Cultivating Connections

March 2024

👀 A peak behind the scenes 👀

The logistics of how the food we eat actually gets from a farm to your plate is one of the lesser known sides of our food system. A tapestry of humans, coolers and vehicles is required for the majority of the food we eat. One of the ACORN Food Hub's missions is to bring transparency and increased food access to our community. Thank you for being part of this journey as we continue to expand our capacity and impact on our local food shed.

Join us in welcoming our NEW producers to the online market!

🥬 Spring Greens are Here! 🥬

Spring means greens!

We've got pounds of sweet spinach, luscious kale, herby herbs and snappy scallions to put a little pep in your spring step.

This week we've got everything you need for Taco Tuesday!

  • Vermont Tortilla Company 6" Corn Tortillas
  • Squier Family Farm Ground Beef
  • Dutchess Farm Seconds Sweet Potatoes
  • Head Over Fields Cilantro
  • New Leaf Organics Spinach
  • Champlain Valley Creamery Queso Fresco

The market is open every Friday 12pm - Monday 10am.

You, our community members, are our second largest group of buyers. Thank you for buying local, and for recommending us to your neighbors and friends. We now offer delivery service to select locations. Inquire if we serve your area. $100 order minimum applies to delivery orders.

🍯 More Food News 🍯

If Montreal Can Feed Itself Year-Round, More Cities Can (Modern Farmer)

Food Security in Vermont: Roadmap to 2035 (Vermont Farm to Plate)

The Flavors of Maple Syrup Grades Explained (Shelburne Farms)

Move to sustainable food systems could bring $10tn benefits a year, study finds (The Guardian)

Volunteer at our Second Working Bee

Join us tomorrow, Saturday, March 29, for a Working Bee at Singing Cedars Farmstead in Orwell from 10am-2pm. We'll assist with tomato planting and bed prep inside and outside of high tunnels/greenhouses. Expect activities with moderate workload in a semi-outdoor environment. We recommend to dress warmly and with layers! Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by emailing Lilah so we have an accurate head count for lunch!

Veggie + Flower CSA Sign-Ups are Open!

Green & Gold (Sudbury)

Sweet Roots Farm (Charlotte)

Last Resort Farm (Monkton)

Trillium Hill Farm (Hinesburg)

Stone's Throw Farmstead's Flower Share (Shrewsbury)

Four Blooms Farm Bouquet CSA (Bristol)

Resources for Growers and Producers

🍳 Throughout the Year, Buy Local 🍳

ACORN's Online Market now has eggs from Cutting Hill Beef Farm in Cornwall!

Local eggs from happy chickens!

Cultivate Community (Events)!

We appreciate you being part of our community.

Cheers to spring sunshine! ☀️

Lindsey, Jess, Lilah and the ACORN Board


We are loving The Salt Stones, a new blog on Substack written by Vermont farmer Helen Whybrow of The Knoll Farm in Waitsfield. Farmstead poetic ruminations at their finest. /