Dear Friends:


Welcome to this week’s newsletter. You will see, as always, many events coming up. I would like to bring together a couple of themes, especially for this coming weekend.


Last Saturday’s plan for a Medicine Walk got rained out. It has been rescheduled for this Saturday and I hope you will join us. The weather forecast looks good. I have been thinking more about what is “medicine” for my soul. In keeping with our focus on being “Rooted in Abundance,” I have three examples of medicine for my soul. I hope these help you to think of yours:


  • I was walking and I was transfixed by the beauty of the morning sun gleaming through leaves of the richest orange. My camera would not do the colours justice. I just stood still and let my eyes enjoy the moment.

  • Last Sunday, we sang “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” as the closing hymn. The music is wonderful and you could tell everyone knew it by the volume of the singing. It has the phrase “we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree” and it felt like we really were blossoming.

  • This week, the hard drive of my computer started to fail. I rushed out to buy another one to transfer all my files before it shut down for good. I found myself looking at old documents and wondering if I should just delete them. There was one particular video that I made three years ago this month, “How to Pray in the Time Between Worship Videos.” It’s only four minutes so I watched it. What a time warp back to the panic and fear of the pandemic! I found myself smiling that most of what I recommended for prayer would also work for the time between Sunday worship services today. There are also differences, such as the video is from before I came to St John’s. But the biggest difference: How solitary everything was! I didn’t notice at the time because we were in the middle of it. Watching it again, I am so grateful to be with people. I am thrilled at the abundance of community in all we do today. Watch the video HERE.


So come: Be community with us this weekend. Come on the Medicine Walk. Come and sing together. There’s beautiful music during the service – and then come back for the Hymn Sing for All Saints.


I’m looking forward to hearing about your medicine for your soul this week.



SCRIPTURES – Sunday, October 29, 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.

Leviticus 19:1-18; Psalm 1; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46

SCRIPTURES – Sunday, November 5, 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.

Revelation 7:9-17; Psalm 85:7-13 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12


SERMON – Sunday, October 15, 10:15 a.m.

Listen to last Sunday’s Sermon and Report from Diocese of Ottawa Synod HERE.



With thanksgiving for the musicians from the Sikh Temple of Ottawa for the beautiful music and chanting at the interfaith service on Sunday, October 22, 3:00 p.m. celebrating the pioneers of interfaith friendship in Ottawa. Presented by the Capital Region Interfaith Council.



A Medicine Walk is a shorter meditative walk rather than a challenging hike. It is a time to be with the Creator, the Creation, and the plants that are medicines – all of it as medicine for our hearts. This is an Indigenous practice that is open to all of us. We will be guided by St John’s Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Kimberly Johnson-Breen.

Come and walk with us this Saturday afternoon. Meet at the church to share rides at 1:00 p.m. We are going to walk the boardwalk through the beautiful Mer Bleue Bog. You can also meet us there – at the P22 parking lot at 1:30 p.m.


These three celebrations are always close together. Here is how we are celebrating at St John’s this year.


Remembering those who have died this past year: Sunday, October 29, 10:15 a.m.


Cara Gilbertson, Artist-In-Residence & Grayson Nesbitt, Choral Scholar collaborate with Interim Music Director Barb Hallam-Price to encourage the congregation and choir of St John’s to have fun singing hymns of your choosing. This event is perfect for beginners, professionals, and everyone in between.

  • Get your voice in shape
  • Feel the joy as you sing
  • Suggest a hymn - HERE.


Everyone is welcome. Send us your hymn suggestions by Wednesday, October 25, so we can prepare. Take a break for lunch and come back to church to sing!

Sunday, October 29 at 1:30 p.m.


St Theresa’s Roman Catholic, Knox Presbyterian, First Baptist, and St John the Evangelist Anglican - are once again bringing the four congregations together for an evening of reflection, sharing, learning, singing, and fellowship. We will keep All Saints Day together. You are invited as we compare how our four traditions approach and celebrate saints. Ask questions and think about the saints in your life. We invite your ideas for future collaboration! Hosted by First Baptist Church at Elgin & Laurier - Enter off Laurier through the accessible doors marked Main Entrance. Wednesday, November 1, 7:00 p.m.


Reading of the Names: Sunday, November 5, 10:15 a.m.


This Quiet Day is a one-day retreat for the practice of silence and stillness. Silence and stillness are key elements for contemplation in all religious traditions. The day will include two sessions of centering prayer with introductory comments for persons who are not familiar with this type of contemplation to learn the simple basics. It will also include a session of lectio divina, an ancient form of bible reading. This will be followed by periods of silence.

This is not a conference. Except for the bible study, participants will remain silent in silent prayer.

For more information and to register, please contact the Reverend Garth Bulmer HERE.

Let us know if you need transportation. Bring a bag lunch. $15/person.

Location: St Mary Magdalene Anglican Church - Chelsea, Quebec.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - 9:30 - 3:30 P.M.



Thanks to Mary Ann Varley for the poster. There are copies at the back of the church, and we encourage you to share it with your friends and neighbours. If you can help by taking it around to Centretown businesses, please contact Brian Cameron. Watch our social media for updates, and plan to join us on November 25!




Last Sunday after the 10:15 service, parishioners were invited to hear Rachel Robinson, Executive Director of Belong Ottawa, and Heather Waczyk, Manager of The Well, speak about what is happening with vulnerable populations on the streets of Ottawa, and learn how The Well and other Anglican community ministries are dealing with an unprecedented demand for their services. In the downtown, you will almost certainly have noticed an increase in people sleeping rough, panhandling, using opioids, and behaving in unpredictable and sometimes frightening ways. You will also have read about the high level of food insecurity, reflected in the number of people relying on food banks. The pressure on all social services is being heightened by an influx of asylum seekers, some of whom find help in The Well and our Thrift Shop.

In response, the City of Ottawa has asked The Well if it can increase its hours to include evening meals, and possibly other services. At the meeting on Sunday, parishioners expressed their strong support for all that The Well does, and for its desire to respond to the increased needs in Centretown. However, at this point, neither St. John's nor The Well has firm details about what The Well's expanded operations might include, and what the implications will be for us. We will continue to be in close contact with Belong Ottawa and The Well, and when we know these details, likely very soon, we will share them with you and invite your input.

Brian Cameron on behalf of the Rector & Churchwardens

Readable PDF version here

Our Parish

Gary, Allen, Barb, Kimberly, Kerry, Jesse, Stephen, Brian, Michelle, Jill, and all who minister at St John's. Prayers for those in need: Robin.

Our Diocese

  • Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
  • Parish of Mattawa; St. Alban's Mattawa; St. Margaret's Rutherglen; The Reverend David Shields

Anglican Church of Canada

The Rt. Rev. Leslie Wheeler-Dame, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Yukon.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

The president, faculty, students, and staff of Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon.


The Anglican Communion - Pray for Angicans Worldwide

The Anglican Church of Melanesia.

Parish Prayer Group

If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:


Third Quarter Donation Statements


This year the Third Quarter Statements will be distributed with the Stewardship packages. The Third Quarter Statement summarizes all donations directly to St. John’s (by category) from Jan. 1, 2023 to Oct 7, 2023. It does not include donations to St John’s through Canada Helps. Please review the statement for accuracy and contact Peggy Lister, Envelope Secretary if you have any questions ( or call the church office to leave a message). 



 154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8


The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector

The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant 

Barbara Hallam-Price, Interim Organist

Kimberly Johnson-Breen, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator  

Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden

Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden

Brian Cameron, People's Warden 

Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden

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