February 9, 2024

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February 12 â€” STEM Fair, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Kings High School Gymnasium.

February 13 â€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

February 16 â€” NO SCHOOL, In-Service Day.

February 19 â€” NO SCHOOL, Presidents Day.

February 20 â€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

February 21 â€”Elementary STEAM Fair, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., South Lebanon Elementary.

February 27 â€” Community Information Night, 7:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.

Looking Ahead...

March 8 â€” End of 3rd Quarter.

March 19 â€” Election Day.

March 25 - April 1 â€” NO SCHOOL, SPRING BREAK.

More event information can be found at:

2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Knight Nation News is a weekly publication from the Kings Local School District. If you know someone who isn't receiving it but would like to, click here to subscribe.

Kings Bond Update

Thank you to the community members who joined us for our first Community Information Night last night! We know that there were a lot of events that took place at the same time. If you couldn't make it last night, another opportunity to learn more about the upcoming bond issue, facilities plan, new high school solution, and District financial information is on Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 p.m.

The Kings Local School District has placed a Bond Issue on the March 19 primary ballot. If approved by the community, the bond Issue would fund a new Kings High School and an addition at Columbia Intermediate, addressing the overcapacity challenges throughout the District. 

Are you wondering how much the bond will cost? Kings Treasurer, Mike Morrow has made it easy for you to figure that out. Visit the Kings NOW page on our website and you will find the step-by-step instructions on finding your true property value. Once you find that number, you can enter it into a bond calculator on our website that will give you your estimated actual bond impact if the bond passes.

As you see below, the bond language will say 5.971 mills, but due to creative financing and debt payoff, the actual bond impact to the property owner will be 3.5 mills; which is $123 annually per $100,000 home.

We will continue to keep you informed. If you have any questions regarding school finance, please contact Kings Treasurer, Mike Morrow at

Please visit the Kings Facilities Page on the Kings website to learn more.  

National School Counseling Week

National School Counseling Week focuses public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. the week, sponsored by American School Counselor Association, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.

National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February. As families know, our school counselors can have a tremendous impact on our schools, helping students achieve and plan for a life and career beyond high school. 

From our youngest learners to graduating seniors, our Kings school counselors and therapists work with all students to remove barriers to learning by addressing academic concerns, exploring career options, and helping students build social and emotional skills over their years at Kings. Counselors provide much-needed resources and support for students' families, teachers, and administrators, too.

Many thanks to Kim Sellers, Heidi Murray, Alex Garvin, Chris Griffin, Erika Volker, Kelly Saleeba, Lauren Wise, Megan Apple, Erin Hackman, Bekah Issacs, Dave Winebrenner, Keri Perdrix, Emily Sander, and Tom Snyder. Let's not forget our awesome Therapy Dogs, Gily, Raven, and Ollie!

Kings Athletics National Signing Day

Ten Kings High School seniors participated in National Signing Day by signing letters of intent to commit to competing at the intercollegiate level next year.

The ceremony occurred on Wednesday, February 7, at Kings High School. It is an honor to celebrate excellence and the upcoming opportunities for our Kings student-athletes. These athletes have been leaders in their sport, classroom, and in our community. They have left a legacy at Kings that will impact many future teams.

These ten athletes represent six sports and include all collegiate divisions. The athletes who signed on National Signing Day are:

Brennen Newhouse - Bowling - Thomas More University

Ryan Gulbransen - Baseball - Western Texas College

Braden Laker - Baseball - University of Rio Grande Athletics

Sam Thomas - Cross Country & Track - Ashland University

Will Ballard - Swimming - Providence College Friars

Faith Rudowski - Swimming - The University of Toledo

Madeline Hartke - Soccer - Ohio Dominican University

Melissa Mwaura - Soccer - Purdue University Northwest

Ella Sills - Soccer - Wilmington College

Kassie Ingram - Basketball - Canisius University

Less than 7% of high school athletes go on to play a sport competitively in college. This takes great focus, perseverance, commitment, attitude, leadership, and more.

We wish all of the outstanding Kings High School student-athletes much luck in their college careers!

Kings Music Program Well Represented at OMEA State Conference

Both the Kings Junior High and Kings High School Jazz Bands performed at the Ohio Music Educators Association State Conference last Friday at the Columbus Convention Center.

There were just over thirty performing ensembles chosen to perform at the prestigious conference. The KJH Jazz Band was the only middle school band chosen to perform from the entire state. The KHS Jazz Band was one of three high school bands selected to perform, both directed by Kings Jazz teacher, Joe Polen

Additionally, several Kings singers were selected to perform as members of the OMEA Elementary All-State Choir. Those students are Kaili Kennedy, Hanlin Wei, Addison Heilmann, Abbie Ksander, Jonathan Kennedy, and Fiona Wang. The Kings singers and fourteen others from Southwest Ohio were prepared for the concert by CIS Music teacher, Carolyn Dillon. KHS sophomore Kaiser Ashby also performed on bari sax with the All-State Jazz Band.

Additionally, KHS Choir Director, Hope Milthaler presented a session featuring footage of the KHS Choir and KHS Band Director, Brian McDonough performed and conducted with the Cincinnati Wind Band.

The OMEA Conference is the third largest music conference in the United States with nearly 300 sessions presented by nationally recognized master teachers demonstrating research-based, best practices in the field of music education.

We are very proud of our music educators and our students for showcasing our Kings Music Program at the state level. Congratulations on a job well done!

KECC Preschoolers Visit the Kings Mills Post Office

Students and families from the Kings Early Childhood Center took a wonderful winter walk to the Kings Mills Post Office this week! 

To celebrate Valentine's Day, the students wrote love letters to their families. While at the post office, they took turns purchasing stamps and placing their letters in the mailbox. Everyone is hopeful their valentine will arrive by the 14th!  

KHS Book Club Meet London Author

On Thursday, February 8, the KHS Book Club met virtually with author, John Marrs. The group had just concluded their study of his book, The Passengers.

Marrs, who has sold over 3 million books, joined the Club via Google Meet all the way from London, England. Marrs answered questions from the group about his novel and even gave the group inside intel on plot changes and exclusive news to come. The KHS Book Club’s advisors are Katie Isaacs, and Jen Patterson, who made the Epic interview possible through reaching out to Marrs via social media.

KHS DMA Unveil Art Vending Machine

Kings High School Digital Media Arts teachers Cassandra Barnes and Kelly Shields were at an exhibition in Dayton where they saw an Art Vending Machine. They thought that by bringing this idea to Kings, would allow DMA students to feel recognized and supported by their peers, fostering a sense of community and strengthening social bonds at KHS. 

On Thursday, February 8, the DMA students unveiled the vending machine that they hope will encourage entrepreneurial skills and provide a platform for students to showcase and sell their artistic creations. Overall, they hope that incorporating an art vending machine at Kings High School contributes to a more inclusive, creative, and vibrant learning environment. 

Warren County Career Center funded the purchase of a vending machine, which the teachers transformed into a vibrant space to showcase student art. All items offered in the vending machine feature original artwork from Kings Digital Media Arts Students. Students have turned their artwork into items such as buttons, waterproof stickers, temporary tattoos, notebooks, keychains, and prints. New items will be added throughout the year. 

All money raised from the DMA art vending machine will be used to benefit DMA students in various ways, enhancing their educational experience and well-being such as art scholarships, art supplies and equipment, workshops and guest artists, and art exhibitions and events.

Shields said, "By strategically reinvesting the money raised from the art vending machine, we hope to create a sustainable cycle of support for the Digital Media Arts program at KHS, benefiting current and future generations of students while fostering a culture of creativity and expression within the school community."


Elementary STEAM Showcase

Join us for the Second Elementary STEAM Showcase on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at South Lebanon Elementary.

The Showcase is an opportunity for your child to be involved in the STEAM process. Through a STEAM experiment or a STEAM challenge, students will engage in the Scientific Process by asking a question or will engage in the Engineering Design Process as they try to find a solution to a problem. 

Individuals or small groups are invited to register a project for the Showcase. Each person who participates in the STEAM Showcase will be responsible for creating a board showcasing their project and results.

KJH Mattress Sale Fundraiser

If you are in the market for a new mattress, don't miss Kings Junior High's largest fundraiser of the year!

KJH's 12th Annual Mattress Sale will take place on Saturday, March 2 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the KJH Gymnasium. Every purchase benefits KJH students.

All sizes and styles will be on display. Delivery and financing are available. Clip the coupon from the flyer in Peachjar and receive free microfiber sheets with any purchase of $500 or more.

Kings Choir Family Alumni Celebration

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, more than fifty Kings alumni from all around the country, representing two decades of Kings Choirs, will storm The Castle just to sing together again!

Singers will gather to reunite and rehearse on Friday and Saturday with a culminating performance that includes our current KHS Choir Family at 6:30 p.m. All Kings Choir Alums are invited back home to enjoy the celebration and to join us at Putters after the concert! 

ALUMS: Still want to sign up? Click here to register and receive Dynasty Weekend email updates including an updated roster of who is singing, scores and practice tracks, and itinerary.

Registrations for the Class of 2037 Beginning Soon

Mark your calendar for Kindergarten Registration! The online process begins on March 4 and runs through March 22, 2024. To enroll for kindergarten, your child must turn five by September 30, 2024. More information to follow.

KECC Now Registering for Preschool

Kings Early Childhood Center is your child's first experience in the Kings Local School District. We provide excellent early childhood education and special education services to Kings’ youngest learners.

Our educators are licensed to teach the general education curriculum and most are licensed in early childhood special education. We have an experienced and dedicated staff that delivers exceptional educational opportunities for Kings’ 3-5 year olds. We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education and 5-Star rated, the highest recognition awarded by the Ohio Department of Education. 

Our school provides the highest quality education that sets us apart from surrounding private entities. We implement Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards and are committed to early literacy achievement. We also offer before and after-school care! Spots fill up quickly. Tell your friends and neighbors who have future Knights!  

Registration Information for 2024-2025 can be found on the Kings website.

Contact Sherri Cain, Administrative Assistant, at 513-398-8050, ext. 10042, for additional information.

Calling all Kings Alumni

We are looking to bolster our Kings Alumni database. Are you a Kings High School graduate or know someone who is? Please share the form with your fellow graduates. This will help our reunion committees and keep you updated on what is happening at your alma mater!

Please complete this Alumni Roundup Form.

Kings Board of Education Information

Board Members

Kings Board of Education (L-R): Janelle Groff, Board Member; John Skerl, Board Member; Deb Cowan, Board Member; Stacie Belfrom, President; and Peggy Phillips, Vice-President.

The Board will meet on Tuesday Februaly 13 for a Work Session that begins at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are live-streamed on the Kings Youtube Channel.

Visit the Board of Education page on our website for meeting dates, meeting recordings, and agendas.

District Online Spiritwear Store

If you are looking to purchase Kings Spiritwear, visit the Kings Online Spiritwear Store provided by our partner ROKKITWEAR. All items will be printed and sent out within 5 business days! You can also personalize any item in the store!

Keep in touch with all things Kings Spiritwear by following our Facebook page!

Digital Flyers

In an effort to be "green," the District does not send paper flyers home. We use a platform called Peachjar that houses flyers of community programs and resources. 

Parents receive approved flyers via email, and they are posted on our digital flyerboard for easy retrieval. Any organization can distribute information to our community by creating an account!

If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

In case you missed it on social media...

Congratulations on a job well done to the Kings High School Counseling Department who pulled off an amazing Opportunities Fair for all KHS students on Thursday. The students had the opportunity to visit nearly 70 different vendors from a variety of career fields.

We went LIVE on Facebook during the event. Check it out here.

Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 

If you aren't following Kings Athletics on Facebook and Twitter, or Instagram, you're missing out on some of the great things our student-athletes are doing!

Like and follow them today!

Knight to Remember - Vegas Style

Please join the Kings Athletic Booster Club for their annual gala fundraiser, Knight To Remember on Saturday, March 9 at the Marriott Hotel NE. This event supports our KINGS student-athletes! This year's event is sponsored by Sonder Brewing. The evening will begin with a cocktail hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m., followed by dinner, live & and silent auctions, a reverse raffle, and dancing!

This year's theme is VEGAS KNIGHTS and you are encouraged to dress in your favorite VEGAS attire.

Not able to attend? You can still participate in our online silent auction by registering for a GiveSmart account. Auction items will begin to appear on the site as we get closer to the event. 

Tickets on sale through Feb. 29. Purchase tickets and register now for KABC's biggest night of the year!

Please email Sara Ritter at if you have any questions or if your business is interested in being a sponsor or donating to our live or silent auction!

Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
click here to subscribe.

Kings Website

Did you know that our Kings website is supported financially by local business advertisements? This allows the District to save between $20,000-$30,000 per year in website hosting fees.

Special thanks to the following businesses for their support -

Showbiz Dance Academy, Donatos Pizza, Shine Orthodontics, Hickman Orthodontics, Peoples Bank, Worthington Industries, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition, Car X Tire & Auto, Sharefax Credit Union, Frankart Family Dentistry, Grace Rec, Kings Dental, and Panera Bread.

If you or someone you know would be interested in supporting our website please click here.

Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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