August Policy Update

2024 Public Policy Priorities Survey Coming Soon!

It's that time of year when YWCA Utah's Public Policy Committee seeks your input as we develop our policy priority areas for the next legislative session. Look out for the survey in your inbox in September!

August 29th from 12-1pm LinkedIn Live Conversation!

We have partnered with ShePlace to highlight August as National Black-Owned Business Month. Read our latest blog on the importance of Black leadership and SheMoney’s upcoming event with Ashley Bell!

Head to the link below to register for a LinkedIn Live conversation between Jacki Zehner and Ashley Bell, to hear more about the importance of Black-owned banks, on August 29th, 12:00pm-1:00pm.



August 26th is Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day honors the suffragists who championed equal rights for women. But in 2023, women have less rights than 50 years ago. Let's make our collective voice heard as we join the League of Women's Voters in calling on Congress to protect voting rights, restore reproductive rights, and add the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution.


Hundreds of Child Care Providers

Demand Immediate Action

YWCA Utah recently signed on to two petitions calling on local and national leaders to address the current child care crisis and to take action to avert the funding cliff that comes next month when federal CARES Act funding will end.

Nationwide, up to 3.2 million children could lose child care, worsening inequities for families living in rural areas, families with low income, and women of color.

In Utah, two hundred thirty-nine child care providers, including YWCA Utah's Children's Services Director, signed a letter calling on Utah leaders to find solutions to Utah's child care crisis. Read the letter to Utah leaders here.

Utah in Last Place for Working Mothers Pay Equality

August 15th was Mother's Equal Pay Day. The Institute for Women's Policy Research reports that working Utah mothers make 44.9 cents per dollar compared to Utah fathers, while mothers continue to be responsible for the majority of unpaid house work and child care.

These data highlight the challenges and complexities that mothers, who are survivors of domestic violence, face when they decide to leave their abusive partner. In a state that fails to seriously invest in child care, create pay equity, and establish more supports for working families, YWCA Utah calls upon Utah leaders to enact robust family-supportive policies so survivors and their families can experience safety and security and Utah families can thrive. Read more here.

60th Anniversary of the March on Washington

Josephine Baker was the only woman who spoke at the March on Washington when, on August 28, 1963, a quarter of a million people rallied for voting rights, fair wages, an end to segregation, and civil rights. Watch this short video on her significant contribution.

Watch a Tribute to Josephine Baker Here


YWCA USA Joins Amicus Brief in U.S. v. Rahimi

This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in United States v. Rahimi, a case challenging the constitutionality of the federal law that prohibits people subject to a domestic violence restraining order from possessing firearms.

We are proud to join 27 other nonpartisan, nonprofit organizations dedicated to ending gun and intimate partner violence in this effort.

Collectively, we argue that the lower court's analysis and ruling were erroneous. The amicus brief sets forth in detail that "domestic violence is pervasive, deadly, and inextricably linked with firearms in the United States" and argues that the Court should sustain the ability of legislatures to pass laws that disarm dangerous individuals.

"For thousands of women, children, and other potential victims of domestic violence, as well as potential other victims of mass shootings by domestic abusers, the stakes are literally life or death."

The next interim session takes place on September 18, 2023 in St. George, Utah. Interim Schedule.


Follow YWCA Utah @ywcautah and Gabriella Archuleta, our VP of Race and Gender Equity and Director of Public Policy, @_Gabe_Archuleta for policy updates during the legislative session and throughout the year.

YWCA Utah | | Business Line: 801-537-8604 | Crisis Line: 801-537-8600 | TTY 711
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