weekly Community Connections!

David Emmons
Irene Moyer
VP, Membership & Strategic Communications
Tiffany Diamond
Events Coordinator
Bremerton Office (360) 479-3579 | 4th & Pacific Downtown Bremerton
Silverdale Office (360) 692-6800 | Kitsap Mall next to Macy's
PO Box 1218 Silverdale WA 98383
If you need assistance, please contact us directly.