For the week ending

February 24, 2023

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Join us for worship

February 25, 2024

The Second Sunday in Lent

Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers.

This Sunday we are going to depart from our usual worship: In observance of the season of Lent, we will be using the more penitential Rite I, rather than our usual Rite II. Older members may recognize the more archaic language of Sunday's litany, and that there will now be the invitation to kneel in many places. (Please adapt this invitation to your own physical needs.)

If you'd like to know more about why we are using Rite I during the season of Lent, join us for Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Adult Forum

February 25, 2024 9:00 a.m.

Rite I and Rite II - Lent

What's with all the thees and thines? Gain a deeper understanding of why we are using Rite I this Lenten season, rather than the more contemporary Rite II.

In the current Adult Form series, we continue our exploration of Holy Eucharist Rites I and II as we lead into a contemplation of Lent.

Striving for Justice: February 25 at St. Nicholas

The date for CVEM’s Striving for Justice presentation at St. Nicholas about the Harris County Community Remembrance Project will be Sunday, February 25 at 4:00 p.m.

For both this session and the March 25 meeting, we will discuss the Equal Justice Initiative's Community Remembrance Project, which is an effort to locally memorialize and educate communities on victims of racial violence. In February, Harris County representatives will discuss their Community Remembrance Project, and in March, Muscogee County will do the same. 

The Afternoon Tea is Sold Out!

Thanks to all who bought tickets. We're looking forward to a lovely time, and appreciate everyone's support of St. Nicholas.

See you on Saturday!

Prayer Requests

Your prayers are asked for Dwight New; for the continuing recovery of Gene Wells and Jewell Wells; and for Ashley Patel.

Easter Flowers

The season of Lent brings the opportunity to donate toward an abundance of joyful altar flowers at Easter.

Donate in honor or in memory of a loved one, in gratitude for a blessing in your life, or for any reason you like. Donors will be noted in the Easter service bulletin.

Envelopes are available in the narthex, or you may donate through Vanco here.

New Policy on Electronic Giving Fees

If you donate to St. Nicholas using Vanco, you may be accustomed to not seeing the full amount you gave reflected on your giving statement, because the Vanco transaction fees were deducted from the full amount.

With the arrival of our new accounting software and the development of new procedures to go with it, we are now able to give donors full credit for the amount given. So beginning this week, if you give Vanco $100, you will see $100 credited to your giving record.

That said, those fees are not disappearing; it's just that the church will be absorbing that cost as overhead. So we do appreciate everyone who gives a little extra to offset the church's expense!

If you have any questions, please contact Erin in the church office.

First Sunday Brunch

If you are interested in hosting a First Sunday Brunch, remember to sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. There is a separate sheet in the narthex to RSVP to attend each brunch.

Adopt-a-Family Update

We recently heard from the grandmother whose family we adopted at Christmas. She happily reported that 'they had the best Christmas they have ever had, thanks to St. Nicholas. The grandchildren under her care were thrilled with their gifts and so proud to have new clothes and shoes to wear to school. 

Thank you to all who participated in this outreach. We made a difference in the lives of these children. 

A Big Thank You

to David and Katherine Johnson, who made donations to the Rector's Discretionary Fund in celebration of their special occasion.

The Rector's Discretionary Fund is one of the ways we at St. Nicholas share the love of Christ in our community, by helping our neighbors with their utility bills.

You can make a celebratory donation using the envelopes in the narthex.

From Hannah at GIPL:

I pray you are having a wonderful February! If you missed Tuesday's Roundtable or just want to watch it again, find a recording HERE (no password needed) or watch it in our Green Team Facebook Group.


Rosaleen Xiong, Georgia Interfaith Power and Light's program fellow, led a discussion around "Coping with Eco-Distress." Together, the group explored the connections between environmental loss and spiritual distress, and ways faith communities can help individuals and groups channel and cope with this grief. Rosaleen's presentation may be found HERE

GIPL Action Alert: Save the Okefenokee Swamp

Our five-year fight to stop strip mining near the Okefenokee Swamp has reached a critical stage!


Earlier this month, Georgia's Environmental Protection Division (EPD) issued draft permits for Twin Pines, LLC to mine titanium along Trail Ridge—a vital barrier protecting this Sacred Place! Scientists and other experts agree mining in this location will threaten the swamp’s water levels, increase wildfire risks, harm wildlife, and release toxic contaminants into nearby surface and groundwater.


We have just 60 days to make as much noise as possible to stop this development. Join us in calling on Gov. Kemp and the EPD to deny these permits by sending them an email.

Click here to act.

Click the image above to read the latest news from The Episcopal Church Press Office.

Click the image above for an update on the 81st General Convention.

Visit our website

The minutes for the January meeting of the vestry are available by clicking here.